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Red Dead Redemption

Online is equally as good,
The "Standoff" at the start of the match is great fun, i wasn't expecting it, thought it was just a cut scene at first :p
Enjoying the game but glitches are starting to ruin it for me. When my game loads I'm having a hard time trying to keep the game stable, either walking into Armadillo or Mcfarlans Ranch he keeps feezing in his tracks and all the npc's turn into cardboard cutouts and do crazy stuff so I have to reset, it's starting to p me off.

Even online is way more stable than off.
yea ive not had any of those gilcthes on the 360, has anbody finshed it yet? i was just wondering how long it is
My copy should be there when I get home from work tonight!

Radman, those problems sound pretty bad. Largely, huge bugs have been consistant in multiplayer, but SP should be running fine. That is definately not the norm. If I were you I'd try re-installing it. If that does not work take it back and say its defective and try another one.
I think my game save was corrupted or something because I tried that save again today and it was way worse, scenery and buildings popping in real slow, Marston froze on the spot but could shoot at the cardboard cutout characters and when I shot they animated in proper motion. Weird stuff.

Thankfully I have been saving manually so I haven't had to redo too much.

I will warn everyone to save manually in different slots in case something does happen because a game of this scale will surely throw a spanner in the works somewhere along the line.

Game is awesome again.:)
I haven't had any problems APART from sometimes when I play Poker in single player the characters turn to cardboard (or look as though they are from an old PS1 game). Not had any other problems tho on the PS3.

Online Freeroam is awesome especially when you're with a posse. They've obviously realised freeroam GTA was boring after 20 mins of doing pointless things. I was doing a Survivalist challenge in Tall Trees and after bout 10 mins some annoying twat starts shooting on me and shouting stuff down his mic (I lost my mic so couldn't cuss him), we both took cover behind rocks tryin to outdo each other and he was blabbin his mouth off. I was tryin to line up a sniper shot on him and noticed a bear was creeping up on him. Was so funny hearing him scream cos he didn't expect it, and it mauled him to death.

On singleplayer I've just got to Mexico and it's really cool too.

But the cardboard **** Rad don't sound cool. Hopefully it's not your PS3 struggling. Because I thought that of mine when I was getting the problem on the Poker...
Glad to hear you got it sorted, Radman.

Got mine yesterday and played it from when I got home from work until 1pm (barely forcing down a sandwhich for tea) It has been a long time since i enjoyed a game this much.

I just love riding around and enjoying the world they have created. The sound and lighting just make this beautifully absorbing. Ive done a bit of hunting, flower picking (lol) and enough story missons to get the lasso. Now I'm just cruising with my horse and treasue map. Loving it.

The combat is brutal. You feel the impact of each bullet, and you see the impact too. I shot a bandit in the leg and he continued fighting from his knees. I walked up close and pulled the trigger and was greeted by a u[FONT=MS Pゴシック]p[/FONT] close execution animation. Gun to the head, and boom made me go 'oh, sh#t!'

It's brutal enough that It makes me think twice about killing people. I had a guy try to steal my horse in the middle of no-where after asking me for help. I shot him in the leg and tied him up and chucked him on my horse. I thought I'll do him in later on, teach him for stealing my horse. I continued exploring for half an hour or so with him wriggling on my horse and I started to feel bad. I thought he does not really deserve to be abducted and executed for stealing my horse. I decided to cut him loose, and if he ran for it I'd let him go, but if he even made one move toward me and my horse he was a gonna get it. Well, he limped away as fast as he could and I let him go.
haha thats a great story CeeJay, I had the same guy come and steal my horse and i tried to shoot him. only problem was there was another group of horses going the other way and i didnt know which way my horse went. I ended up having a bounty on my head and having to pay it off. Think it was 80 bucks (which is way steep cause you get hardly anything in the game lol) 1 count of murder, 1 count of horse theiving (i stole a horse even though i could have got another one with my horse deed) 1 count of horse killing, cant remember what that was called, and something else i cant remember but it was fun.

Another time i was trying to start a fight in the bar and i couldnt knock these guys out, after about 20 minutes of fighting and taking it outside i got bored pulled out my knife and kniffed them all. tried to surrender to the sherif but they just killed me, wasnt fun.

Great game though, i look forward to finishing the story and starting again as a proper outlaw i if i can.
I think you can knock guys out in a fist fight by hitting triangle which will have you jump on top of them and start punching them in the face. Haven t done it myself, just read it somewhere.

I like to play as a drifter rather than an outlaw, make my living hunting and only kill when I have to. Makes it still exciting when I get into a fight.

