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Questions reference Rugby Team Manager 2015

1. My question is, if I use the editor to increase the amount of world class and international calibre players exisiting at the start, will that affect the re-gen of future players? i.e. will the re-gen system start producing more international and world class calibre players, as the number at the start of the game has gone up due to my edits?

Yes it will.

If I improve the quality of the youth at my club, my team will produce more world class and international class players. Does this mean that the sum of all the other world class and international class players from all the other clubs in the world will be reduced slightly, in order to maintain the rough proportion of world class and international class players?
I recall this has been answered by Dave before - it doesn't reduce it. Any your club produces are extra. I don't know if it is the case that when one of your extra internaional/World Class players retires, whether that means an extra player of that calibre is re-generated. If that were the case, then you would see a gradual climb in the amount of such players over time.
It'd be good if the Rugby Championship was moved to when it usually is, because at the moment it's on at the same time as the Six Nations which means I lose loads of players at the same time (I currently have a save with Toulon so I lose most of my squad). Another thing that annoys me is that the win percentage counts the academy and colts too. I tend not to worry too much about their results and I'm sure (or at least I hope) that this true for a few other people. Also I think I saw someone say they got sacked for their colts and academy's performance, so there's definitely too much pressure on those two
Too hard?

Hi Dave,

Hope there's a quick answer to this, rather than me being an incompetent manager.

Haven't played many games yet but started one with Sarries and I can't get near a win! What am I doing wrong? I'm making sensible team selections, tried auto tactics/subs, got auto training on...and I've lost every game so far. Only one of them was even close. The performances are awful, but I can't see why...?

And this is in easy mode!

Am I missing something obvious?


Hi James,

It could be that you are not assigning physios after a match to lower attrition.
Physios can be set to Auto in the Recovery -> Physios section.

I hope this helps

Hi Dave,

Hope there's a quick answer to this, rather than me being an incompetent manager.

Haven't played many games yet but started one with Sarries and I can't get near a win! What am I doing wrong? I'm making sensible team selections, tried auto tactics/subs, got auto training on...and I've lost every game so far. Only one of them was even close. The performances are awful, but I can't see why...?

And this is in easy mode!

Am I missing something obvious?


Dave, looks like you missed my questions on the other page. For ease I will post them here again:

1. If a new player is regenerated of the same calibre as a player just retired, will they have the same position and the same attributes or are those randomised within the range of whatever calibre player they are?

2. Will aging be brought in with a patch for this game, or will it only come in when a new version, say Rugby Union Manager 16 gets released?

3. If aging will only be brought in with a new version, is there any chance of getting an optional aging system for this version, even if it is as simple as the version I suggested in my bigger post earlier?
Hi James,

It could be that you are not assigning physios after a match to lower attrition.
Physios can be set to Auto in the Recovery -> Physios section.

I hope this helps

Nope, already had that on auto. Just been tonked by London Irish...I give up!
Mate I'm playing with London Irish and I'm fourth half way through the season on hard. You're probably missing something small that's messing you up. Go through all the menu's and check if you've missed something. If I think of something more specific I'll pass it on.
Paddym, you are playing with your edited database though, so with far more international players dotted around, there may be less calibre gaps, so more teams will be competitive. At least in theory.
Is there any news on the editor? Are there plans to make the editor match the description? Is the editor really that bad? I am still on the fence with this game but glad to see that they are fixing stuff like glitches and offsides. Bodes well
Hi Dave,

a couple more questions!

1. I noticed when looking through the player attributes that wingers all seem to have low skill in comparison to other back players. Given skill is meant to encompass side-stepping etc, I was wondering whether there would be problems in the match engine if I boosted up skill for wingers, so there skill levels were more around the average found FBs and Shs?

2. Similiar question - I have noticed that forwards have very low back attributes and vice versa. If I were to boost these attributes up would this have a negative impact on the match engine?

Basically, I want to make sure that if I make large-ish changes to player attributes I won't be messing up the way the game runs the matches.
You can alter any/all of the attributes in the editor, the match engine will still function ok.

Kind Regards

Hi Dave,

a couple more questions!

1. I noticed when looking through the player attributes that wingers all seem to have low skill in comparison to other back players. Given skill is meant to encompass side-stepping etc, I was wondering whether there would be problems in the match engine if I boosted up skill for wingers, so there skill levels were more around the average found FBs and Shs?

2. Similiar question - I have noticed that forwards have very low back attributes and vice versa. If I were to boost these attributes up would this have a negative impact on the match engine?

Basically, I want to make sure that if I make large-ish changes to player attributes I won't be messing up the way the game runs the matches.
Hi John,

Yes we have done a couple of updates recently, adding more imagery, fixing an issue with offsides for punts and up & unders and some other minor issues.

Kind Regards

Can ye tell us every time there is one and what its for? I saw there was another one today?

And do the updates work on saved games or do we need to restart to get the most out of the updates?
Last edited:
I have a question about the editor. I have found that whenever I load up an edit I have saved, randomly some of the players attributes change slightly.


The Editor shows an edit I have been doing with Greg Laidlaw with back attributes of 84,93,92,82,85,77,77,82, but the first time I loaded up the editor in the game proper he had attributes of 85,94,93,82,86,78,77,82 i.e. one higher in all bar two attributes. When I reloaded the save game from the editior his attributes were then the same as they were set in the editor, but another player, Pat Lambie had all his back attributes one higher than I had set them in the editor.

Is this a bug with the editor or with loading up an edit, or does the game introduce some randomization when it loads up an edit?
Clubs have an initial bonus awarded at the start of the game.
Amongst these initial bonuses are:
- Improved Fwd Attributes
- Improved Back Attributes
- Improved Kick Attributes
- Improved Attack Attributes
- Improved Defence Attributes

Any club awarded one of these initial bonuses, their players will have certain increased attributes,
in addition to any changes made with the editor.

Kind Regards
Customer Support

I have a question about the editor. I have found that whenever I load up an edit I have saved, randomly some of the players attributes change slightly.


The Editor shows an edit I have been doing with Greg Laidlaw with back attributes of 84,93,92,82,85,77,77,82, but the first time I loaded up the editor in the game proper he had attributes of 85,94,93,82,86,78,77,82 i.e. one higher in all bar two attributes. When I reloaded the save game from the editior his attributes were then the same as they were set in the editor, but another player, Pat Lambie had all his back attributes one higher than I had set them in the editor.

Is this a bug with the editor or with loading up an edit, or does the game introduce some randomization when it loads up an edit?
Im trying to sign Francis Saili, because he might sign for us this week, but I cant sign him for some reason. It says I "cant bid for this player as the salary cap was already breached".....What does this mean? I have â'¬600,000 free in my wage budget and 2 stars for my "centre of excellence". Is is because I broke my wage budget in year 1 and had to cut every ones wages? We could really do with a decent manual tbh
Another editing question! If I change a player's attributes and calibre, will his value and wage demands alter to reflect the chnages I have made. It doesn't seem too, but perhaps it will at the end of a season?

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