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Red Dead Redemption

Only just got to mexico myself, the song that plays after the ferry is quality,

Also, on the robbing front, sometimes when i aim at people it comes up saying "If you aim at people/bank tellers/shop owners you can rob them, watch out though, if you're seen you will be wanted" or something to that effect, but the people always run away before i realise what's going on

Still absoultely loving the game. Really want to look at what the DLC is :p But i'll wait untill i've completed it. This is one of those annoying games where you want it to be over so you see what happens, but i never want it to end
Yeh then you can rob people and crack safes then - When you do aim at somebody you have about 2 seconds to hit triangle to rob them (on PS3 {and make sure you're close}) or they will try and escape. If you kill a shopkeeper/gunsmith etc then you have to wait 5 game days before you can use it again. Also, if you're out in the wild and kill/rob/kidnap someone and someone happens to be watyching then you can bribe them (or kill them) not to tell anyone.

I too loved the music on way to Mexico. Complete change. I had to check my stereo to make sure I hadn't left it on cos it was so unusual when it kicks in but very fitting. Have you played much online Olyy? Because, excuse the French, it's putain brillante...
Played a little, but it was soon after getting the game, so i was still getting used to aiming properly, so i wasn't too good :p
Have played a little freeroam, that's good fun, not played much matched stuff though, what i did play was great though
I'm trying to rush to Mexico now, because I want more free roam (didn't) realise it was locked and I want a better revolver and there aren't any in New Austin (not that stupid looking posh one) and the poncho. Then I will continue drifting and ignore the story for a while.

Thanks for the robbing info, I'll try pressing triangle real quick. I starting o warm up on robbery, lol. As long as no-one gets hurt.......as long as no-one gets killed.

I did a bandit hideout mission where you have to kill all the bandits and take the safe they stole all the way back to Armadilo. I decided it was too far and I jumped on the cart and cracked the safe and took the money. Next thing the deputy who had been thanking me moments ago opens fire and nearly kills me. I recover behind a wall the flank him, lasso and hog tie. As I was leaving I felt bad for leaving him hog tied in a bandit lair, so I cut him loose. Luckily he had dropped his gun which I had collected as ammo, so he just ran off. I never got any kind of wanted level either!

I tried online and it was pretty cool if not a little empty (sp mini games and whatnot) first thing I did was attack a gang hideout with 2 others, that was cool. But after it finished everyone just started killing me. You are permanently highlighted on the map so you can't hide. They just hunted me down when I spawned, I can't out run them on a doneky, I can't hide and I can't fight because they all have crazy weapons. One guy got on a gattling gun and stated mowing everyone down at the fort, I manged to climb up behind him get him with a headshot. That was cool, and the only kill I got. I wish there way to hide, you could ambush guys and stuff.

Safety in numbers is probably the best way to go. I just felt quite helpless. I certainly will be complete all of the online challenges at some stage too.
frist time i went online i got killed within 2seconds respawned bam dead i hate it when people do that (it happen about 5 times) but the donkey is funny.
While in freeroam your blip is visible on the map and also your name tag gives you away. Can't understand why they didn't do it GTA style of when yiou crouch your name tag disappears (this woulda been much better). When you play in Gang Matches and other activities your blip disappears until you run.

But if you're having **** off people in freeroam, when you spawn find a rock or some cover ASAP and hit R1 to hide behind it. Then they gotta come hunt you down and you've got a great chance to pick them off, especially if you got some DEADEYE meter. Deadeye doesn't slow down the play like in singleplayer but you can place loads of targets on the person or persons just by hovering the crosshair over them (and it doesn't use up ammo) and when you let it rip it fires **** outta them even from quite a long range. I've taken out 4 people with deadeye that were coming to get me. It don't matter what weapon you use (apart from sniper rifle or knife) in deadeye it will just rapid fire and autoreload at blink of an eye.

Also if people hunting you down are about 200yds away and closing then go for their horses. They fall hard and if you got a good repeater you can take them out while they are tryin to get up or snipe them if you have one.

It takes a good bit of levelling before you permanently have better weapons BUT whatever you pick up in your session you will keep (even when you die) until you turn the game off. SO... Do the Tumbleweed gang hideout and when you get to the mansion there is a guy with a snper rifle there. Search the area after you've taken everyone out. Also try and find an Evans Repeater cos it holds 22 rounds and is well handy for multiple combat without deadeye. I think at lvl 20 you unlock a Rolling Block sniper rifle which stays in your arsenal.

Lots of sessions you'll be asked to join posses and this is handy for levelling up. If you wanna level fast then get a mate and keep doing the Solomons Folly hideout cos 2 of you can clear it in about a minute and a half and get over 1000 XP a time. When the score sheet comes up you'll notice down the bottom you got a REPLAY or CONTINUE option using the D pad left or right. If you hit continue but wanted to redo the hideout then you'll have to ride far out before it respawns the gang.

While you're exploring or looking for targets if you see a lil buillet and green thing on the map always stop cos it's ammo and deadeye refill. Each time you die you lose your deadeye, so the refills are a must and there's usually quite a few around.

