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Questions reference Rugby Team Manager 2015

Ok, one last test I wanted to test by changing the calibre but I resigned. I should have, the solution was there !!

Thank you very much Dave, I'm going to destroy Toulon for more balance ;)
Kind of. The simulator takes into account many differing factors, the heaviest weighted being the player attributes.
So the team with the highest attributes has the best chance of winning.
But if one club very strongly out-calibres the other team, the simulator can take a different path in deriving the result.

This is what has happened in Ector's example, RC Toulon have numerous International and World Class players, so even when the attributes were reduced, they still very strongly out-calibre the opposition.

Thanks for the explanation - much appreciated. I quite like the way that works apart from the fact that I feel calibre should change. A player's calibre in real life is earned (especially International and World Class calibre). Likewise players' calibre can deteriorate. Do you know what I mean?
Just got the game and have a few questions (will probably have more to follow!):

1. During a match how do you tell how well individual players are doing - I am presuming the stat by the players name during a match is match fitness, not a match rating of how they are playing? Given the sprites are so small, I don't see how you can tell how well any particular player is doing just through watching the game, though after matches in a player's profile there is an average rating/match. How do I see the rating during the match itself?

2. Do player's attributes change due to aging?

3. Can you start off managing an international side, like you can in football manager?

4. Can I set any tactics over my kicking game? e.g. can I tell my players to kick more for touch/less to touch/ etc?

5. Still struggling with the tactics section - are there any good guides that anyone has written about it?
Hi Dave, just a question here

Im managing Munster as usual and in my 2nd season. Im 10 points clear in the Pro12 and Ive just beaten Toulon in the European final for the 2nd time but after I played my 22nd league game ive been sacked for some reason. My colts had a bad season and my academy had an ok season. I spent €2m on an upgrade if any of that helps
Just got the game and have a few questions (will probably have more to follow!):

1. During a match how do you tell how well individual players are doing - I am presuming the stat by the players name during a match is match fitness, not a match rating of how they are playing? Given the sprites are so small, I don't see how you can tell how well any particular player is doing just through watching the game, though after matches in a player's profile there is an average rating/match. How do I see the rating during the match itself?

Just highlight and left click a player's name and the game will pause and attributes and stats can be viewed.

2. Do player's attributes change due to aging?

Player's attributes change with training they do.

3. Can you start off managing an international side, like you can in football manager ?

You can manage international and representative sides during the season, concurrently with your domestic club.
If you look in the Manager -> Job Offer Dates section you can see when the offers will be made.

4. Can I set any tactics over my kicking game? e.g. can I tell my players to kick more for touch/less to touch/ etc?

With an Ab-Lib attack you can select moves play by play. With a Structured attack, you will kick more the more conservative you play.

5. Still struggling with the tactics section - are there any good guides that anyone has written about it?

Pages 35 & 36 of the Player Guide may be helpful.
Hi Damien,

Please upload your last save game file, and we'll have a look and tell you why.


Kind Regards
Customer Support

Hi Dave, just a question here

Im managing Munster as usual and in my 2nd season. Im 10 points clear in the Pro12 and Ive just beaten Toulon in the European final for the 2nd time but after I played my 22nd league game ive been sacked for some reason. My colts had a bad season and my academy had an ok season. I spent €2m on an upgrade if any of that helps
Thanks, my colts and academy didnt achieve there targets for the season....is this -50% confidence each? seems a bit harsh
Yes it's because they both didn't reach their expectations. Also, it is on hard mode

Thanks, my colts and academy didnt achieve there targets for the season....is this -50% confidence each? seems a bit harsh
Fairly unrealistic tho and the computer is too easy to beat on easy.
Thanks for the quick reply tho
Thanks for the quick response - such things bode very well for the game! A couple of follow up questions:

2. Do player's attributes change due to aging?

Player's attributes change with training they do.

So player attributes don't change naturally through the aging process, which seems odd. In reality it generally takes time for a player to reach his physical peak and these physical attributes do tend to diminish as a player gets older. What is the design reason for not having attributes change with age, outside of training effects?

You can manage international and representative sides during the season, concurrently with your domestic club.
If you look in the Manager -> Job Offer Dates section you can see when the offers will be made.

So i take it you cannot start the game as an international coach as well as managing your club. Do you automatically get offered international management, or do you have to earn it?

A couple of new questions:

1. Does it make a difference to the quality of training how many players a trainer trains? i.e. will a trainer train players faster if they only train a small number of players rather than all the players?

2. Wanted to check something about calibre - is it the case that once a player enters the academy their calibre is set at the level it is when the enter?

Sorry in advance if any of my questions are stupid!

