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Offensive Team Names

You actually apologised for that?
I apologised it I caused offence to anyone in my facebook feed who saw it I don't know if anyone actually didf.

Surprisingly I'd rather people I know didn't think I thought it okay to use outdated language apparently my friend has seen people of colour get very tetchy about it.

Have I mention my friend's are extremely liberal and left wing? Make me look right of centre. Their heart is in the right place though.

Seriously though it's a minor thing I just though I'd share it as we were talking about that stuff.
What's wrong with saying coloured instead of woman of color?

I mean if someone calls you out on a Facebook post becuase of that, that person seems a bit of a dick.

(Side note is black alright? I have no idea now).

I apologised it I caused offence to anyone in my facebook feed who saw it I don't know if anyone actually didf.

Surprisingly I'd rather people I know didn't think I thought it okay to use outdated language apparently my friend has seen people of colour get very tetchy about it.

Have I mention my friend's are extremely liberal and left wing? Make me look right of centre. Their heart is in the right place though.

Seriously though it's a minor thing I just though I'd share it as we were talking about that stuff.

makes sense now.

Decking hippies need to shave their beards and cut their hair.
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That's a cheap shot and you know it.
I am not above criticism. Criticize me with facts and prove me wrong. I don't talk whatever way i like. I try to use universal and commonly accepted terms understood by the overwhelming majority and as defined by the dictionary. Again, my point is fact based and logical. Yours is not.
The point you made is that you get to decide which pronouns you can use and that, by others insisting on you using other pronouns, they are imposing. They are not imposing; they are criticising. To phrase it as an imposition it to put yourself above criticism.

When i look at the definition of "He" in the dictionary it states "the male". When i look at the definition of "male" i get

"an individual that produces small usually motile gametes (as spermatozoa or spermatozoids) which fertilize the eggs of a female". It's a generalization, of course, but we all understand why.

It doesn't say anything, at all, about what the person feels. I am not inclined to adjust human kind's definition of a word just because someone doesn't like the way it sounds.

I would't call a a 1,5 mts tall, caucasian with brown eyes and ginger hair a 2 mts tall, green eyes, latino with brown hair. I like facts and what he/she is asking me to call him/her is factually incorrect.
If he/she gets offended by facts then that is out of my control. Again, happy to use
Gender: The state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones)

That is, a person's gender can mismatch with the person's biological sex. Your biological sex may be male, whereas your gender is female.

You have chosen to refer to a person based on their sex and not their gender. Whereas gender forms a person's identity, sex does not, and social convention is that we refer to people by their identity. If a person is born to English parents in England, moves to France before their first birthday and lives the rest of their lives in France, do they not get to be French?

Height, weight, race, hair colour are all innate (well, with dye, perhaps not hair colour). Gender is not because of the various physiological, cultural and psychological effects.

It is not, agreed, but since there is no medical test to confirm it, it comes down to what a person claims and whether a psychologist/psychiatrist believes him/her. That opens a pandora's box of loopholes for people to exploit.
If people can start getting cherry picking sexes, what's to prevent them from doing so with other aspects? Race, height, eye color, ethnicity, weight...
There are 7 billion people on the planet so the most bizarre things are possible, and there is a very slight chance that one or two people are being disingenuous with their gender.

But the vast majority - hundreds of thousands - are not. People are not actively choosing a significantly harder path in life to get a reaction out of social conservatives. Transgender people face much higher rates of suicide and depression, murder and abuse. In countries without free medicine, the costs associated with transitioning alone are a big sacrifice. Why would anyone choose that? It's a claim that used to (well, still is sometimes) be levelled at gay people: that it is a choice. It is not.

The default position should be to trust the person transitioning. There may be special consideration for athletes, but again, I have big doubts that anyone would go through such an ordeal just to gain a competitive advantage.

So just got a slap on wrist by a friend on facebook for using "coloured" instead of "woman of colour". Man I feel embarrassed after the last few days for an innocent screw up, friend messaged me knowing I didn't mean anything by it, I apologised and changed it, no actual drama.

You have some dull mates
What's wrong with saying coloured instead of woman of color?

