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Rugby 2012

Rugby 2012 Cover Players

Rugby 2012 Cover Players

Which players would you like to see on the covers?

Mine would be:

Northern Hemisphere:
Shane Williams/Jamie Roberts
Brian O'Driscoll/Jamie Heaslip
Thierry Dusatoir/Jauzion

Southern Hemisphere:
Brian Habana
Dan Carter
Matt Giteau
More then likely I'dexpect (assuming licenses are all tickety-boo):

UK: England player - More then likely Wilkinson, Foden or Cueto again.
Ireland/America - A bunch of Irish players, likely O'Driscoll and O'Gara.
France - Harinordoquy
SA - Any old Styen
NZ - McCaw/Carter
Aus - Giteau

With the Generic cover being as NZ.
Why, in the NH, does Wales get it's own cover, but England doesn't?
They normally do a UK combined one, which was McCaw/Cueto last time round

I think UK would be something like Shane/Wilkinson, or something to that effect. Though, depending on whether Wilkinsons still prominent at that point, he could get injured/disappear again
Ireland O'Driscoll/Bowe
TTTHHHHAAAANKSSS guys,but must the release date be so late???
Now is not the time to complain thanks guys ,can i please ask for the currie cup to be added ,if not a create a tournament.

Things that would make it great

1.Fully customizable kits (So you can edit it until the next rugby game)
2.A createATournament
3.Create A Staduim (pushing it abit)
4.Licenced players
5.General feel good PS3 grahics

Thanks guys can't wait for the first screenshots
I would be happy if we could get a rugby Union game on next gen, Obviously official licenses would be a big bonus, As i am sick of seeing people getting robbed on auction websites for rugby 06 as it is the only rugby game that will play on the 360! I just hope this game gets the go ahead as i would be 1st in the que to buy it! C'mon the Saints!
oh and i forgot to add, I would like to see either Ben Foden or Dylan Hartley on the cover for the English cover
Rugby 2012 in my view will be a graphically pretty update to Rugby 2008 not much more - there is not enough budget or resources to make this the game we really want. In fact even games like madden and fifa fall down in many aspects and they have 20, 30 or even 40 times the budget!

Expectations are already sky high but get ready to be disappointed. I am expecting an outpouring of..why are you no negative...naysayer...bla, bla. But mark my words. When 2011 comes around, I guarantee you'll be disappointed for exactly the same reason that no-one has managed to create a decent cricket game. I have seen and played all the rugby games, right back to World Class Rugby on the Amiga so i know what I'm talking about. Its a minority sport, therefore gets minority budget which produces shallow gameplay and generally poor quality.

excitement levels for this game? 10%
Scotsman! although the budget is low Hb studios can call upon all sorts of resources on this website.

Seeing as you only joined In April 2010 you might not have seen the huge amounts of work people like wooshah and Faatau82 did concerning the editing of the game, you only have to look at the HB studios rugby section and all the excellent patches made by people on this forum.

Most people will want this game to be good and I'm sure if Hb asked people on these forums if they would help with the design they would be eager to volunteer. If Hb also collaborated with the IRB for the game they wouldn't have to spend a load of their budget on the licensing. THe Guinness Prem and the Super 14 both have FREE stat collectors (OPTA and i can't remember the Super 14 one but it is used prominently on Green and Gold Rugby) that they could use to determine the stats of all the players.

If we supply plenty of sensible and achievable ideas as well as offering support to HB then the game could be a real success. Hb reads the forums and the guys were obviously really excited about the game (as shown on the Q&A Update) so i dont think it will be shoved to the back of the cue in terms of importance.

The fact that EA is no longer involved (not that i dont appreciate them starting their rugby series), could see the game turn a corner and end up as a quality game. I do believe that because the game is being made without Ea that a greater interest from HB and a lack of pressures from EA mean that the game could be a great success.

We shouldn't be expecting miracles but a decent next gen game that has pretty good graphics and simple but effective features , i.e. an editing system, that increase the longevity of the game are what we are looking for. This would enable plenty of updates created and put on Xbox live and PSN.

This game should sell well and will hopefully become a bi-annual series
Excitement Levels for this game 100%, first Rugby game on Nex Gen even if its bad i will still be happy lol
I would be happy if we could get a rugby Union game on next gen, Obviously official licenses would be a big bonus, As i am sick of seeing people getting robbed on auction websites for rugby 06 as it is the only rugby game that will play on the 360! I just hope this game gets the go ahead as i would be 1st in the que to buy it! C'mon the Saints!
is it the oc version or the playstation version that playson the 360?
A realistic view of Rugby 2012

Ok, I have read a few of the threads in this part of the forum discussing the newly announced Rugby 2012 game.

For me one surprising announcement was that EA would not necessarily be publishing the game. This disappoints me to an extent but i think that HB still have enough time to produce a solid next gen rugby game.

