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Nba 2013/14

the offensive flow has been an enormous, nay, THE Bulls' problem this year without Derrick Rose. He was to them what a motor is to any vehicle. Everything else was there in place, everything, but needed the dynamic of movement to get going. So right now they're this fully equipped tank without wheels, kinda hard to drag that along all the time. And Noah may have turned it over a few times that game, but he's been absolutely 'great' this season.

Can't believe the Blazers got G.2, I feel like a kid opening up his Christmas presents. This is aaaaaaaaawwwweesoooooooooooome. There's actually a fair chance we'll SWEEP THE ROCKETS !!! :D :D

Good for Dallas in G.2, but I'm not concerned at all for the Spurs. And good for Miami, but I don't think they'll sweep the Cats.
the offensive flow has been an enormous, nay, THE Bulls' problem this year without Derrick Rose. He was to them what a motor is to any vehicle. Everything else was there in place, everything, but needed the dynamic of movement to get going. So right now they're this fully equipped tank without wheels, kinda hard to drag that along all the time. And Noah may have turned it over a few times that game, but he's been absolutely 'great' this season.

Can't believe the Blazers got G.2, I feel like a kid opening up his Christmas presents. This is aaaaaaaaawwwweesoooooooooooome. There's actually a fair chance we'll SWEEP THE ROCKETS !!! :D :D

Good for Dallas in G.2, but I'm not concerned at all for the Spurs. And good for Miami, but I don't think they'll sweep the Cats.

Yeah it wasn't so much the TOs from Noah, more so that the offense stagnated once he got the ball, and they went to him more often than they went to their PG to orchestrate the offense. From my uneducated BBall eye it simply wasn't working, so I am confused as to why they continued to do it? Whether they have Rose or not, surely you have to place the majority of the responsibility on you PG to run the offense, rather than going to your C at the top of the key who then tries to make PG like passes. It was awkward to watch. I'm not sure why they keep doing it. Hinrich is capable, so is DJ Augustin so Im not sure why they persist with Noah running the offense so much. I agree though, he was huge this year, and was the main reason they made the playoffs with HCA!

You didn't get back to me on Indy? Have you watched the first 4 games? You still as confident as before? 2 - 2 now, and to be perfectly honest Indy could easily be looking down the barrel of 3 -1. They guttsed out game 4 and have luckily for them tied it up, but jeepers, they are not a team filling me with confidence....

Yup stocked Portland got game 2, shame they couldn't have closed out game 3. BIG game today. Will be really tough for them to win the series if they don't win today! Houston looks a bit confused to me. Game 2 they decided to go through Howard heaps (I think he scored 13 of their first 15 or something). It meant that Harden and Parsons etc were kind left cold. They never really got into it, and they kinda went down in that game pretty quietly. Game three was more like the Houston I know, Harden lead the scoring, and for me that is the way they should go. Heres hoping Portland can get Aldridge going again today and go back to Houston 3 - 1 up!

Dallas has been a surprise for me. Looked like SA had gotten back on track with a game three win, but Carter hit that miracle shot at the buzzer and now SA really has a must win game in Dallas coming up. Seriously looks like Dallas might come through in that series,... hope Im wrong.

What do you think about the Sterling fiasco? Did you here Snoops "rebuttal"??
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Well I dislike Indiana greatly and I've always known they had that weakness about them but I thought with the sort of depth they have they could get past it come playoff time, especially being against the EIGHTH SEEDED FUKKING ATLANTA HAWKS...but I knew they had the shhitness, and I'm loving how it's resurfacing now. Atlanta were a top Eastern Conference team earlier this year and have the weapons to scare bigger teams, but unfortunately that's all they can do against the Pacers I fear. And no, I'd never watch a fkn Atlanta Indiana game :p just highlights and stuff about it. I'd rather watch baseball I think. Well no actually, not that bad.
All I take out of this is there isn't another team but Miami that will make the finals out of the EC, which is beautiful, exactly what I wanted. The Pacers are fkn pathetic so far in the p.o.

Aldridge went berserk in the first two games but not so much in G.3 at home. I think Portland will win the series after all, what a joy for me after all those years of no playoffs at all...yes, Howard finally is playing at an acceptable level, what a fkn loser that guy is. Give me 7feet, huge hands, long arms, hops like MJ and athleticism like a circus performer and trust me I'll get you more than fkn 18 and 12 for a season, ffs.......and I FUKKING - HATE - James Harden. So hopefully, the Blazers continue to make him a non-factor as they have before.

