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RWC 2011 Demo - Your thoughts?

Here are my random thoughts on the demo - played 4 games now;

Non game play:
Game graphics are definitely an improvement but not by a big margin - overall it feels more like a next gen console game rather than 08 (which seemed much more like the XBOX version)
Game sound also improved - like the theme music as its what ITV use for the RWC, I didn't hear chants, etc. - and the game does not appear to have the crowd volume changes as the game ebbs & flows as seen in other games
Commentary is still limited - perhaps will be better in the final version but not expecting much
Overall presentation is still poor compared to other XBOX sports games

Perhaps I'm a Luddite - I can not play with the side on view, never have. I can't rate this game properly until we get the end-on view (oh, and all the time like 06, not switching for restarts and punt penalties like 08) - I also want the zoomed out view options to see overlaps/3 on 2, etc better
I like the new indications on rucks on winning possession - although I seem to be giving away too many penalties at the ruck.
Support play is not good - Tindall breaks the line, he's clear and there's no support - Come on this is Tindall! there would be support players.
I can't seem to get good quick ball and numbers advantage by playing a couple of forward drives
Mauls don't happen frequent enough to draw in defenders - this has been same as 08
Set-plays seem better and work more often - I usually didn't bother in 08
CPU still seems to be able to streak through your entire team at times
Who needs to see replays of conversions and penalty kicks!
Break tackles seem to happen a bit too frequently - I've seen both player and CPU break 3 tackles running through the bunch of players - perhaps this is because we're playing with international players
Line out controls - don't like the basic version but I am sure this will be different on the final version on different settings
Worst of all:
Steyn broke the line, tackled in-goal but during the touch-down sequence dropped the ball in the tackle (clearly no grounding), ball went backwards (e.g. back over try-line to in-play). My player dives on it, should be my ruck to win. But NO, try awarded!!!!!!
It was the worst error I think I've seen in all the EA Rugby games - the developers need to take this as a bug report and see what happened.

It's nothing over 08 - and as I play 08 on a top-spec. media PC hooked-up over HDMI at 1080i to a 50" plasma :)
Perhaps I'm not seeing the improvements others do on an XBOX

Ok,it not what we all hoped for, but we should probably all be grateful that we are getting an updated game on the XBOX 360 & PS3 with some improvements

Like it or not - rugby is a minority sport globally - esp. as far as games consoles go. I hate saying this but it's true. At least we're better off that RL/AFL/GAA fans who aren't going to see much better (or anything) for their favourite sport

Final Comment
Of course I'll buy Rugby 2011 - and RWC also (assuming I can get an NTSC version as I have a US console).
But I have every rugby game since International Rugby on the Spectrum inc. C64/Amiga/Xbox/PC/PS2, etc so not really an endorsement


I will spend most of my Autumn playing NCAA Football 2012 - this is everything that I would want Rugby 2011 to be in terms of game quality, sound, atmosphere, game options, sub-games, online play & integration

Don't know how many of you have this (or would like college American football) but if you can give that a go
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Liking it so far but VERY, VERY EA08. Looking forward to full version on 26th?

Gonna try it on the home cinema thats just been finished...


nice but why do you have air conditioning in Wales???
will you be able to charge down conversions in the actual game & will the computer calculate there is no way in hell they are going to stop you from scoreing a try and stop chasing?
will you be able to charge down conversions in the actual game & will the computer calculate there is no way in hell they are going to stop you from scoreing a try and stop chasing?

No one in real life should EVER stop chasing!!! LOL :D
guys. The animation for players near the touchline.when the ball is close to touchline they don't stop,pick the ball up and run they just carry on with their running,pick the ball up and then run into touch which sucks. Also I played 4 players last night(2 VS 2) and sometimes you just can't select a player no matter how many times you tap player change button. Also is seems like if there is a penalty between 10m line and half line the mark for the penalty is given on the half line,in the middle ? Anyone else with this problem ?
WTF is up with conceding a penalty in the opposition half and then they get a penalty right on half way. Happened loads of times now, it's a huge bug.
WTF is up with conceding a penalty in the opposition half and then they get a penalty right on half way. Happened loads of times now, it's a huge bug.

yeah it sucks.I tackled a guy on the 22m, then the penalty was given on halfway..Stupid bug
Quite like the demo wish we had more choice of teams, (mainly cause I'm Welsh and playing as England is punishible by death) gameplay had a few bugs but then again they'll fix them in time for the final product (hopefully)
One thing I love is the dummy pass, it is really effective much better from 08
yeh the dummy pass is much better feels easier and quicker to do than before. Still not liking sideview but that'll all be sorted on release day. The biggest selling point for me is the Online mode because I'm finally gonna find out I'm not that good at it :p

@dangandan - Yup no need for A/C in Wales but the place is in Florida
yeh the dummy pass is much better feels easier and quicker to do than before. Still not liking sideview but that'll all be sorted on release day. The biggest selling point for me is the Online mode because I'm finally gonna find out I'm not that good at it :p

@dangandan - Yup no need for A/C in Wales but the place is in Florida

Ha, ha great, I live in Florida!! What city?. Time to set up a tournament.:)
Ah I can see you're in Orlando too. Yeh this place is in Davenport. I'll be there in a couple of weeks, travel back n for quite often. We got a few villas out there so if anyone's interested in renting out one inbox me - 2 of them have just had them cinemas put in. PLUG OVER
I'm torn after playing the demo - i've played it a lot over the weekend to give it a fair crack but I think I'm leaning towards disappointment more than anything. I don't Mind that the gameplay is largely the same as 08, i can excuse the graphics and i even like the rucking system that has been implemented. What I'm disappointed about is that the little problems (exploits galore, static ball runners, superman tackles,bunching of players, bizarre advantage rules etc) haven't been addressed in the slightest and those things really detract from the game for me. The game is a million times better against a human opponent, but it quickly slides into cheap tactics ie launching superman tackles at the first five repeatedly, stepping through the entire forward pack near the ruck for easy Metres, running sideways to lure the ai defenders miles away from the defensive lines etc. It doesn't make the game any less fun necessarily but it detracts from the game so much I didn't feel like I was playing rugby at all. Yes, after a while we Made a gentleman's agreement not to do those things but the reality is I shouldn't have to impose those rules, the exploits shouldn't be in there in the first place. I think online play will become very annoying and cheap. for those reasons. Full credit to hb for making the game on a shoestring budget but I'm really disappointed they haven't addressed any of the issues with the core gameplay. I thought this would have been a big priority for them even with limited resources. Sorry for the formatting in this post my phone won't register paragraphs when i post on forums.
Anyone played this on PS3? I haven't seen it available on the PSN in Canada yet...
Could someone please give me a headsup when the demo is available for free on xbox live. (not gold)

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