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RWC 2011 Demo - Your thoughts?

No mayor improvements? Damn! That was the thing I liked most about Rugby '08, the mayor! Why hasn't his hat and moustache been improved???

I guess you've made your mind up though, mayor or no mayor. Well, we'll see you again next time there's an election.

You know if all this feedback is really driving you that much up the wall maybe stay away from the feedback till you play the game tomorrow. Your not doing yourself any favours for the RWC community by making such comments

As the quote goes,

Is it better to ignore a fool or give him the attention he craves?
You know if all this feedback is really driving you that much up the wall maybe stay away from the feedback till you play the game tomorrow. Your not doing yourself any favours for the RWC community by making such comments

As the quote goes,

Once again agreed. I wonder why he is up so late defending a game that he hasn't played?
Just tried out the hand-off and barge (thanks to HB_Glen for the tip!) both work well
Also tried out the dummy as well, looks good - not sure whether the AI react to it because I was pretty much running into a brick wall of defenders at the time!

I find dummying left to be quite hard (When plating left to right field wise) since you have both triggers pushed and then have to hit the left shoulder button aswell, wasn't as natural for me but then again I used my index finger to use the left trigger :p

What's the combination for the hand off? Doing 3 consecutive shoulder charges down the sideline with Burger is a lot of fun !
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Iversen is being uber sarcastic on this thread I see. Not that I don't approve...
Here we go again with the old "I'm a consumer... I deserve this, that and the other" slabbering.

@ skonam and the agreeing Jayatron

I understand your thoughts and the idea behind what your saying, but don't come off with this unfair crap.

Even if what you were saying is true (about it being an old game just repackaged - which I disagree with btw), that fact in itself does not make it unfair. They've given you a demo to try before you buy, if you don't like it you don't buy it... it doesn't get much fairer!!!

If they were forcing you into getting it against your will, that'd be unfair. If they kept all previews, reviews and publicity hidden away until the day of release in the hope of duping you to only try it after buying it, then that too would be unfair.

Have you bought the game yet... no? Well then, you're not a consumer in this instance are you?

Also, how can coming on to a forum and openly discussing the decisions they've made and why they've made them in terms of licensing and gameplay etc, appear to you that the developer is treating you (and the gaming community at large) as an idiot?

As I say, I can see why you might be peeved at not getting the game you were perhaps expecting or if its too much like R08 and its predecessors for your tastes... but say that then and stop with the other "unfair" bullshit!
As i have never really had a ps2 i have only played rugby 08 pretty briefly before, so my only realy experience is rugby 06 and it is a nice step up, especially the presentation and graphics. But i feel they have successfully ported this over and not added enough to the game, and too many animations and problems remain. If the game had club teams i would buy it, but it doesn't and only has 20 international teams with very limited game modes. I honestly couldn't believe some of the stuff they were saying about the game in the loading screens after the demo finished. Doubt i will buy the game, may do in the future when the price comes down because £35 is just too much for such a limited game imo. RC will definitely be getting my money. That said i think the game has potential if another was made. Now one has been created for next gen surely they can only improve on gameplay. Some stuff like my forwards regularly side stepping a number of players frustrated me too. Sheridan sidestepping 3 players in a row isn't the most realistic thing i have seen! And forwards were regularly doing it. It was actually harder for backs to sidestep which i found weird.

I can't see this game selling well to be honest, after RC comes out anyway. Not enough has been added to this game. And i feel it is similar to the rugby 06 -> rugby 08 debacle where we saw a slight improvement but not much. Commentary from the NZ lot was horrendous too. Will try the next lot later. I will play the demo again, and would buy the game if it was priced at something like £20 but £35 for a general repackage with incredibly limited game modes just isn't for me or for most people i imagine. Anyone who thinks this is a big step up is kidding themselves and is a bit dim. Unless you have quite a lot of money to spend i would highly question buying the game at the current price. Key factor is no longetivity imo.

All i see is a load of sarcy comments from the admins/mods of trf. You guys think the game is actually worth the £35?!?! Or are you just giving it good reviews as you are apparently publicising it?

i completely agree, im not sure why so many people on this forum are rating this game so highly. it is just a repackage really and that is summed up when you said that it LOOKS better but doesnt really play better, i think the sheer depth of RC will be getting my money, esp as the gameplay trailers and new mechanics look really good. and i agree with your point on sarcastic comment aswell
You know if all this feedback is really driving you that much up the wall maybe stay away from the feedback till you play the game tomorrow. Your not doing yourself any favours for the RWC community by making such comments

As the quote goes,

Is it better to ignore a fool or give him the attention he craves?