Just watched the Dallas Spurs game with VC hitting the game-winner. He used to be my fav player for like a decade, happy to see him make that but I'm sad it happened against the Spurs. Like both teams a lot personally, what fantastic flow offensively from both clubs.

Here's my best expectations for the West:
Dallas leaves the Spurs alone and die off. Oklahoma, though I like em a bit, must die against the Grizzlies so San Antonio doesn't have to face them, and match up really well against the Grizzlies in case they must meet. Rockets taken out by the Blazers, and hopefully the Clippers make it past the 1st round this time. Eventually, the Spurs make it to the finals.
Craptors have blown a huge lead but are still in it, 67-67 heading to the 4th!!!!
Craptors have blown a huge lead but are still in it, 67-67 heading to the 4th!!!!

Look like they are gonna pull it off! Up by 6 now with that Lowry bucket, shouldn't lose it from here. 2 - 2 going back to Toronto...should be an interesting series. Miami will be praying Toronto beat them I think. Someone mentioned above re Dallas v SA that regular season might not mean much when it comes to playoffs, but I simply cant see Toronto troubling Miami in 7. Brooklyn on the other hand, well I can see them at least making Miami work...
Big win!!! This series has been thrilling evey single game compelling and in close late going. Back to Toronto for Wednesday, the winner of this series wil be exhausted.
Man, not looking good for Portland! Houston just hitting too high a % from 3 point land (>50% at the moment vs 25% for Portland). If they can even up that shooting % a bit then Portland will get back in this one, but as it stands looks like they go back to Houston Even Stevens....
Man, not looking good for Portland! Houston just hitting too high a % from 3 point land (>50% at the moment vs 25% for Portland). If they can even up that shooting % a bit then Portland will get back in this one, but as it stands looks like they go back to Houston Even Stevens....
Portland coming back!!! only 3 down now, shooting % evening up, a few offensive boards from Portland as well...another game that goes to OT maybe?? Its the most enjoyable series of the lot for me! Hope Portland can get a win here!

Make that a 2 point lead now with 4 and a half to go! Man these guys can shoot - what about Hardens three off balance with the shot clock expiring.....


Post game EDIT: Well the game went to OT, they evened up the 3 point shooting percentage (both finished 11 from 28) and what do you know....Portland takes it by 3!!!

Stoked! Gonna be hard for Houston to get back into this one. Bet u r a happy man Ewis!!

BIG factor for me is that Harden looks really ****** off that Howard is getting the ball and not him! There was a certain play during the game where the ball went to Howard, Howard missed and harden grumpily didnt even make the effort to stop the ensuing Portland Breakout. Commentators made a note of it at the time as well. If Houston is starting to develop some player rifts, its all over Id say.

Also good to see Aldridge getting both teams together to support the Clips with the silent protest against the Clips racist owner! Lets hope the NBA acts fast and deals with this situation!!
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mmm ?? what's that ?? Not looking good for the Blazers ?? mm ? can you say that again please, I don't think I heard you correc.....THREE ONE, BIIIIITCCHHHHHH !!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!
A pure Blazers win too: all five starters played very well, and the bench was useless :p

Fkn annoyed at the Clippers loss though...hate Steph Curry and the Warriors so damn much, I wish I could share all that wonderful hatred more. Such a sad world...
mmm ?? what's that ?? Not looking good for the Blazers ?? mm ? can you say that again please, I don't think I heard you correc.....THREE ONE, BIIIIITCCHHHHHH !!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!
A pure Blazers win too: all five starters played very well, and the bench was useless :p

Fkn annoyed at the Clippers loss though...hate Steph Curry and the Warriors so damn much, I wish I could share all that wonderful hatred more. Such a sad world...

I guess you weren't watching the game?? It was most definitely NOT looking good for Portland. Out rebounded, out shot, more TOs, down by >10, it was not looking good. And the bigger picture is, IMHO, if they lost that game, then that was likely their season!

As I said in my post, they needed to turn around the shooting percentage differential...and they did, they also got back on the boards....AND it went to OT just as I suggested!! Then BOOOM 3 - 1!

Mate, I may not be a long term fan of the Blazers although I have always liked to watch them, but I did put a lazy few $ on them to in the West and the Championship early on in the season. 60 to 1 and 100 to 1 respectively. A long long way off yet, and Im not expecting anything BUT well worth the money at this stage, and I will likely start hedging soon to guarantee some profits. Best case scenario I think I stand to win about $20k if the Blazers can pull off the upset of a life time...U think I have any shot in hell??
Big games today as well brother, well big for Indy and SA at least.