I find this offensive, that spelling implies the woman in question is American!

Joking aside, I was similarly confused, Google threw this up:


When the rationale is that "it may imply" as is used twice in this article, it strikes me as people looking for something to take offence at. The "mixed race" bit in particular seems extreme to me, I see no such implication, mixed means exactly that. You could argue that someone offended by the term is being racist themselves by failing to consider that mixed could just as easily refer to someone of two non-Caucasian lineages. I wonder which the pure herb is in a jar of mixed herbs!
What's wrong with saying coloured instead of woman of color?

I mean if someone calls you out on a Facebook post becuase of that, that person seems a bit of a dick.

(Side note is black alright? I have no idea now).

makes sense now.

Decking hippies need to shave their beards and cut their hair.
I was told by Olympic's on volunteer training black was fine....97% of the room didn't know that.

And yeah believe me whilst the person is a friend it was a bit hold my head in my hands moment and I want to kick that friend very often for it (if helps she privately messaged me and apologise for jumping down my throat on it). Now someone is whinging that The Next Generation didn't have enough female characters despite it being far ahead of any other show of the era on the same bloody thread. All because I thought it was stupid that people are making a big deal the new TV series will have female lead and the character may not be white as Star Trek has a long history of doing it anyway.

It's days like this I want to give up on the subject.
I apologised it I caused offence to anyone in my facebook feed who saw it I don't know if anyone actually didf.

Surprisingly I'd rather people I know didn't think I thought it okay to use outdated language apparently my friend has seen people of colour get very tetchy about it.

Have I mention my friend's are extremely liberal and left wing? Make me look right of centre. Their heart is in the right place though.

Seriously though it's a minor thing I just though I'd share it as we were talking about that stuff.
Quick question though. Does this friend actually do anything proactive to end the greater injustices they talk about or just smugly complain about non-issues on Facebook?
I find this offensive, that spelling implies the woman in question is American!

Joking aside, I was similarly confused, Google threw this up:


When the rationale is that "it may imply" as is used twice in this article, it strikes me as people looking for something to take offence at. The "mixed race" bit in particular seems extreme to me, I see no such implication, mixed means exactly that. You could argue that someone offended by the term is being racist themselves by failing to consider that mixed could just as easily refer to someone of two non-Caucasian lineages. I wonder which the pure herb is in a jar of mixed herbs!

The main part is this bit of the article.
Historically, the word is associated with segregation, especially in the US, where black people where kept separate from white people - on public transport, or at drinking fountains which were described as "coloured-only" for example.
A bit like Negroe it's less to do with accurate description and more how the word was used to subjugate in the past.

- - - Updated - - -

Quick question though. Does this friend actually do anything proactive to end the greater injustices they talk about or just smugly complain about non-issues on Facebook?
Apart from being a frevent Corbyn supporter and being in a polyarmous relationship? Nope none like I say she winds me up she's not a close friend but I wouldn't consider her not a friend.
I was told by Olympic's on volunteer training black was fine....97% of the room didn't know that.

And yeah believe me whilst the person is a friend it was a bit hold my head in my hands moment and I want to kick that friend very often for it (if helps she privately messaged me and apologise for jumping down my throat on it). Now someone is whinging that The Next Generation didn't have enough female characters despite it being far ahead of any other show of the era on the same bloody thread. All because I thought it was stupid that people are making a big deal the new TV series will have female lead and the character may not be white as Star Trek has a long history of doing it anyway.

It's days like this I want to give up on the subject.

You got to remember people like that are prob not the ones who have historically watched Star trek, but piggy backed on the JJ ones.

I mean Star trek was pretty far ahead of it times in that way IMO, yeh the skirts could be short at times but that was the fashion at the times anyway and it changed with the times aswell.

God i hate it when people do that actually, try and act like there group of people made a change which didn't exist.

i thought black is alright i havn't been called on it, Mind if someone had called me out on it on facebook i would be peed esp if it was a friend and knew my intentions etc.

Quick question though. Does this friend actually do anything proactive to end the greater injustices they talk about or just smugly complain about non-issues on Facebook?