I love setting camp in middle of nowhere and then watching some amazing sunrises.

Manage to get any cool kill animations witht the knife? I havent tried it for Melee yet.

I killed on guy who was assaulting a women witht a knife. I tied him up and then crouch and slash to initiate a nasty throat cut, althought there was no blood, maybe a glitch.
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I know what you mean about not wanting to kill people,
This is the only GTA-esque game where i haven't been on a killing spree yet :p
Cheating at Poker is cool especially if you get caught cos you goto a duel then. Quite cool shooting the gun outta the opponents hand. So much to do in the game. If you wanna go on a killing spree and not lose or gain honor/fame then buy the bandana in Thieves Landing and put it on when you wanna be badass. The lasso is fecking great but its a shame they aint included that in multiplayer. I managed to lasso a baddie and drag him 130ft before he died. Hogtied a guy who was beating a woman then chucked him in the river.

It's a time sumper of a game!
yeah i jumped on the guys and hit them lots but still they came back (three at a time, knock one down get the next one, knock him down get the next, knock him down and go back to the first) thanks for the hint to show how to get into a duel, thats why i wanted to fight thought i might get a duel out of it. next time i get to play the game ill have a look, i think i just got the ability to cheat at poker so fingers crossed at that one.
Hogtied a guy who was beating a woman then chucked him in the river.
Did the exact same thing last night, in thieves landing. But then i got too close to the river, when looking in to see if he was dead, fell in and died myself
Hehe I chucked him in the river in thieves landing too :p There are also random people walking around towns looking for duels (so its not just Poker cheating to activate it)

I've now reached Blackwater which is the last map unlock. Still lots to do though. I've got Rank 10 for Survivalist, Treasure Hunter and Master Hunter so far and each one gives you a cool perk. I also got my fame and honour to maximum. So I put bandana on and went on a rampage which is fun. Robbed the bank and cracked the safe in Armadillo then went and robbed the gunsmith and grocery store. Had a good bounty out on me. Gonna try and rob the train next cos you can hold up people on board and steal from them. Think the banks put their safes in there too. One of the trophies is to get a $5000 bounty and pay it off with a pardon letter. It's good to do this with the bandana on cos you won't wreck your current status, and you can equip it while playing so theres no need to goto a safehouse to change outfit.
How do you rob banks/shops and crack safes?

When I try robbing a store the dude just runs for it. When I go to the bank, I can get to the safe but there is no option to 'crack it.'

I'm about 13 hours in, but still haven't finished the sheffif and Bonnie quests, so I may not have unlocked the ability to do that stuff yet?

About knocking someone out, jumping on them and smacking them has the same result as knocking them out standing. They will stay out for a few seconds and then get back up. It seems you can't ko someone for very long. Seems like more of a knockdown.

This game has the most amazing views I have ever seen in a game. I find myself pausing on a ridge with my horse and just looking around. Rain or shine it just looks amazing.
It's bloody hard trying to get a $5k bounty, i got to about $2200 but then died, and my expensive horse got killed as well =/
It's hard if you're on the ground and will take a long time too. An easy way to do it is goto Armadillo and go out the door of your room in the saloon and you can climb onto the roof. You can get about a $1000 bounty there before the cops give up and bounty stops racking up. Then jump down and ride to the Mcfarlane ranch and you can go inside sheriff's office and get on roof. Kill a few more people (not nearly as many as you did in Armadillo) then when the cops give up, goto your house in Mcfarlane Ranch and save. Then go back to Armadillo and repeat the process. If you don't want your fame and honour to mess up then make sure to wear the bandana.

If you been doing it on the run then that is probably SOLID heheh. And if your expensive horse was bought with a deed in the shop then you can reactivate the deed in the Select menu. Has anyone done the Buckin' Awesome trophy yet? I've found 2 of the horses but I think the American something or other can only be found in the wild and I am completely stumped on how to find it. All I know is that it is jet black and very rare.

CEEJAY : Not sure what pre-requisite you need to rob/crack safes. As soon as I tried, it worked straight off but I have been hammering through the game. 97.7% complete at moment. The story ending is AWESOME.

Red Dead has got it all. I hate short games and I especially hate games which you buy on release Day one, load it up and it already has £9.99 DLC. This game ended or at least I thought it had and I was satisfied and would of bought DLC straight away. But the story carried on. Very impressed. Reviews of it said that the story takes between 25-40hrs. I thought I did it pretty rapid even while getting sidetracked by optional missions. I clocked it in a little over 45hrs and still there's stuff to do. DLC is out early next month but DON'T google it until you have completed the story.

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