I get the feeling Indy should win this easily.

I'm a bit worried about the Spurs though! Pretty much a must win at Dallas - you think they will win? They are the consummate pros so if anyone can come back from that heart-breaking loss via Carters miracle 3 it is the Spurs!
I don't do bets. And I'm not sure what you're saying, are you saying you put money on the Blazers to win the ***le, like, the whole thing ? That can't happen.
It's ridiculous enough they've made it to the playoffs, bar making it at the 5th spot, and that they're going to actually advance to the WCSF. They'll lose G.5 in Houston and take G.6. Actually, I have a feeling they could take G.5 and nail the series...
but then they're up against the Spurs man.
Your best bet is to see the Spurs actually fail in Round 1, in which case the Blazers really really have a shot at beating the Mavs. In fact - and this is complete speculation, practically sci-fi really - even with hca for Dallas I'd see the Blazers prevail. If they make it to the WCF, and this is one heck of a monumental long shot, they face, again without hca, any of the Clippers, Warriors or Thunder (maybe Grizz). They just don't have the depth to hang with the Clippers 7 games, the Thunder are too tough for Portland, and the Warriors probably won't make it that far even though, to remain in way-far-fetched land, the Blazers would actually get hca and have a legit chance to beat them. But how the fk in the world would a Warriors Blazers WCF happen ?! :p

Blazers to fall in R.2, and with nothing but pride and much higher results than expected. They're already in the bonus zone and have achieved more than they should've.
Damn, wrote a post which then got deleted.

In short Ewis, when I bet on long term stuff (i.e. NBA conference and season ***les) I often do so with more of a sharemarket mentality. Eg I took Portland after about 20 games of the regular season thinking they might do well (maybe get round 1 HCA and at the least get to round 2). If that happens, their odds shorten and at any stage I can cash up. At this stage for example their odds for the West have shortened from 60 to 1 to 12 to 1. Effectively means I could cash up now and get back 5 times my original bet/investment on them. The longer I let my bet ride, the more chance I have of losing everything, but the deeper Portland go the more return I get.

I agree, I don't think they will win the West, never thought they would, although things are working out perfectly for them and my bets. As you say, SA could lose today potentially giving Portland a 2nd round match up with Dallas (which they could win). Even more crazy is that Memphis is seriously competitive with OKC and LAC have this Donald Sterling thing hanging over them which certainly looked like it affected them in game 4. If the unthinkable happens Portland could get Dallas in round 2 and maybe even GS or Memphis in the West finals....If Portland made it to the West finals I'd say I could cash in for 20 to 30 times my money which would be amazing. I will wait to see how SA gets on in game 4, if SA win, Ill cash in completely on Port, if they lose Ill let it ride some more.

By the way are you sure that if Dallas beats SA, Dallas will get HCA v Portland in a potential 2nd round match up? I thought it was regular season records which determined HCA in the playoffs. Therefore Portland would have HCA v Dallas.
Indy one game away from elimination. OUCH! What a disaster and complete capitulation!

Maybe they shouldn't have ditched Granger?? May not have been the on court presence he once was but a few reports suggesting he was a very good Pacers team man and they are really missing his presence!

Can Indy rebound? You have to think they can. Anyone that watched todays game will have seen that Atlanta won that game on (from memory) a 6 minute stretch to start the 2nd Q where they put 28 points to 6? on the Pacers led by none other than Mike Scott who went 5 from 5 from 3 point land, ultimately given the Hawks a 21 point lead at half time. Indy fought back and almost made it close in the last 2 minutes, but in the end 20 points was too much to make up.

They must feel rubbish right now though and it would be a surprise (for me at least ) if they can win this series!
Interesting to read the bet thing....that's right actually, I dunno why I said Dallas would have hca. My bad, random blunder. But the Spurs won one on the line again, boy are the playoff games are fkn TIGHT this year or WHAT ?!!! Spurs to win it in 6 after all. I say they take the next one at home, and make a huge push to finish em off in Dallas, they have the poise, the coaching, the know-how and intelligent players and we know they can win on the road, and certainly in Dallas - they just did.
So fk Portland's chances. I mean, don't take my word for it, I'm just voicing (well, typing...) my thoughts here.

