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Giving In To The Fact Im Gutted !

Thats exactly wat i tried to do but it wont let me. There are dozens of crap free agents that you can sign to prevent problems, but it wont let me do it.
Originally posted by Alan+Dec 15 2005, 10:16 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Alan @ Dec 15 2005, 10:16 AM)</div>
@Dec 15 2005, 04:54 AM
Numerous people have been fired for not being able to field a team due to injury so you must be charmed as its obviously happening elsewhere.
Hire more players.

The temptation to buy the best ~20 players ever and leave it at that is strong. That's by design. Do so and risk forfeit.

Instead, try padding out your dream team with some rookies. Get some cheap players with cool names and train them up into the stars of tomorrow. Stuff like that. [/b]
Well after 2 full years on LEGEND

I get the Call from Vince McMahon


I was fired coz i only had 5 players outside my bench, and got 6 injuries, forfeit 3 times and then the chop

I was gutted, coz i was nearing the end of the year, and could have just craped thru.

Back down to seasoned........i am finding legend too much in regards to AI passing...and i believe my take so far is that the higher the difficulty the higher u gotto play ur players, and the harder it is to sign players up, thus not only during gameplay was legend being a *****, but also in the back-office, legend was taxing me huge dollars for Big Mal and Laurie Daley, and even after axing Chalk, Shif, smith, woolford and withers, i still could only muster up a roster of 22 players

Am now going to adjust sliders on seasoned to make the AI a little harder than default seasoned, coz i want to find the medium between legend and season, for the best challenge.
Yes knowsley some have but there are proabbly numerous others like me that can actually play the game and not get lots of injuries. and guess what you choose which players to buy and set the training schedule so it cannot be sidhes fault that the user decides to buy a superstar team or does not alter training if they are getting lots of injuries. but of course knowsley the game is crap and even the decisions the user makes in franchise must be the fault of sidhe and the game must be unrealistic

ak 47 i saw a tip on the sidhe forums that might be useful to you. try signing players to 3 year deals they will often sign for a lot less if you do it this way and don't sign players during origin week as their price is often a couple hundered grand more than normal. this guy that was doing this was playing on league god difficulty so it is possible to play franchise on a higher difficulty.
Originally posted by esoj@Dec 15 2005, 11:40 AM
this guy that was doing this was playing on league god difficulty so it is possible to play franchise on a higher difficulty.
yeah but i dont wanna have to be souped on coke/caffiene/pingas to play this

on league god, u gotto be clued in with ur eyes popping out, to match the AI's pace.

i like to relax and soak in the atmosphere, and play tactical - IN CONTROL - rugby league

i find on anything higher than seasoned, the AI's play is steroid fed, ectasy injected rugby league..its like NFL BLITZ, but only league.

Playing good teams they will pass up to 20 times per tackle left and right to move up the field......all of a sudden i look like i am watching tennis - head moving left and right, watching their passing.
my flatmate, looks like he is at wimbledon watching.........THAT AINT RUGBY LEAGUE

Sidhe have failed to deliver on the ai levels........the harder it is the faster they get, not smarter, they get dumber....example is how many times they pass in their own 20m...............in god mode............they will keep on passing, when in real life on ur own 20m, it should be one up stuff

i find winning on legend alot easier in the rain, coz they dont know the conditions and keep on playing on steroids........thus under rainy condition their extravagance is punished by the wet ball, thus they are DUMBER on higher difficulty, yet stronger, faster, and more optimistic, and risk taking.

sidhe thought the sliders would help...they do, but really, they arent sliders...not proper ones...they are just cop out ways to get around the dodgy way the gamer plays as per the programming..........ie the testers failed to do their job, and its us that have to make the changes after we have bought it...they arent proper gameplay sliders, when they both effect u and the ai....they are just PROGRAMMING ADJUSTMENTS.

I do love the game still, but i am furious that i got fired, hence i am lashing out today at its flaws!!!...yes i am a passionate league nut, like wayne bennet, i am firing at all directions, coz i cant cop losing.
Originally posted by ak47+Dec 15 2005, 12:48 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (ak47 @ Dec 15 2005, 12:48 PM)</div>
@Dec 15 2005, 11:40 AM
this guy that was doing this was playing on league god difficulty so it is possible to play franchise on a higher difficulty.
yeah but i dont wanna have to be souped on coke/caffiene/pingas to play this

on league god, u gotto be clued in with ur eyes popping out, to match the AI's pace.

i like to relax and soak in the atmosphere, and play tactical - IN CONTROL - rugby league

i find on anything higher than seasoned, the AI's play is steroid fed, ectasy injected rugby league..its like NFL BLITZ, but only league.