I am enjoying the game so far and from the little experience I have had so far of the game, I think that it looks like it could be excellent with a few tweaks here and there.
Hello Dave,

I was wondering if there is a place to look at players international stats, caps etc?
I also noticed when I was picking a team for NH comp I looked at the Irish teams player stats and it seems the same 23 take to the field every week barring a couple here and there from injuries or suspensions. Players like Jordi Murphy or Tommy O'Donnell who are full internationals didn't play 1 domestic game all season for Leinster or Munster. A tweak to rotate squads a bit during the season would be cool.
Cheers, great game.
Here are a few answers to the questions above from Iorwerth and Paddym

I was wondering if there is a place to look at players international stats, caps etc?

If you select a senior player, then select the Rep. / Int. option, the caps are displayed.

What is the design reason for not having attributes change with age, outside of training effects?

No design reason, this feature will be included in the next release.

1. Does it make a difference to the quality of training how many players a trainer trains? i.e. will a trainer train players faster if they only train a small number of players rather than all the players?

Yes, the effects of a coach are diluted by the number of players they train.

2. Wanted to check something about calibre - is it the case that once a player enters the academy their calibre is set at the level it is when the enter?

Potential International and World Class players will continue to develop in the Academy.

I hope this is helpful.
Kind Regards
Customer Support
Alternative Software Ltd.
Thanks Dave - I really appreciate the quick responses and I think it bodes well for the future of the game. Very glad to hear that attribute aging will come in - I have a few ideas about aging and calibre, but reckon the wishlist is probably the place to post them, rather than here.

A follow up question on trainers - is it each additional player they train diluting their effect, or is there a number of players they can train without diluting, after which the effects diminish? If yes, what is that amount of players they can train without diminishing returns becoming a factor?
What is the design reason for not having attributes change with age, outside of training effects?

No design reason, this feature will be included in the next release.
Just wanted to check what you mean by next release. Do you mean in the next patch? If so, any idea when that might be due?
Just wanted to check what you mean by next release. Do you mean in the next patch? If so, any idea when that might be due?

I reckon they are waiting for the Super 15 to start before making a big announcement about Southern Hemisphere clubs! ;)
It is complex, but generally the effects of a coach are diluted by the number of their assignments.

The danger is having no coaches covering attributes. This is when attributes decrease.

Thanks Dave - I really appreciate the quick responses and I think it bodes well for the future of the game. Very glad to hear that attribute aging will come in - I have a few ideas about aging and calibre, but reckon the wishlist is probably the place to post them, rather than here.

A follow up question on trainers - is it each additional player they train diluting their effect, or is there a number of players they can train without diluting, after which the effects diminish? If yes, what is that amount of players they can train without diminishing returns becoming a factor?
Thanks Dave. A few more questions:

1. I have read somewhere on here that re-gen players are intended to keep the same rough ratio of the different potential calibres in the game - so, for example, if at the start there are, for arguments sake, 30 world class calibre players (or players with that potential) then when they start to retire new players will come in to keep this total to around 30. The only difference being the player's club, that can attract higher calibre players outside of this balance. I saw you saying that, but cannot find the the actual post to quote it. My question is, if I use the editor to increase the amount of world class and international calibre players exisiting at the start, will that affect the re-gen of future players? i.e. will the re-gen system start producing more international and world class calibre players, as the number at the start of the game has gone up due to my edits? i am hoping the answer is yes!

The reason I ask is that earlier in this thread someone mentioned they had edited all their Toulose players to have 10 in every attribute but they still continued to win everything. You replied that they needed to change the Calibre of the players as well, as the match engine can use a differrent method when there is an imbalance of calibre between the two teams. This has worried me, as it is really saying that a large calibre advantage overides actual attributes, and this seems very counter-intuiative - it seems to model a system where, for example, you have a group of old, geriatric world class players, all in their 70's and 80's, who will beat an at their peak team predominately made up of national calibre players, just because they are world class regardless of their attributes. This seems to my mind to make calibre advantage very overpowering, and to combat it I might well up the amount of international/world class calibre players, or, alternatively, reduce the number. However, if I take the time to do this I don't want to find that all my rebalancing is thrown out when re-gens start occuring.

2. Can you edit and change players within an exisiting saved game? I don't seem to be able to do it, but just wanted to check I wasn't missing something!

3. You seemed to have missed my question about what you meant be "next release," i.e. were you refering to an upcoming patch, and if you were, a rough idea of when it might be coming? It would be encouraging to know that patches are going to be failry regular while the game goes through its growing pains!
1. My question is, if I use the editor to increase the amount of world class and international calibre players exisiting at the start, will that affect the re-gen of future players? i.e. will the re-gen system start producing more international and world class calibre players, as the number at the start of the game has gone up due to my edits?

Yes it will.

2. Can you edit and change players within an exisiting saved game?

No, edited games are loaded at the start of the game.