If my buddies aint around I like to find a server with a big posse that are doing a hideout or getting their Most Wanted level up and I'll stay pretty far away from them so they dont notice me then snipe them off and listen to them swearing on comms and that they are coming to kick my ass. Then I take out as many as I can with sniper and when they get close I use deadeye. Really ****** them off when you take out a few of them at a time. Of course this does mean they will hunt you down for the rest of time you're on the server but it can be fun while your still alive.
Taking out peoples horses is my guilty pleasure,
I was working with another guy clearing out a gang from the place with the mansion (can't remember the name), then as soon as we'd cleared it he killed me, so when i respawned i saw him in the distance and head shotted his horse
Thanks for the online tips, Ruff.

I took your advice and have been having a ball. I love how you play completely different online. You shoot everything
that moves to gain XP and dont have to worry about the story or guilt. I love that I get to do more challenges online.

I have been hitting gang hideouts by myself for xp and fun. They are hard and take alot more doing than the sp one when you are alone.

One guy joined my raid and afterwards we stood facing each other, guns drawn.....I deciced to risk and just holstered my gun......he paused for a bit then holstered his. He then followed me around doing gang hideouts with me. It was cool.

Free roam is awsome its like having two games in one. Im going to be playing this for a long time.
I just got a game breaking glitch.

The raid on fort mercer with the gattling gun. On the final gattling gun part, the enemies get tuck behind a hill and I cant kill
the, and I cant get off th gun and go after them. I have to re-start my ps3 and its the same everytime over.



Luckily after reading Radmasn problem, I kept a back up and on going through it again on that save, it was ok. Phew.
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Cool that you're loving it online. The Evans Repeater is in a rectangular blue crate in one of the tents in Pike's Basin (go get it cos you dont unlock that until level 44) and the Mauser pistol is in a crate in the house in Twin Rocks (again a must have).

The hideout challenges always stay the same BUT the Journal Challenges make them harder. Soon the Lawbringer challenge will be complete 2 of certain hideouts without dying in same session. Then do it with just melee weapons and throwing weapons. You will need your friends to help you on that :p

One challenge I'm finding hard is to get the $5000 bounty and stay alive. Similar to the SP version kill civillians and sheriffs but you rack up $1000 dollars really quick BUT as soon as you rack up $1000 then the game announces to everyone in server that you are MOST WANTED and they will usually stop what they are doing and come search you out, even if they are miles away. And they usually snipe you cos you aint expecting it. If you look on the map you can always see the blips and if you press down on the Dpad it zooms out a little bit and could show people in QUITE near vicinity NOT sniper range though. So when I get the $1000 bounty I always check the big map and see where people are and where they are moving to. Even if they are all MILES away you still gotta be careful cos they can move in fast and stay far out enough that you can't tell how close they are on minimap. The more bounty you have on your head then the more XP a player gets for killing you.
My game froze up doing a mission in mexico last night, reloaded and luckily it was just a blip and it's worked fine since
Absolutely loving it - got massively sidetracked by hunting and gambling but making my way through the story now.

Can I make a quick request (and not in a pathetic manner that you may find on other forums) - can we try to limit details about the storyline where possible? I know certain things have been widely publicised, but it's still nice to discover the story yourself.

I've unlocked the 3rd level of deadeye now (so those who are there will know where I am in the story) and feel another bit of wandering coming on...
Think we're at about the same point toup, i've unlocked the dead eye, done two or three more missions, but i'm just exploring mexico atm,

I love the amount of animals in the game, i keep forgetting there's so many (something like 48 isn't there?) - not seen any bears yet though

I'm also loving the side missions, they're so detailed/not just tacked on to the game. Like with GTA the sidemissions, you done one or two, and they just repeat, but these feel real.
Like the "Don't I Know You?" one is weird, keeps cropping up every now and again in the game, interested to see how that plays out, and has anyone done the one where you pick flowrs for the guy who lives in the swamp(?) about halfway between MacFarlane Ranch and Theives Landing? Really wasn't expecting that...

Also, the characters seem really real as well. The missions for Seth (specifically the second one) i've never wanted to shoot a character so much in my life :p
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Yeah, the side missions / hunting / gambling are what make the game so good... storyline is fairly standard (so far) but its such an immersive game world and you always feel like something could happen wherever you go.

I've been pretty lucky with wildlife so far, although my housemate got his horse killed by a cougar within 20 mins of starting a new game...
i can't stop playing this game unless rugby is on, finished my time in Mexico now. The only problem ive had is when i take cover sometimes i go flying up in the air and die it funny to watch.
I found some crates just floating the desert in mexico,
It wasn't even as if they were supposed to be on something because i crawled underneath :S
i think those little bugs are ok because of well the rest of the game
I got a couple of not so nice glitches.

The worst being that the Armadillo nightwatch job never showed up in my game, meaning its impossible for to to get
100 percent on this save or any of my backups. This kind leave me a bit empty when it comes to completing all the challenges which I was enjoying.

Next, playing as a somewhat good character I like to surrender when I have an unexpected run in with cops. I use it alot and do the time when I have to. Now, any time I surrender the game freezes at the loading screen no matter where I am. It started happeneing since Mexico.
Obviously the game percentage completed is down to doing everything in single player as opposed to finishing the storyline on it's own, so with that in mind, what percentage are you guys at?

I'm at 59.2% at the moment and have yet to unlock the final areas, so am thinking I'll be somewhere near 80% when I finish the story, maybe.

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