Playing good teams they will pass up to 20 times per tackle left and right to move up the field......all of a sudden i look like i am watching tennis - head moving left and right, watching their passing.
my flatmate, looks like he is at wimbledon watching.........THAT AINT RUGBY LEAGUE

Sidhe have failed to deliver on the ai levels........the harder it is the faster they get, not smarter, they get dumber....example is how many times they pass in their own 20m...............in god mode............they will keep on passing, when in real life on ur own 20m, it should be one up stuff

i find winning on legend alot easier in the rain, coz they dont know the conditions and keep on playing on steroids........thus under rainy condition their extravagance is punished by the wet ball, thus they are DUMBER on higher difficulty, yet stronger, faster, and more optimistic, and risk taking.

sidhe thought the sliders would help...they do, but really, they arent sliders...not proper ones...they are just cop out ways to get around the dodgy way the gamer plays as per the programming..........ie the testers failed to do their job, and its us that have to make the changes after we have bought it...they arent proper gameplay sliders, when they both effect u and the ai....they are just PROGRAMMING ADJUSTMENTS.

I do love the game still, but i am furious that i got fired, hence i am lashing out today at its flaws!!!...yes i am a passionate league nut, like wayne bennet, i am firing at all directions, coz i cant cop losing.
Im actually disliking the game more and more the longer I play it...................I was forced to chuck on PES5 after another "annoying" RL2 session, and the diference was such that I don't think I can go back to RL2.

(Before some of you say "you can't compare PES5 to RL2" etc etc, I can, it cost me less to buy, and is a sport I enjoy playing in video game mode like rugby).

The things that I initially turned a blind eye to in RL2 which are now doing my head in:

*Very poor AI. Higher levels are made more difficult by making you play against the Harlem globetrotters, or the computer gets a "leg up" by being able to offload in situations you can not. AK47 is right, the AI don't get smarter as they should.

*Gameplay has no variety. "roll up, roll up............score the same try over and over until you go dizzy, see how the computer can only score from close to your line, watch as you run from dummy half for easy meters and tries........"

Teams seem to be no different from each other, all games blend into one. You never feel you are playing the Broncos, Souths, Tigers because every bloody team plays exactly the same way! Players all seem grouped with a relatively similar skillset (regardless of their stats) hence forwards step like backs, backs run over players like forwards..........its ******** - more categories of individual abilities, and a bigger range of numbers (ie. rate abilities out of more then only 10) badly needed - the players in this game have no personality......

*Mentioned already but the player control is like maneuvering Kenworths at a busy truckstop. Knowsley is right, even RL1 didn't have this problem - so why has this "improved" version??

*Wingers running the ball out for no reason and standing outside the field of play waiting for a pass????? (a personal hate)

*whats with the breaks?? Where is the long range tries that gamers want?? This is a "game" (as pointed out by Alan on this forum) so why have the "fun" bits (like running in open play) been taken away??? The open style running was in RL1, and though it was far from perfect a little tweaking here and there (ie. so props couldn't run down wingers) would have resulted in a better end result. If one of the fastest guys in league can make a clean break on his own line then why shouldn't he be able to go the length of the field???

This looks like league (players we know and love, team colours, competitions etc etc) but it sure as hell don't play like rugby league. It is neither an arcade version of league, or a simulation - perhaps the developers need to stop sitting on the fence and decide what type of game of the two they are trying to produce??

PS. If anybody from SIDHE is reading: Who did the cutscenes, and has he/she ever watched a game of rugby before?? (I'm sure its that blondie guy from "queer eye for the straight guy")...............and also do something about that dreadful in-game music!!
you guys r right

the AI Is complete crap, theres no difference between playing the tigers and souths cos they play exactly the same game.

Star players have little or no impact at all, johns, lockyer, slater are no different to any other players.

Fullback in the game are useless, they dont even support you when u make the break cos their freakin 20m behind the team

when umake a clean break and u see support eithe left or right, dont even bother passing it to them cos they slow down like their walking when they recieve the ball

its total BS
I can't help but think that Mario left this forum at a good time for himself.

Could he have known the quality of the goods he was delivering to us?

Now he doesn't have to answer any criticism, and can sit back on his own forum, kicking off anyone who has a problem with his product.

I haven't played it much yet, (have only hired) but impressions are that it's not quite the turd that some have said, but more of a lemon.

I think mediocre isn't a good match to the hype we heard from July till he buggered off. I know the mods want him back, but who's going to sweet talk him at the moment? Honestly?

The "disappearing over the horizon with tail between legs" look will be my last impressions of him on this site...
Originally posted by C A Iversen@Dec 15 2005, 05:09 PM
Now he doesn't have to answer any criticism, and can sit back on his own forum, kicking off anyone who has a problem with his product.