3. You seemed to have missed my question about what you meant be "next release," i.e. were you refering to an upcoming patch, and if you were, a rough idea of when it might be coming?

We are always looking to improve the game, with updates, and also for the next version of the game. Indeed there will be a further update that should be live by Monday, which will correct an issue with offsides, It is simply not possible for us to have a rigid schedule, so sorry I can not give specific details and dates on changes.
1. My question is, if I use the editor to increase the amount of world class and international calibre players exisiting at the start, will that affect the re-gen of future players? i.e. will the re-gen system start producing more international and world class calibre players, as the number at the start of the game has gone up due to my edits?

Yes it will.

2. Can you edit and change players within an exisiting saved game?

No, edited games are loaded at the start of the game.

3. You seemed to have missed my question about what you meant be "next release," i.e. were you refering to an upcoming patch, and if you were, a rough idea of when it might be coming?

We are always looking to improve the game, with updates, and also for the next version of the game. Indeed there will be a further update that should be live by Monday, which will correct an issue with offsides, It is simply not possible for us to have a rigid schedule, so sorry I can not give specific details and dates on changes.

Fingers crossed here that after the offsides is a decent editor, one that does what ye said it would. If ye did this, with mergable data bases, we could make all the changes needed in very little time and post UNOFFICIAL edits for other players. Giving people what they want is a good thing!! I have noticed minor tweaks with the game play with updates and all have been good, one or two things could be improved on further (Box kicks, ability to kick for touch from beyond the half way, kick STRAIGHT after receiving kick offs, rolling mauls) but the offside rule change is a major plus! Cheers
1. My question is, if I use the editor to increase the amount of world class and international calibre players exisiting at the start, will that affect the re-gen of future players? i.e. will the re-gen system start producing more international and world class calibre players, as the number at the start of the game has gone up due to my edits?

Yes it will.

That is great news! If a new player is regenerated of the same calibre as a player just retired, will they have the same position and the same attributes or are those randomised within the range of whatever calibre player they are?

3. You seemed to have missed my question about what you meant be "next release," i.e. were you refering to an upcoming patch, and if you were, a rough idea of when it might be coming?

We are always looking to improve the game, with updates, and also for the next version of the game. Indeed there will be a further update that should be live by Monday, which will correct an issue with offsides, It is simply not possible for us to have a rigid schedule, so sorry I can not give specific details and dates on changes.

Great to hear there will be an update shortly. What I am trying to find out is whether attribute aging is going to come in shortly or whether it will only be included when a totally new version of the game is released, for example, "Rugby Team Manager 2016". To my mind the game really needs this change and to have to wait until a new 'version' of the game is out would be a crying shame. So is it possible for you to say whether aging will come in with a patch for the current 2015 version, or will it have to wait until a later version?

I had a simple idea for aging that shouldn't be that difficult to implement, which could be added as an option when you start the game, if you needed a stop-gap measure for the current version of the game:

A player's actual attributes start off when a player becomes 19 years old six points lower than their maximum. By maximum I mean the attribute level they would have normally in the game if there was no aging. Every time a player ages a year there is a chance that the attribute goes up - 50% it goes up by 1, 25% it goes up by 2, 25% it does not go up at all. This is done individually for all attributes a player has. This would mean, on average, a player reaches their attribute peak at age 24 (which is reasonably realsitic), but some players can do it earlier, while some will take longer (you might want to put an upper age limit for aging benefits, say 27 - if a player has not reached his maximums in all his attributes by then, then it means he never reached his full potential - maybe he didn't work hard enough in the gym etc :) ). Just to make clear, a player's attribute levels cannot exceed the level they would normally have had if the game did not use aging. Getting older and attributes declining would work in much the same way - Every year a player ages above say 30, each attribute has a chance of going down. This could mirror the speed of attribute change when players are improving (i.e. 50% goes down by 1, 25% goes down by 2, 25% doesn't go down), or could be slower (i.e. 50% chance doesn't go down, 25% it goes down by 1, 25% chance it goes down by 2) - basically just pick the model you think represents the drop off you want.

This could then easily be tied into calibre, enabling a player's actual calibre to rise but also fall, which would be more realisitic and simulate older players not having the same calibre as they did when they were at their peak.. I would presume that when a player of a certain calibre is generated their attributes are generated within a range determined by their potential calibre e.g. a player with a potential calibre of World Class calibre will have attributes in a higher range than a player who has the potnetial to only be national calibre. If that is the case, then if any of player's attributes fall below the range of a particular calibre, then the player's actual calibre drops to whatever calibre level their attributes fall within of.

I really think the game needs aging effects, and the capability for a player's calibre to drop as well as rise. The system above may not be perfect, but would do the job until a better system was put in place, and if the option to use it was optional, then it does not impact on anyone who does not want to use it.

Any chance something like that could be put in place?

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