I do not want too much to enter in all this discussion but it is just hypocrite to say that Kaino is on his feet (even more if you look at the whole action on the youtube link above, Kaino is staying way too long in this position, he should have been penalised...) .
Please show me the Law reference that limits the number of seconds a player is allowed to have his hands on the ball
I post again, and in case you do not read English very well, here is Law 16.4 (b) in French
(b) Un joueur ne doit pas jouer le ballon à la main dans une mêlée spontanée
sauf après un plaquage s’il est sur ses pieds et avait les mains sur le ballon avant que ne se forme la mêlée spontanée.
Sanction : coup de pied de pénalité[/TEXTAREA]
and in English
(b) Players must not handle the ball in a ruck
except after a tackle if they are on their feet and have their hands on the ball before the ruck is formed.
Sanction: Penalty kick[/TEXTAREA]
You see, there is no time limit.
There is no way his legs supporting him with his position. That is the only penalty which was enough close from the post and which could have been the end of the final for the Blacks.
Utter Rubbish, you can't see that, and nor can I! but Joubert can because he has a better angle and is a lot closer.
The Rougerie kick is totally valid as there was 2 ABs offside in the ruck and the ball was out of the ruck.
More utter rubbish. A player bound to ruck, or bound into a ruck by other players, cannot be offside at the ruck, otherwise everyone in the ruck would be offside.
Rougerie was NOT bound into the ruck. The red line is the offside line
He became offside the moment he stepped forward. If he was allowed
to do that, then why are the rest of his team-mates still lined up on
the offside line?
There he is, offside, and the ball is still in the ruck. Penalty kick to
New Zealand right there in that photo.