Making a solid next gen game is the key here, solid being the key word. With limited budget and team numbers I think that for this game to be successful the basics must be done well. The best rugby game of all time IMO would have to be Jonah Lomu Rugby.I think this view is held by many and HB should realise that this is because it is a solid game with no glitches or frustrating occurrences and THE BASICS ARE DONE WELL!

So we must in my opinion look at what was done well, and what was done not so well. I will make this as brief as possible to move on to Rugby 2012.

-Introduction of quick taps and throws
-A greater list of licensed teams.
-Expanded competitions
-The INTRODUCTION of some ideas such as side steps, fends etc.

-Unrealistic occurrences,high tackles, ability to steal ball at ANY ruck,easy to side step and fend. Also every fend and step being the same for every player.
-Breakdown a mess (like real life haha) and not realistic
-Some players having super human ability and others not. eg Wilkinson's general play kicking etc.
-Some outdated/underrated/overrated players. eg Toeava being samoan or random players being very good/bad.

Note that my list is only short and only things off the top of my head have been mentioned however many things in the bad category, i would consider to be easy fixes.

However to really create a decent next gen game not only do the bad aspects of previous attempts need to be fixed but the good apects also need to be improved.

Some simple things to fix would be; making lineout and scrums more realistics, making things such as quick throws and taps less restrained and computer controlled. EG a quick tap or line out isnt that quick because the system takes over and slows it down. Making steps and fends etc more about skill of the player (both in game and real life) and less about simply timing with a hit stick. I realise that money is an issue with this game, but Madden does this really well.

Also if gaining licenses takes up too much money and new tournaments, eg domestics such as currie and Air NZ cup cant be added, allow the creating of teams and tournaments. This would mean that players can create their own or download someone elses negating this frustration. Finally, make sure that players are rated appropriately. Dan Carter is a good player but that doesnt mean he can kick the length of the field. He should be rated similarily to a Morne Steyn. Similarily Habana and Sivivatu are world class wingers, but that shouldnt mean they should be the only super fast players in the game.

In conclusion really, I would like HB to concentrate on the gaming experience and making areas such as break down and scrum/linout more realistic with general play being more open. Players abilities and ratings to be up to date/realistic and annoying occurances like high tackles etc to be negated also the introduction of a better skill stick for steps and fends.

To break it down to one sentence it would be more Madden and less Rugby League 2.


I look forward to the development of this game, and other gamers responses to my views. Cheers
You were on the mark with Jonah Lomu Rugby being the best rugby game ever made, but Rugby 08 was pretty bloody close to knocking it off the top. I also agree making solid gameplay is the main concern and should be of the most importance. While licenses are great, I would rather a great game.

Main factors I think HB should look at is

*Correct rules and laws, nothing shits me when people don't even bother to make the game correct, it shows a lack of respect to be honest, and just plain laziness.
*Fluidity in open play, so realistic kicking (including many different styles), passing (pop, long, short, and especially to beable to do an inside ball, and to beable to pass to another human when playing on the same team), tackling needs to be more realsitic with more styles and automatically aim at the player with the ball (but dont have it so you can dive from far away!) and things like side steps and fends being well more realistic, with lightfooted people stepping at faster paces and stronger people fending better etc and having the ability to take a quick lineout any time you pick up the ball outside the field of play, and being stopped if the lineout has formed.
*scrums and lineouts to be more tactical and pretty much a "mini-game" in itself (not arcade crap) more choices in the lineouts including numbers, where to throw to, whether to lift or not, being able to jump with more than one player, same thing with defence. Scrums were nearly perfected in 08, but id like to see it a bit more indepth, better pushing and twisting, I reckon you could get pretty in depth using both sticks, use it stick to move that side of the scrum, have L3 to pull down the left side, R3 for the right. Have the hooker strike with L1 and R1 left and right foot. Have L2 and R2 make the flankers take off in defence, too quickly you would be pinged!
*rucks, just more realistic rucks, generally the person taking the ball into the ruck will win the ruck, so make it to do with timing of who gets to the ruck first and numbers. pretty much like Jonah rugby, but more realistic
*mauls just have to be more like scrums, have the ability to roll them, contest the ball and drive the maul backwards.
*plays and moves, have them quicker to set up, more moves, create a move! and have different choices for scrums, lineouts, ruck, mauls and even perhaps open play!
*choices, as in choices when a decision is to be made, have it like jonah where you press the button for the choice you want, feels more realistic than a menu. also have choices for when the ball is kicked dead, or off the kick off when the ball goes out on the full, a rekick, scrum or lineout.
*realistic bounce physics, pretty self explainitory
*a better way to kick goals, 08 was too much luck rather than skill, jonahs way of kickin for goal has still been the best to date
*Players running onto the ball, I like how 08 started that you can run your first reciever onto the ball, but id like it so you control the direction with the right and left sticks. have them run inside out or outside in etc. simply hold down the choice like passing right with r1 use the right stick to control the first receivers direction of running and then release the pass button at the right time.
*more realistic contests for the ball in the air, just have collisions and stuff
*defensive ai needs to be improved, even simply marking their man properly and tackling correctly, so if ur moving up they will cover on the inside properly, they just have to act like a defensive line
*multiplayer, it has to have 4 player multiplayer, online multiplayer and I plead with HB studios to allow at least 2 players from the same console to play on the net on the same team.
*stats have to be important, more subtle differences that will still alow the great players to stand out, but still aloow the lesser teams a realistic chance of competing (I dont know how jonah did it, but how ever they did it worked!)
*decent player, team and tournament creators
*Licenses, if your going to have real named players, have it for every team, I really felt the lesser nations were disrespected by the former ea sports rugbys. If your going to do something do it right
*Injuries done properly
*red and yellow cards for reasonable reasons
*substitues actually being a necessary part of the game, ie fatigue actually affecting the players more
*realistic knock ons, forward passes, penalties such as head highs and tackle in the air

