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Has the demo changed your mind???

How has the demo changed your mind?

  • I was planning on buying RWC 2011 but not anymore

    Votes: 99 41.8%
  • I wasn't planning on buying RWC 2011 but now will

    Votes: 8 3.4%
  • I was planning on buying RWC 2011 and still will

    Votes: 90 38.0%
  • I wasn't planning on buying RWC 2011 and still wont

    Votes: 40 16.9%

  • Total voters
The pictures were to showcase the new license, not to "show off the cool graphics" - they show the new licensed jerseys in the context of the game
It's interesting for people to see them - Otherwise it's just a block of text about it - it adds a bit of razzmatazz to the announcements :p
haven't played the demo seeing that i'm in SA and Sony f'ed-up again... regardless of the demo will still buy RWC2011.

all you cheapskates out there who won't buy it, just remember, you're kinda funding the studios to make more, hopefully better rugby games than it's predecessors, so go ahead, don't buy it, then don't come crying like a little ***** if you have to wait another 4 years for the next rugby game...

demo or no demo, i will still buy this game as well as Rugchug!!

dude read through the posts here im in SA and i got it

RWC 2011 Demo - Official Announcement

Read from post #380 or so
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The pictures were to showcase the new license, not to "show off the cool graphics" - they show the new licensed jerseys in the context of the gameIt's interesting for people to see them - Otherwise it's just a block of text about it - it adds a bit of razzmatazz to the announcements :p
True. But every1 knows that they licenced every team except for the abs and ozs. They were just stringing us along
U actually seem like the only sound mod on this forum since all the other guys r just pricks. Cheers

You seem to think that's the way to speak about people who haven't spoken of you in such a way, please don't. I don't care if it's about mods or members, if you use that kind of language again your post will have to be deleted and due to us not being able right now to continually run around reminding people to be fair to each other we may have to ban you.

It's not something any of us want to do. You can have a negative view of Rugby World Cup, by all means. Or if people for some reason have a negative view of an aspect of RC, then that's fine too.

It's just when people who do have either view spend some of their posts on telling others that they have made a foolish decision to like what they like, or to call them things such as you have, then that is what we are trying to steer people away from doing.

Please feel free to state in detail the things you don't like or do like about either game, no problem. Just lay off the kind of things I'm talking about.

I've spent this time trying to help, so there is no infraction or ban. So you can post your views. :)
Poll results are interesting, would like to know HBs interpretation and whether the demo was a good move. Sure its got people talking about it, though the number that have been turned off is very high
Not really..

Rather it looks like the same people who cancelled their pre-orders before the demo came out somehow found another way to cancel their pre-orders AGAIN after the demo came out.
havent played the demo and still buying... wish that option was there lol.
Okay so when I first started playing the game it was 2/10. The best was about 6/10 vs AI. But I think I know what they have been working on.. Mutiplayer. Wow all the stupid faulty things of rugby 08,is fixed now. Really after playing multiplayer the whole last night I love this game now. Thanks HB and 505
Pre-ordered this game long time ago, will not be cancelling me pre-order because of the demo - why? Because if everyone here really love rugby/rugby gaming then HBStudios/505 games & Sidhe/HES need all the support in order to churn out more games in the future.

I have realised that complaining about this and that so near the release of this game will not impact on the game and am just looking forward to playing two rugby games in the next 5 or so weeks.
You know what, the AI sucks so playing the computer will be boring. But try this on multi player and it's actually pretty awesome. Online could save this game. I only ever play sports games against actual people, definitely a better challenge and makes it way more fun, doubly so for this game.
It's time to scrap the arrows... you don't need arrows for direction (eg fifa, sure a rugby game can work out the same thing).. and lineouts, scrums and set plays should take tips from american football games like madden... maybe a pre game set play list for defence and attack... and then choose them from a quick list in the game... anyway the rest of the game is pretty average... nothing feels real... the angle of the screen is annoying in defence... there is no flow in attacking... you make a break and the defence runs faster than the supporting players.. which really are not supporting... I think both hb and sidhe should join and just make one really good game
haven't played the demo seeing that i'm in SA and Sony f'ed-up again... regardless of the demo will still buy RWC2011.

all you cheapskates out there who won't buy it, just remember, you're kinda funding the studios to make more, hopefully better rugby games than it's predecessors, so go ahead, don't buy it, then don't come crying like a little ***** if you have to wait another 4 years for the next rugby game...

demo or no demo, i will still buy this game as well as Rugchug!!

*cough* Rugby Challenge *cough*

If you don't buy the game, then HB will go bust and will leave Sidhe with a chance to reproduce another rugby game NEXT YEAR, not in 5 years time, with things learned from their FIRST EVER rugby game improved and all the licences/competitions.

If you buy it, HB will stay in buisness, take 08 out of their dusty cupboard in 4 years, copy it onto a new disc and stick a 'RWC 2015' label on it, and expect you to buy it. :/ Sorry, it's the truth
*cough* Rugby Challenge *cough*

If you don't buy the game, then HB will go bust and will leave Sidhe with a chance to reproduce another rugby game NEXT YEAR, not in 5 years time, with things learned from their FIRST EVER rugby game improved and all the licences/competitions.

If you buy it, HB will stay in buisness, take 08 out of their dusty cupboard in 4 years, copy it onto a new disc and stick a 'RWC 2015' label on it, and expect you to buy it. :/ Sorry, it's the truth

Right, wrong or in-between, it's an opinion, not the truth.
Its harsh to judge a demo but that was sh*te, Rugby challenge looks like it has more depth plus unlicensed 6 nations so ill be picking that up but im sure they will build on this and make a better game next time. <_<
In his opinion, its the truth. In your opinion its not an opinion and not the truth. :p

In my opinion it is an opinion. I believe truth is quite often a perspective of personal belief based on personal experience and information received. Instances where even personal beliefs are not sufficient to be any kind of truth whatsoever (personal or otherwise) are the clear cases of established and proven immutable fact.

Still, that's just an opinion.
You know what, the AI sucks so playing the computer will be boring. But try this on multi player and it's actually pretty awesome. Online could save this game. I only ever play sports games against actual people, definitely a better challenge and makes it way more fun, doubly so for this game.

Harder difficulties are said to be, well harder :p TRF guys took on Fiji in medium as Ireland and for the got taken to pieces by them for the 1st 50mins I think, was 29 - 10 to Fiji. The had a comeback though, still lost 29 - 26 though.
Loved it....very similar to the older ***les but it looks far nicer and feels far superior to the older games...chip kick is a lovely addition and I love the new ruck mechanic. the animations being the same is a tad dissapointing but the big hits are always entertaining....

Currently sitting pretty on a 5-0 win streak against my mates too...trf better watch out ;)

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