Oh god i loath those types of people it is why I regularly deactivate FB every so often.

Sort of like Uni an After have my "Friends" suddenly become Justcie Warriors with a hard on to being self important. (And a quarter post mundane crap or Videos or Meme's and the other quarter are chill or hot ;) )
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You got to remember people like that are prob not the ones who have historically watched Star trek, but piggy backed on the JJ ones..
Nah this one is a historic fan I know for a fact. However she has 'issues' and is reffered to as the "poisoned dwarf" by another friend. I haven't considered her a friend since she messaged me and wife the night before our wedding she wouldn't make it as the train made it difficult. I was tiny bit peeved about that as why did she wait to the night before to work out to get to the venue when it 80 miles away! But even more so her and her husband didn't apologise to either of us when we saw them a month later or even mention it.

However whilst I'd remove some of these people as I run events in the community at large I actually have a bit of a public persona to maintain and have to keep friendly with people unless they cause actual real problems at events.
Nah this one is a historic fan I know for a fact. However she has 'issues' and is reffered to as the "poisoned dwarf" by another friend. I haven't considered her a friend since she messaged me and wife the night before our wedding she wouldn't make it as the train made it difficult. I was tiny bit peeved about that as why did she wait to the night before to work out to get to the venue when it 80 miles away! But even more so her and her husband didn't apologise to either of us when we saw them a month later or even mention it.

However whilst I'd remove some of these people as I run events in the community at large I actually have a bit of a public persona to maintain and have to keep friendly with people unless they cause actual real problems at events.

ermm bro you can't say Dwarf please be more respectful next time you post or Groundhog will get offended.
tbf, I can see the practical issues with "coloured", as it lumps together a whole bunch of different ethnicities into one melting pot of cultures which is so broad, it's unwieldly and impractical. It's a problem "black" has too, because the cultural difference between e.g. African, American and Caribbean black people are massive. There are genuine practical issues with it. e.g. when people refer to "black culture" they mostly refer to the culture grown out of America. Which is a shame considering the excellent contribution of Jamaica to reggae and ska. There's not really a clear solution to it though.

I hope you don't lose faith with it though. I generally find that a telling off shouldn't be taken personally, it's just a chance to grow and refine your views. I don't think we should ever get complacent with our views!
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Ok, skin colour is a slippery slope. I have asked once, try to get back on topic.

Like I give a give a damn what you guys think ;)

and to assume we are all guys! Why because we like rugby? You know women can like and play rugby!!

Talk about being sexist.

Ok, skin colour is a slippery slope. I have asked once, try to get black on topic.


Oh god.

TBH the whole thread has turned into a slippery slope.
Like I give a give a damn what you guys think ;)
Wow you're really going to say 'damn' like that when it's a letter away from dam, a nickname for Amsterdam, the same city where Tigs 'contracted' a very rare mix of crabs and herpes? Check your healthy knob privilege please.
tbf, I can see the practical issues with "coloured", as it lumps together a whole bunch of different ethnicities into one melting pot of cultures which is so broad, it's unwieldly and impractical. It's a problem "black" has too, because the cultural difference between e.g. African, American and Caribbean black people are massive. There are genuine practical issues with it. e.g. when people refer to "black culture" they mostly refer to the culture grown out of America. Which is a shame considering the excellent contribution of Jamaica to reggae and ska. There's not really a clear solution to it though.

I hope you don't lose faith with it though. I generally find that a telling off shouldn't be taken personally, it's just a chance to grow and refine your views. I don't think we should ever get complacent with our views!
Basically I fell for the same trap as Cumberbatch did. I was trying to use okay language and ended up coming off as a ignorant by getting it mixed up.

As to giving up my views are too strong for that it just reminds we don't help ourselves sometimes.
Wow you're really going to say 'damn' like that when it's a letter away from dam, a nickname for Amsterdam, the same city where Tigs 'contracted' a very rare mix of crabs and herpes? Check your healthy knob privilege please.

I can confirm i have an itchy crotch, Still what are the odds on meeting your mum in Amsterdam!!

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