Originally posted by C A Iversen+Jun 30 2006, 10:13 AM-->
Originally posted by esoj@Jun 30 2006, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by C A Iversen@Jun 29 2006, 11:20 PM
@Jun 29 2006, 08:56 PM
oh really. so is the game suddenly now playable on the x-box. all the gameplay flaws in the ps2 and pc version have been fixed. if the game has changed that much we should all be asking for a patch or something.
the changes for the x-box sound really gameplay changing don't they
Updated uniforms, sponsors and team lists for the 2006 season
All new live in-game player stats
New Zealand Haka
Widescreen television support
so the rosters are up to date. nz haka is in. can play it on widescreen. and as for these new live stats from reading on the rl 2 forums they pop up in cut scenes. worth paying around another $70-80 if you have the ps2 or pc version not likely
Yes, really. I never said that anything had changed. In fact it's quite possible your right. All I said though, was to ask you (nicely) for you to please stop stating even well informed opinion as fact.
You made a conclusive statement about something you don't know about.
Honestly, if once you can't admit that it was a little bit of a bad call, then I'll have to do a neg rep. I've never done one, and I'll only ever do it if I'm sure I'm 100% on an issue.
If you do one to me on this, I'll see the mods about it being an unfair one.
I'm not trying to bait you or give you a hard time. It's fairly legitimate of me to say that we can't go around saying anything for sure about a product when we don't know 100%. We can all make assertions, but can't claim to know what we don't.
I'm not trying to argue, I just think this is an issue that only the publisher can comment on definitively.
Lets be fair.
I personally think the rep system is a joke and I really don't care about it anymore.
that info was taken straight off the publishers/developers website so it is not my opinion at all it is the publishers/developers opinion.
there is proabbly a .1% chance that the actual gameplay has changed and if anything else has changed beyond those mentioned surely from a pr point of view they would hype them up a lot more.
I am sorry that if posting information off the publisher/developers website offends you and makes you think that I know all about the game. of course nobody knows until someone tries it but has this ever stopped anyone making comments on any other game on this forum. perhaps this should be made into a rule that you can't make any comment about a game until you or someone you know have played it. there can't be 2 sets of rules on this forum one for me and another for everyone else.
Well, at least that wasn't obnoxious. I consider getting you to conceed to even .1% of an issue, any issue, a momentus victory that isn't likely to be repeated in my lifetime.
I'll conceed to sounding like I thought there'd be gameplay changes, even though I never actually said there would be. I was hoping, yet realising that it was unlikely.
The rep system isn't a joke, the scale on which it varies for some individuals is a bit of a joke. Though I can't argue that Kaftka is more popular than me, or Getofmeland, and there has been the equivalent of vote-buying, I still think it works at the opposite end of the spectrum.
Anyone who has been a member for more than a year, posted a lot and struggled to get to double figures, is obviously not thought well of by most people.
That may not matter to the individual, as those types are the whole "The world is wrong, not me" kind of being.
A neg rep to that kind of person is just "petty" "ill-considered" and "ignorant", as the person who did it is just an "idiot" anyway.
The truth is those kind individuals are jerks, and they just don't know it, and never will. [/b]