The Pacers, as I think I've said before, have that utter shhittiness about them, and I thought they really changed this year but no. Roy Hibbert is a monumental loser at the Center position, and I fought hard for years claiming that and ppl kept putting me down, bringing up his shot-blocking ability at the rim and 2 AS selections and what not. I say this: out of my fine but not astronomical knowledge of the NBA and its history, I have never ever seen such a BAD center get an AS nod, and get this, good centers are rare so many get the vote while not objectively meriting it. That's how full of cocks and ass this dude is. On top of that, he's very pretentious and a big showoff.
Paul George plays the first two months of the year: MVP. Period. Ends up with a poor 2 thirds of the season and he ain't exactly sparkling in the post-season either.
That motherfukking human scum Lance Stephenson and his flashy display of athleticism but mostly utter stupidity will take a nice, enormous penis inside his anus and stfu for the summer and the showing off can stop for a bit.
I'm absolutely lovin this. Loving it.
I really do hope they lose the series as it's heading back to Atlanta when they got smashed at home. Besides David West, a respectable soldier in this league, who the shhit is consistent ? Would ADORE an early exit for the Pacers, and the Hawks have absolutely rocked so far so, very much deserved indeed. Milsap's the man, a very well-spoken, humble guy with talent and a polished game, Teague has rocked this season, and Korver is one DAMN consistent shooting machine. Remember that streak ? and he's still goin strong this post-season.
The Hawks would be up against the Wizards...that would be a very boring series for me. Wouldn't watch a game I think.
Has no one mentioned Donald Sterling yet, Clippers owner banned for life from being involved with the NBA over racist remarks, fined $2.5 Million and is forced to sell the team which will make him something like $2 billion.
I thought it was absolutely astronomically blown out of proportion. From what I understood, he said, as racist as it is, he didn't want to share with black ppl, smt along those lines. This chick posed with Magic Johnson and he said he thought she shouldn't associate with black people.
It's racist, no doubt. But he's not dangerous to society, he just has his own views on hispanics and african-americans etc...he should be able to express them even if they are indeed racist. He doesn't condone or promote the massacre of black ppl or anything violent, he just out of his life experience deems it just and founded to not associate with certain peoples.
I'm not condoning his words myself here, I'm just saying he shouldn't have to sell his team and be banned from the NBA for life, especially not at 80yo. It's fkn ridiculous.

Had a black owner said the same about white people: "you shouldn't pose or associate with white people" - none of this would've happened, and it would've only made about 20% the noise.
Has no one mentioned Donald Sterling yet, Clippers owner banned for life from being involved with the NBA over racist remarks, fined $2.5 Million and is forced to sell the team which will make him something like $2 billion.

Yup mentioned it earlier when it first broke, but no one commented. Good riddance obviously , stupid ignorant racist prick! - just a matter of whether or not he will fight it now. Good bold move by the new commissioner too! Has really united particularly the US on not putting up with idiot racists!
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I thought it was absolutely astronomically blown out of proportion. From what I understood, he said, as racist as it is, he didn't want to share with black ppl, smt along those lines. This chick posed with Magic Johnson and he said he thought she shouldn't associate with black people.
It's racist, no doubt. But he's not dangerous to society, he just has his own views on hispanics and african-americans etc...he should be able to express them even if they are indeed racist. He doesn't condone or promote the massacre of black ppl or anything violent, he just out of his life experience deems it just and founded to not associate with certain peoples.
I'm not condoning his words myself here, I'm just saying he shouldn't have to sell his team and be banned from the NBA for life, especially not at 80yo. It's fkn ridiculous.

Had a black owner said the same about white people: "you shouldn't pose or associate with white people" - none of this would've happened, and it would've only made about 20% the noise.

I think you are missing a bit of the context here mate. Not only has this been going on for ages with Sterling, but he said way more stuff in this recent round than you appear to have heard. To be honest though it would seem that even if you knew the full details, you seem pretty set in your ways and I dont suppose it would change your opinion.

Don't want to start a race debate on here, but I would like to go on record saying I completely disagree with your views Ewis. Racists should not be tolerated at all! They are a danger to society! Donald Sterling should not be allowed to own an NBA team, and should absolutely be banned for life from the NBA!
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well then yes we do disagree completely. But for my info, what else has he notoriously done or said ?

Anyways, and far more importantly, Blazers Rockets tonight !! If the Blazers actually get this one in Houston, enormous props to them, it would be absolutely magnificent. I'm keeping some hope for it still...