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Giving In To The Fact Im Gutted !

maybe bit of an exaggeration but some of knowsleyroader's posts and rippers seems like that sidhe cannot do anything right in their eyes

parore ripper has trouble with reading his writing though is apparently right up there.
Originally posted by Ripper+Dec 24 2005, 11:51 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Ripper @ Dec 24 2005, 11:51 AM)</div>
@Dec 24 2005, 10:51 AM
you defintely need the box of tissues take a second with you so you don't have to come back for more.
What the f*** is that to mean? are you challenging me to a fight over the internet? [/b]
Ripper, stop being an arse... your comment doesn't even make sense. Are you trying to be the new los?
Are you getting bored of the holidays already Ripper?

If I could I'd give you both warnings for ruining at least two threads which were good. However it isn't fair to only warn esoj so I guess there's nothing that can't be done.
Originally posted by esoj@Dec 24 2005, 10:53 AM
maybe bit of an exaggeration but some of knowsleyroader's posts and rippers seems like that sidhe cannot do anything right in their eyes

parore ripper has trouble with reading his writing though is apparently right up there.
To be fair Knowsley has gone back to, and is still loving, SIDHE's RL1 - so to call him a SIDHE hater is a bit off.................
Originally posted by esoj@Dec 24 2005, 05:07 PM
I guess so. as he is enjoying rl 1.
Did anyone else just see the clouds part and the sunlight come streaming through ? Jeez man if you think I have been coming on here just to bag Sidhe for the fun of it you really have got some major issues.

All I have ever done on here is give my honest opinion about Rugby League 2. I have gained nothing by me not likeing the game. I wish I loved it like you but I dont. I am back to playing RL1 which ( " IN MY OPINION " <----- did you see what I just said, not THE opinion, MY OPINION ) plays a whole lot better.

I really wish you would drop the whole Knowsleyroader HATES Sidhe thing now as its beyond pathetic.
Originally posted by knowsleyroader+Dec 24 2005, 09:55 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (knowsleyroader @ Dec 24 2005, 09:55 PM)</div>
@Dec 24 2005, 05:07 PM
I guess so. as he is enjoying rl 1.
Did anyone else just see the clouds part and the sunlight come streaming through ? Jeez man if you think I have been coming on here just to bag Sidhe for the fun of it you really have got some major issues.

All I have ever done on here is give my honest opinion about Rugby League 2. I have gained nothing by me not likeing the game. I wish I loved it like you but I dont. I am back to playing RL1 which ( " IN MY OPINION " <----- did you see what I just said, not THE opinion, MY OPINION ) plays a whole lot better.
Fair enough, we're all entitled to our opinion. In fact, I actually just booted up Rugby League 1 for a game after reading your post to see if I could see where you're coming from... and I'll be honest, RL2 certainly has issues, but going back to RL1 I managed to last barely 30 seconds before having to turn the game off! If anything it has made me appreciate Rugby League 2 more, because 1 just feels totally unplayable now! Obviously there is some GLARING issue that really gets you about RL2 knowsley, but I can't for the life of me find one aspect in RL2 that isn't vastly superior to RL1... Just out of curiosity, in what way do you find RL1 to play better?
Originally posted by sanzar+Dec 25 2005, 02:40 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (sanzar @ Dec 25 2005, 02:40 AM)</div>
Originally posted by knowsleyroader@Dec 24 2005, 09:55 PM
@Dec 24 2005, 05:07 PM
I guess so. as he is enjoying rl 1.

Did anyone else just see the clouds part and the sunlight come streaming through ? Jeez man if you think I have been coming on here just to bag Sidhe for the fun of it you really have got some major issues.

All I have ever done on here is give my honest opinion about Rugby League 2. I have gained nothing by me not likeing the game. I wish I loved it like you but I dont. I am back to playing RL1 which ( " IN MY OPINION " <----- did you see what I just said, not THE opinion, MY OPINION ) plays a whole lot better.
Fair enough, we're all entitled to our opinion. In fact, I actually just booted up Rugby League 1 for a game after reading your post to see if I could see where you're coming from... and I'll be honest, RL2 certainly has issues, but going back to RL1 I managed to last barely 30 seconds before having to turn the game off! If anything it has made me appreciate Rugby League 2 more, because 1 just feels totally unplayable now! Obviously there is some GLARING issue that really gets you about RL2 knowsley, but I can't for the life of me find one aspect in RL2 that isn't vastly superior to RL1... Just out of curiosity, in what way do you find RL1 to play better? [/b]
It just plays far smoother. You have far more control over your player which is how it should be. I can line up opposition defenders in RL1 and I cant do that with any regularity on RL2. If you mis time it there is no way to correct yourself and chase after them or adjust your position its just too late and you have to change to another player.