I'm really not sure if I should give you any attention after that quote. :lol:

I'm quite entitled to my view, everyone who's panning the game or liking it is. So am I. Was just having a laugh about his mayoral typo. As my view was that it was funny. :D Should I suppress my views to please you, but you not suppress yours?

I'm not doing myself any favours? What would I type that'd do me any favours? I'm not too worried about favours thanks. They can be dirty, dirty things! ;)
I find dummying left to be quite hard (When plating left to right field wise) since you have both triggers pushed and then have to hit the left shoulder button aswell, wasn't as natural for me but then again I used my index finger to use the left trigger :p

What's the combination for the hand off? Doing 3 consecutive shoulder charges down the sideline with Burger is a lot of fun !
Press the stick "away" from the defence

So if you're scoring to the right of the screen, and you're running towards the camera, you're press left
The way I try to think of it is that pressing the stick towards the defence lowers to shoulder to hit them, left leans away for the hand off

It's hard to explain in words, but if you try it a few times hopefully it'll make sense :lol:
The 2012 TRFie winner for most sarcasm in a thread. Also strong nominee for best WUM Winder Upper
WUMing the WUMs....it's WUMception!
Iversen is being uber sarcastic on this thread I see. Not that I don't approve...

Hey I don't have a demo yet (Ps3 owner). I have too much free time, and a lot of moaning going on that's not coming from someone of the opposite persuasive gender.
Here we go again with the old "I'm a consumer... I deserve this, that and the other" slabbering.

@ skonam and the agreeing Jayatron

I understand your thoughts and the idea behind what your saying, but don't come off with this unfair crap.

Even if what you were saying is true (about it being an old game just repackaged - which I disagree with btw), that fact in itself does not make it unfair. They've given you a demo to try before you buy, if you don't like it you don't buy it... it doesn't get much fairer!!!

If they were forcing you into getting it against your will, that'd be unfair. If they kept all previews, reviews and publicity hidden away until the day of release in the hope of duping you to only try it after buying it, then that too would be unfair.

Have you bought the game yet... no? Well then, you're not a consumer in this instance are you?

Also, how can coming on to a forum and openly discussing the decisions they've made and why they've made them in terms of licensing and gameplay etc, appear to you that the developer is treating you (and the gaming community at large) as an idiot?

As I say, I can see why you might be peeved at not getting the game you were perhaps expecting or if its too much like R08 and its predecessors for your tastes... but say that then and stop with the other "unfair" bullshit!

you make a good point that in this case it isnt unfair but i was making a general comment. in that case i was aiming more at games such as call of duty, which dont offer demos or multiplayer beta codes to the public and so you buy it in the hope/expectation that it has been changed and improved but in reality it hasnt. my main argument in the case of RWC is that since it has been 4 years since the last rugby game and it is on a ps3 not a ps2, i would expect a much deeper and much more intuitive game, and it isnt, which is not unfair, but disappointing
I'm really not sure if I should give you any attention after that quote. :lol:

I'm quite entitled to my view, everyone who's panning the game or liking it is. So am I. Was just having a laugh about his mayoral typo. As my view was that it was funny. :D Should I suppress my views to please you, but you not suppress yours?

I'm not doing myself any favours? What would I type that'd do me any favours? I'm not too worried about favours thanks. :rolleyes:

At the end of the day your a TRF mod. TRF as in charge of the official forums of this game, if you want to act the ***** go ahead im sure it'll do great to the reputation to the community reputations of this forum and game.
I think something should be said in HB's defence...clearly the developer has time constraints and so has to prioritise what can and can't go into game before release.

My feeling is their initial list of 'features' were whittled down considerably when they realised the challenge of adapting their engine to next gen consoles. I really believe it was a headache for them, and even getting the game to play similar to 08 may have been a difficulty, let alone creating a significant step up. Now they have got a solid platform on next gen consols, I believe the next itirations of the game will focus on introducing new features, improving gameplay, graphics etc. The priorty for this game was to a) to cash in on the world cup b) create a stable game on next gen consols.