The "disappearing over the horizon with tail between legs" look will be my last impressions of him on this site...
hey iverson

wanan see mario at his best nowadays - whilst his wallet gets fatter

check this


i was absolutely disgusted when i saw this

when i have time i going to delibrately get banned, and give it right back at him......in their house.....not ours!!!
Originally posted by esoj@Dec 15 2005, 11:40 AM
Yes knowsley some have but there are proabbly numerous others like me that can actually play the game and not get lots of injuries. and guess what you choose which players to buy and set the training schedule so it cannot be sidhes fault that the user decides to buy a superstar team or does not alter training if they are getting lots of injuries. but of course knowsley the game is crap and even the decisions the user makes in franchise must be the fault of sidhe and the game must be unrealistic

ak 47 i saw a tip on the sidhe forums that might be useful to you. try signing players to 3 year deals they will often sign for a lot less if you do it this way and don't sign players during origin week as their price is often a couple hundered grand more than normal. this guy that was doing this was playing on league god difficulty so it is possible to play franchise on a higher difficulty.
Have I missed something ? Did I recently have a go at you for expressing your opinion ? Im really pretty sure that I didnt, yet you obviously have a problem with me expressing mine.

Your best bet is either a) stop reading my posts or b ) dont be so pathetic as to take someones opinion about a game to heart.

Originally posted by ak47+Dec 15 2005, 12:48 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (ak47 @ Dec 15 2005, 12:48 PM)</div>
@Dec 15 2005, 11:40 AM
this guy that was doing this was playing on league god difficulty so it is possible to play franchise on a higher difficulty.
yeah but i dont wanna have to be souped on coke/caffiene/pingas to play this

on league god, u gotto be clued in with ur eyes popping out, to match the AI's pace.

i like to relax and soak in the atmosphere, and play tactical - IN CONTROL - rugby league

i find on anything higher than seasoned, the AI's play is steroid fed, ectasy injected rugby league..its like NFL BLITZ, but only league.

Playing good teams they will pass up to 20 times per tackle left and right to move up the field......all of a sudden i look like i am watching tennis - head moving left and right, watching their passing.
my flatmate, looks like he is at wimbledon watching.........THAT AINT RUGBY LEAGUE

Sidhe have failed to deliver on the ai levels........the harder it is the faster they get, not smarter, they get dumber....example is how many times they pass in their own 20m...............in god mode............they will keep on passing, when in real life on ur own 20m, it should be one up stuff

i find winning on legend alot easier in the rain, coz they dont know the conditions and keep on playing on steroids........thus under rainy condition their extravagance is punished by the wet ball, thus they are DUMBER on higher difficulty, yet stronger, faster, and more optimistic, and risk taking.

sidhe thought the sliders would help...they do, but really, they arent sliders...not proper ones...they are just cop out ways to get around the dodgy way the gamer plays as per the programming..........ie the testers failed to do their job, and its us that have to make the changes after we have bought it...they arent proper gameplay sliders, when they both effect u and the ai....they are just PROGRAMMING ADJUSTMENTS.

I do love the game still, but i am furious that i got fired, hence i am lashing out today at its flaws!!!...yes i am a passionate league nut, like wayne bennet, i am firing at all directions, coz i cant cop losing.
Nice one AK47 you had me giggling at this thread.
Originally posted by knowsleyroader+Dec 15 2005, 09:26 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (knowsleyroader @ Dec 15 2005, 09:26 PM)</div>
@Dec 15 2005, 11:40 AM
Yes knowsley some have but there are proabbly numerous others like me that can actually play the game and not get lots of injuries. and guess what you choose which players to buy and set the training schedule so it cannot be sidhes fault that the user decides to buy a superstar team or does not alter training if they are getting lots of injuries. but of course knowsley the game is crap and even the decisions the user makes in franchise must be the fault of sidhe and the game must be unrealistic

ak 47 i saw a tip on the sidhe forums that might be useful to you. try signing players to 3 year deals they will often sign for a lot less if you do it this way and don't sign players during origin week as their price is often a couple hundered grand more than normal. this guy that was doing this was playing on league god difficulty so it is possible to play franchise on a higher difficulty.
Have I missed something ? Did I recently have a go at you for expressing your opinion ? Im really pretty sure that I didnt, yet you obviously have a problem with me expressing mine.