I also find there is less difference between the players on the game. Add Matty Bowen to your team on RL1 and it can turn your season around. I really didnt see any players that really stood out from the others on RL2 which kinda spoiled the point of the franchise for me also.

It was the control issue that was the main bugbear and if the control was there in RL2 I would most probably be playing it.
lol as if RL1 is better.
Unless I have a shittier version of it, player movement is shitty players passing while looking in the other direction. Their heads turning a full 360 degrees when running away for a try. Stacey Jones bumping off 10 players like big Jonah to score. Balls flying 20m forward not being called forward. Balls floating in the opposite direction to the wind direction. Players jogging on the spot for the fun of it. On Legend the CPU throwing 20m miracle balls while going down in a tackle onto the chest of a player.
Originally posted by knowsleyroader@Dec 25 2005, 01:54 AM
It just plays far smoother. You have far more control over your player which is how it should be. I can line up opposition defenders in RL1 and I cant do that with any regularity on RL2. If you mis time it there is no way to correct yourself and chase after them or adjust your position its just too late and you have to change to another player.
I actually don't find that so much personally... I select 1 player at a time (so I'm not randomly just pushing change player) and am almost always able to line up attackers with success.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>
I also find there is less difference between the players on the game. Add Matty Bowen to your team on RL1 and it can turn your season around. I really didnt see any players that really stood out from the others on RL2 which kinda spoiled the point of the franchise for me also.[/b]
Thats probably true, but i think that's because in RL1 players abilities were heavily exagerated. In RL2 the differences are less pronounced, but they are certainly still enought to turn matches... I can't tell you how many game I would have lost if not for the abilities of Amos Roberts!

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>
It was the control issue that was the main bugbear and if the control was there in RL2 I would most probably be playing it.[/b]
The difference is that there is more influence from momentum in RL2 and as a result it feels more rigid. But I personally find it more satisfying to play than RL1 where players can turn on a dime, but in doing so will circumnavigate a quater of the feild in a massive semi-trailor like u turn...
The biggest thing in RL2, that I have seen in no other Rugby game is that you can take a rookie whose Attack is 4, Defense 3 and overall is 4 and turn his stats to Attack 8 Defense 8 and Overall 8 in a few seasons if he stays injury free and plays well. Theres greater realism when you can make a rookie a superstar like SB Williams and thus a greater satisfaction when playing.
Originally posted by Parore@Dec 25 2005, 04:50 PM
The biggest thing in RL2, that I have seen in no other Rugby game is that you can take a rookie whose Attack is 4, Defense 3 and overall is 4 and turn his stats to Attack 8 Defense 8 and Overall 8 in a few seasons if he stays injury free and plays well. Theres greater realism when you can make a rookie a superstar like SB Williams and thus a greater satisfaction when playing.
Thats certainly a good feature although you wouldnt want it to happen with every player as some should remain as squad type players at best. If you could turn any rookie into a star it would be a bit pointless.

Still something to be developed and at least seems to be pointing in the right direction.
on higher difficultires I believe the affect of players is lees pronounced but defintelyon reserve I have noticed the star players wil johns and jones stanad out a lot and have a big impact on the game.

I think some playesr do stay the same like betham for me has crap attack and it hasn't gone up at all in 3 seasons. and others can go down like byrne had an attack of 6 i think and he now has 5 for attack. maybe again it is a difficulty thing and maybe the chances of stats improving or otherwise are less on seasoned and above
Originally posted by esoj@Dec 26 2005, 07:38 AM
on higher difficultires I believe the affect of players is lees pronounced but defintelyon reserve I have noticed the star players wil johns and jones stanad out a lot and have a big impact on the game.