So in summary its something for them to build on - this is far from the finished article IMO but we will probably have to wait 2-3 years before we get the kind of game we're looking for. I think its similar to their development cycle for PS2. Remember how awful rugby 04 was? Rugby 05 was a good step up and 06 was all bells and whistles. It'll be the same here.

So going to next gen in a way is a bad thing because it has a sense of 'starting again' but it has to be done.
I think something should be said in HB's defence...clearly the developer has time constraints and so has to prioritise what can and can't go into game before release.

My feeling is their initial list of 'features' were whittled down considerably when they realised the challenge of adapting their engine to next gen consoles. I really believe it was a headache for them, and even getting the game to play similar to 08 may have been a difficulty, let alone creating a significant step up. Now they have got a solid platform on next gen consols, I believe the next itirations of the game will focus on introducing new features, improving gameplay, graphics etc. The priorty for this game was to a) to cash in on the world cup b) create a stable game on next gen consols.

So in summary its something for them to build on - this is far from the finished article IMO but we will probaly have to wait 2-3 years before we get the kind of game we're looking for. I think its similar to their development cycle for PS2. Remember how aweful rugby 04 was? Rugby 05 was a good step up and 06 was all bells and whistles. It'll be the same here.

So going to next gen in a way is a bad thing because it has a sense of 'starting again' but it has to be done.

but they shouldnt have tried to cash in on the world cup with a product that didnt meet expectations IMO, because although it will raise some cash, it will also lose them some of their hardcore fans because they are disappointed/frustrated with an incomplete product, and this may cause some of their fans to switch to rugby challenge
At the end of the day your a TRF mod. TRF as in charge of the official forums of this game, if you want to act the ***** go ahead im sure it'll do great to the reputation to the community reputations of this forum and game.

Now, now, language Timothy! There's no need for anyone to have to miss out on their rhubarb pudding, now is there?

Let's discuss the game. Anymore sidetracking into my moderation skills (or lack thereof) will result in a sternly worded letter to both our parents. :)
I think something should be said in HB's defence...clearly the developer has time constraints and so has to prioritise what can and can't go into game before release.

My feeling is their initial list of 'features' were whittled down considerably when they realised the challenge of adapting their engine to next gen consoles. I really believe it was a headache for them, and even getting the game to play similar to 08 may have been a difficulty, let alone creating a significant step up. Now they have got a solid platform on next gen consols, I believe the next itirations of the game will focus on introducing new features, improving gameplay, graphics etc. The priorty for this game was to a) to cash in on the world cup b) create a stable game on next gen consols.

So in summary its something for them to build on - this is far from the finished article IMO but we will probably have to wait 2-3 years before we get the kind of game we're looking for. I think its similar to their development cycle for PS2. Remember how awful rugby 04 was? Rugby 05 was a good step up and 06 was all bells and whistles. It'll be the same here.

So going to next gen in a way is a bad thing because it has a sense of 'starting again' but it has to be done.

Hammer... Nail...

Hit it on the head
Game is incredibly addictive. A step up from 08 indeed, some bugs are still evident (the infamous dive/ankle tap bug), but still very very good. So annoying its only 5 mins, 1 half :( :( My brother and I are having some real banter here, some lovely tries being scored (chip kick has made a huge difference). Also the new LB/L1 defense thingy is incredibly useful, my new favorite feature - extremely helpful when switching to fullback as last line of defense.

My experience with the dummies is that there is a "reaction" from the defender, and they do work (not just cosmetic, the defense does get sold if done well).

Gutted i have to go to band practice now :( :( Not good :p Hope you all enjoy your night of playing the demo
Game is incredibly addictive. A step up from 08 indeed, some bugs are still evident (the infamous dive/ankle tap bug), but still very very good. So annoying its only 5 mins, 1 half :( :( My brother and I are having some real banter here, some lovely tries being scored (chip kick has made a huge difference). Also the new LB/L1 defense thingy is incredibly useful, my new favorite feature - extremely helpful when switching to fullback as last line of defense.

My experience with the dummies is that there is a "reaction" from the defender, and they do work (not just cosmetic, the defense does get sold if done well).

Gutted i have to go to band practice now :( :( Not good :p Hope you all enjoy your night of playing the demo

Sounds like you've had fun, you lucky fella you. I'd love to have played it, but that's tomorrow night for me.

I wonder if I'll like it or dislike it, or perhaps somewhere in between. Either way I probably won't say as I'd rather analyse both full games before declaring either one of them any good or bad.

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