With the release of this game, which seems to be the same as last version of RC4 but not licensed, maybe they can expand on it by bringing back the ability to add up to 5 players in the Ruck instead of 3 and longer scrums how it originally released with giving the scrums more importance and more excitement when you can gain more meters or have a penalty called on the opposing team for losing the scrum, but add all the other good fixes and patches that were added to improve the game play, (not all the patches and updates were good for the game) take the best of Rugby Challenge 3/4 like 5 in a ruck, (which was in the original release of RC4) longer scrums and mauls that make it more simulation, now that they are re-releasing they have an opportunity to make "Rugby Challenge great again
" And then with the player editor you can have all type of fun creating "fantasy" teams. This could be a good game, but they have to make it different enough from RC4 which most of have, so that they can sell more. I already downloaded it, I was hoping it was like original, original, RC4 release where you could bind 5 in a ruck, but unfortunately it was not. Maybe someone who knows the new owners of the game engine, can let them know, its a win win situation. If you make it different enough from RC4 through updates and expand on it. It could very well be the best rugby game, with some good additions in updates and patches. The code is there for 5 in a ruck and the code is there for more simulation style mauls, and scrums,