I think some playesr do stay the same like betham for me has crap attack and it hasn't gone up at all in 3 seasons. and others can go down like byrne had an attack of 6 i think and he now has 5 for attack. maybe again it is a difficulty thing and maybe the chances of stats improving or otherwise are less on seasoned and above
What camera angle to you use esoj? There's none that really do the job really well, but I've actually been finding the "behind close" angle really good lately. You don't get that vision in pasing, but your much closer to the action and it makes it easier to time steps, palms and shoulder charges to beat the defending player... I notice I actually score more long range tries using it on harder levels as well, I score a great 45 metre try after using the shoulder charge and getting a quick scoot down the left wing.
I haven't changed the angle yet so i guess default which ever that one is. seems to be pretty good reminds me alot of the classive view on rugby 2001. have good view of your players and the field. most of the time is is good but on some occasions it feels a bit far away and akward. something that was a bit closer would be ideal.
Originally posted by esoj@Dec 26 2005, 02:17 PM
I haven't changed the angle yet so i guess default which ever that one is. seems to be pretty good reminds me alot of the classive view on rugby 2001. have good view of your players and the field. most of the time is is good but on some occasions it feels a bit far away and akward. something that was a bit closer would be ideal.
The Behind Close view isn't just a bit closer though, it's right behind the play the ball, so you're right in the action. But it does take a bit of getting used to as the receivers aren't really visible, but you get used to it and you just generally feel far more involved. I had a go at the Dynamic cam, which is good because you get to see almost all your passing options most of the time, but it keeps changing angles and thus starts to feel a little awkward.
cant you edit the camera angles in a file somewhere?
There is some data in F:\RugbyLeague2\data\cmn\cameras rl.xds to the height, distance and angles of different camera angles.

The Behind Dynamic from RL1 was perfect, on a slight angle from the sideline but also at such an angle that you can see all your players.
Originally posted by knowsleyroader@Dec 8 2005, 07:36 AM
Cant do it anymore. Have tried to kid myself since I got this game that its ok and worth playing, but the fact is if I have to try and convince myself that a game is good then there has to be something wrong.

I am without question absolutely gutted.

Im sure some will like it, thats the way of the world and good luck to you but for me I dont think it beats RL1 never mind the upcoming RC2006 and soon to be EA Rugby 2006.

It doesnt have even a minute amount of the control that R2005 or RC2006 has, in fact it has less responsiveness that RL1.

Even the menus are slow. The menus for gods sake, what chance does the game have ?

The PC version will improve on the frame rate of the PS2 which will probably help things, and the graphics will be clearer but it wont change the gameplay how I would like.

I am in a state of shock although I had had a taste of what was to come I convinced myself I was wrong and I just needed to give it another chance but my first impressions were right and have been compounded over the last couple of days play.

Its just so slow and sluggish and its almost impossible to put any fluid gameplay into practice. Ball stripping, kicking the lose ball and all the faces which are excellent mean nothing if the core gameplay isnt there. The motion capture doesnt look like motion capture as it looks like its skipping every other couple of frames which just makes it look jerky as hell.

What happened to the dummy ? Its like elvis swinging his mike around.

Back to RL1 on the xbox for me unless the PC version can somehow manage to grab me unlike the PS2 version has.

Only my opinion and I dont mean any offense to SIDHE as I am sure they would love everyone to sing this games praises but at the moment I dont feel I can. I really hope against all hopes that I am missing something here but I fear not.

If they do an RL3 which I really dont think they will, someone needs to get hold of this project by the balls and sort it out as at the moment it seems to be going nowhere.

Gutted beyond being gutted

PS Is Renderware which comes up at the begining an engine they have purchased like when Rugby 2004 switched to the Fifa engine ? Is that whats holding them back ?

Maybe they should enquire how much it would be to purchase Swordfish Studios engine which seems to fly along on the PS2 with absolutely no trouble at all.
I agree 100% with all of that. Id go so far as to say I hate the game and everything about it. Now I absolutly played rl1 into the ground but this game is a huge step back. The response. the animation the graphics, that f&*($n logo thing that cums up. but most of all its the camera and the feel of playing. you get no big game atmosphere it all seems to just chug along. And the cameras are all just plane ****. WHY OH WHY CANT THEY JUST PLAY A MADDEN OR ESPN NFL GAME AND SEE and FEEL HOW IT SHOULD PLAY. 4/10

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