Things I can do with out as long as what I said above is carried out and implemented well would be

* Licenses, I would rather a decent game than having everything licensed, im not buying it cause of what names r there, i want to buy it because it was an awesome game
*world league, while i would love a proper world league with being able to have more than 1 human controlled team, I can go without that if the game plays well against the AI in just a friendly match
*graphics, im probably in the minority here, but id rather a really solid game than something with flashy graphics and sub par gameplay, I think its important to set a base for the first game on the new console then work on it for the next game
*player models, while I would love to see every player be unique and an exact look alike, i think its a waste of resources at this point in time, as long as you can have a resembelance, the correct colour and rough size then i will be happy as long as i get a great gameplay experience
*challenge mode, if its going to be like 08 its pointless. I love classic matches but unless you use the old teams and give them proper stats its highly pointless and a waste of resources to be honest
*Fancy commentary, i dont care who you get to do it, as long as its done well
*7's while me and many people would love to see 7's introduced, I want a really good game first, if the gameplay isnt fluid in 15's how is 7's going to work?
* alot of people saying weather should affect the gameplay, while I agree with this, I don't believe it is necessary to start adding these sort of elements until the core gameplay is perfected
*a ref on the field, it would be nice to have a ref on the field and having a realistic line of sight, the same with touch judges, but as with weather until the core gameplay is perfected extra elements are just a waste of resources in my opinion
*be a pro mode, while this is another feature I love in sports games until we have a solid rugby game, with smarter ai there is little point. even online until we have a game that is fluid and responsive it would just be tacking on a feature that wont work properly and be a waste of time and resources.

As long as the game is an imporvement on rugby 08 i will be more than happy to fork out money for it and continue to support the series as I am sure most rugby fans will do.
A question about sales and marketing

I know this is probably way too early. But I am hoping to get an answer from HB studious.

I'll start off by saying, I have bought every rugby game that has come out since Jonah Lomu Rugby, and the problem I and my friends have always come up against is unless you buy it when it was first released it becomes near impossible to find a copy to buy. Especially with Rugby '08 I had at least 10 friends wanting to buy a copy, but it was no where to be found.

Now I live in Australia and I have a few questions.

Where do you think your main markets for the game?

Just from my knowledge of rugby its most popular in New Zealand, South Africa, Japan, England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland France, The Paciffic Islands, Argentina and possibly canada. Are these the markets you will aim for? or are places that surprise?

Why was it always so hard to find the copies of rugby games? Was it the fact that sales werent good enough? or is it people under estimate the popularity of the games and not enough copies were produced? Or is it the fact that companies like EA highly underestimate the popularity of rugby around the globe just because its not popular in america?

Personally I know many people that are excited for a new rugby game to come out and will most likely run off and buy a copy as soon as it comes out, but are you going to put in a big effort to spread the word around? Are you going to the IRB and forming a partnership? I am sure that would help boost sales.

Is there a reason you arent making it for wii? im sure that would get alot of casual gamers and families buying Rugby 2012.
Do you think that it would be effective not having any player on the front but have all the different Rugby Union Logos with Rugby 2012 underneath?
OR Have each game with different Rugby Union Logos wherever the game is sold e.g. WRU/Rugby 2012.
The Front Cover

A slight departure from the typical debates going on in these forums...

Who should be on the front cover of Rugby 2012?

I think in previous games the front cover has differed from country to country.

Brian O'Driscoll?
Richie McCaw?
Victor Matfield?
Shane Williams?

It's already being/been discussed in the main thread ;)

But yeah, depends how many different covers they decide to release, EA released one for each major rugby nation, with the nations near a country getting the countries (like Japan getting the Australian one)

If it was a NH/SH, then NH should have O'Driscoll and someone else recognisable, Shane and/or Wilkinson, but they all might cost a fair bit to have on

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