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Rugby 2012

i reckon o driscoll and chabal...or do an action shot or something like a guy getting absolutely nailed with a tackle
If they can get them, i'd say shane williams and O'Driscoll for the UK . I'll pass on the news (of the rugby game) to Good old Shaney ;) :D :D
I think there is so much to be lent from American football games, pre set moves you could assign to certain buttons & players in the move can be selected during the play to receive the ball on the fly.
Training modes to improve individual or team abilities over the season.
Bonus ability points for your players whose match involvements get rated.

I agree with the need to rid the game of random foul tackles as they should be related to different tackle strengths/aggressiveness chosen by you, as per FIFA game tackling.

There's a Rugby League game due out on the Wii & I just can't see how it can be anywhere near the game play of EA Madden's or FIFA's without the number of buttons that their consoles have (PS & 360)

Either way I am looking forward to the release of any rugby game done by developers who must have respect for the game & listen to what spectators & players of either code want to see in it.
Early versions of the rugby league games always seemed lazy & rushed in terms of realisim & depth of play.
Here's hoping!!
Let's stop making splinter off threads people. I'm not going to have the Rugby 2012 section with 6 pages of threads, I'm trying to keep it down to one page if possible. :(
Rugby management sim

Sorry if this has already been asked........

I notice that HB Studios advertisement for the upcoming rugby games states "the next generation of rugby games" with the emphasis on GAMES, is there going to be a Rugby management style game, I loved Cyanides Pro Rugby Manager but i dont think they are going to produce another, I also love Blackout rugby.

Can anyone help ????
Sorry if this has already been asked........

I notice that HB Studios advertisement for the upcoming rugby games states "the next generation of rugby games" with the emphasis on GAMES, is there going to be a Rugby management style game, I loved Cyanides Pro Rugby Manager but i dont think they are going to produce another, I also love Blackout rugby.

Can anyone help ????

It sounds positive that they state GAMES rather than GAME implying the series will continue AFTER Rugby 2012.
I assume they will just carry on producing the same generic Rugby games rather than specifically Rugby Management style ones.
However, they could well incorporate that aspect more into Rugby 2012 and future games. Many posts identify that the current World League on Rugby 08 is very poor.
I accept that a more engrosssing world league would be awesome but I want to build my own ground and facilities and produce my own players from an academy, building the team up from grass roots, I dont necessarily want to purchase already proven players from the marketplace.

I enjoyed rugby 08 and it was great to purchase my favourite players but sometimes you get more joy from producing your own players.

Am I alone on this one ?
I accept that a more engrosssing world league would be awesome but I want to build my own ground and facilities and produce my own players from an academy, building the team up from grass roots, I dont necessarily want to purchase already proven players from the marketplace.

I enjoyed rugby 08 and it was great to purchase my favourite players but sometimes you get more joy from producing your own players.

Am I alone on this one ?

In an ideal world the Rugby 2012 would include everything you mention.
However, due to EA not funding the development of Rugby 2012 it would be difficult for HB to be able to include things as detailed as "building your own ground and facilities".
I created my own team of created players in Rugby 08 by replacing the Treviso team with my own players. Unfortunately, I think this is the only way you will be able to produce your own players in the next game.
Personally, I felt that by far the biggest and easily the best progression in the series was (I could be wrong on the actual year of the game) Rugby 2006 when the game first made use of the FIFA engine.

Given the polish and maturity of the FIFA game engine on the current gen systems such as ps3 and xbox360, I think Rugby 2012 would be best off to use the current FIFA system as a basis for graphics, physics etc. I sincerely hope this will be the case.

But without EA being on board, will HB have access to the tech of other games since they are from the same studio, or will this be prohibited by EA? Does anyone agree with me on these ideas?
I'm doing this far too early, and quite possibly just setting myself up for disappointment, but I'm gathering data for players I'd like to put in a custom team.
i think the future of full contact sport games will need to have an engine along the lines of the new euphoria engine being used for back breaker.
at the end of the day i think hb will do a good job with it with what they have, its not there 1st rugby game and i look forward to seeing the progress.
Saw this post on FB and it made me laugh!

"Wonder if Dan Parks will still be black in this one? or strettle will have a bald head and wear head tape?"
do they use opta for player stats? if not why? im pretty sure ugo monye is quicker than paul griffin in real life. it would be an easier way of getting accurate stats, and that way josh lewsey could be the pointless whinging little *** he is in real life on the game as well, and not a tackle breaking "star player" monster who is impossible to level, he wasnt even that good back in '03, let alone '08!

accuracy on the player abilities pleeeeease! (basically all london irish players should be amazing (cough))
also, a sligtly different idea, im not sure if they do this in other games, is there a possibility of a photo/video album? like where you have a superstar mode and he progresses through his career, and the team wins trophies etc you could choose moments to add to the photo/video album? it sounds stupid but i like the idea of when your players career ends you see photos of his tries from early in his career, or promotion photos, or the whole team changing as the years progress
last thing for now;

on blackout rugby you can choose the intensity of your teams efforts, eg if its a final they can play "like theres no tomorrow", which tires them out more, makes them more likely to be injured but ups their work rate, and each time you use like theres no tomorrow it becomes less effective. there are three settings, like theres no tomorrow, normal, with next week in mind. This could be good for the more managerial part of the game which you could be able to decide pre game. Is not too champ man and would be excellent to add another layer of depth...
Really excited about this game already, only reason i've kept hold of my PS2 is for Rugby 08
Mid-tweek training?

I think the problem with most sports games, is that they get pretty repetitive. In Fight Night Round 4, you do training sessions before your next fight. Maybe you can have a training session, just something very simple, just a few drills, that add a temporary boost to your skill stats, people can also get injured during these sessions and if you have an injured player you could include them just to see how serious it is and if they are fit enough to play. This would add a bit more realism to it, especially the injury part, because more injuries happen during training than in games. This would force you, on long tournaments like World League, chop and change teams, instead of just same old starting XV, start game, win game, start game, win game, one played injured, change them, start game, win game.

The behind the scenes stuff is pretty important in rugby, I feel this would be a lot better and add more depth to the game. It wouldn't cost that much as it isn't much licensing and madden do features very similar.
I remember the sequel to world rugby championship or watever it was called had that for the "world league" it did actually add a bit of spice to the game, and it would be a good addition to world league, but only if there was lots of variety to it. which they could do if they really wanted to add this feature in.

you could have mauls, scrums, lineouts, rucks, tackling, defence, the different types of kicking, backline moves, passing, pick and go, fitness, strength, speed, agility, even perhaps decision making. theres alot of potential for training. if it is done correctly, which would be to requires skill to do it and doesnt feel like work and become repetitive it would be a real winner.

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