Your best bet is either a) stop reading my posts or b ) dont be so pathetic as to take someones opinion about a game to heart.

lol stop reading your post might as well they tend to be the same every post the game sucks sidhe sucks . as for taking it to heart you seem to have taken it a lot more than me as you seem to have to bag sidhe and the game every post you make.
Originally posted by esoj+Dec 15 2005, 09:41 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (esoj @ Dec 15 2005, 09:41 PM)</div>
Originally posted by knowsleyroader@Dec 15 2005, 09:26 PM
@Dec 15 2005, 11:40 AM
Yes knowsley some have but there are proabbly numerous others like me that can actually play the game and not get lots of injuries. and guess what you choose which players to buy and set the training schedule so it cannot be sidhes fault that the user decides to buy a superstar team or does not alter training if they are getting lots of injuries. but of course knowsley the game is crap and even the decisions the user makes in franchise must be the fault of sidhe and the game must be unrealistic

ak 47 i saw a tip on the sidhe forums that might be useful to you. try signing players to 3 year deals they will often sign for a lot less if you do it this way and don't sign players during origin week as their price is often a couple hundered grand more than normal. this guy that was doing this was playing on league god difficulty so it is possible to play franchise on a higher difficulty.

Have I missed something ? Did I recently have a go at you for expressing your opinion ? Im really pretty sure that I didnt, yet you obviously have a problem with me expressing mine.

Your best bet is either a) stop reading my posts or b ) dont be so pathetic as to take someones opinion about a game to heart.

lol stop reading your post might as well they tend to be the same every post the game sucks sidhe sucks . as for taking it to heart you seem to have taken it a lot more than me as you seem to have to bag sidhe and the game every post you make. [/b]
Correct me if im wrong, isnt this a thread about RL2 ? You really seem to have taken the fact I dont like RL2 personally. Arnt different opinions what forums are all about.

Im really glad you like the game and I hope you and as many others as possible have a lot of fun with it. I certainly havent taken it personally that you like the game and I havent tried to change your opinion or point out that you are wrong. Its your opinion and as valid as anyone elses.

I am gaining nothing by giving my opinion about RL2. Im not on commision for every time I say somthing bad about it if thats what you think
I have waited for this game since the release of RL1 and I am obviously dissapointed that its not improved in the way I thought it would.

Thats about the size of it really.
Originally posted by ak47+Dec 15 2005, 05:29 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (ak47 @ Dec 15 2005, 05:29 PM)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-C A Iversen
@Dec 15 2005, 05:09 PM
Now he doesn't have to answer any criticism, and can sit back on his own forum, kicking off anyone who has a problem with his product.

The "disappearing over the horizon with tail between legs" look will be my last impressions of him on this site...
hey iverson

wanan see mario at his best nowadays - whilst his wallet gets fatter

check this


i was absolutely disgusted when i saw this

when i have time i going to delibrately get banned, and give it right back at him......in their house.....not ours!!! [/b]
Those forums make ours look even better.

Sidhe only want suck-ups on there.

I wouldn't be suprised if Wynands needs a fan club to make him feel better after releasing this game.

Hired it again tonight and I so wanted to like it. The sliders do help the gameplay, but THE LACK OF CONTROL !!!!

It's like the one problem that stands out like the f***ing HULK of problems, whilst the others are merely normal sized problems by way of contrast. It's like when you want to turn your player someone suddenly put 30kgs on his back!!!

I will now say I'll never believe anything that company says about a game again, til I've played it for myself.

The hugely frustrating thing for me is that they didn't just cock everything up. No way, they made half the games features brilliant, and the other half crap. Half of me wants to buy it for that stuff and cause I love rugby and league so much. The other half of me wants to kick myself (hard) for even thinking of doing it.
There is no point in fighting amongst ourselves, leave that to the RL2 forums.

I think ride the cliche summed it up pretty well on the previous page, there wasnt much he said that i could argue with without kidding myself. Every time i break down the sideline with brent web and watch as meli runs perfectly in support, I cant help but think (as the pass to meli goes wayward and into touch yet again) this game could hav been sooo good, i find myself continuously shaking my head and thinking, how could they get so close, and then drop the ball, something which im getting damn sick of doing.

As you can probably tell. i had bad day on this game. I should hav reserved my judgement unitl after i played the end of year tri series. In short, bad things happened, unbelieveable dodgyness, im so gutted by it that I cant even write anymore about it. Maybe tomorrow it wont be so bad. Im seroiusly considering revoking my 7/10 and replacing it with a 5/10.
Well fellas, now's the time to hold my hands up and say I'm completely fed up of this game.

I was playing Franchise mode last night, and I was sick of 0-0 and 1-0 scorelines. There's just so much wrong. In the end, I started to simulate matches rather than playing them.

One thing that did bother me, was the fact that I had about 14 injuries in one season and had to buy a shed load of no hopers from the unsigned players. I then placed these players anywhere in the squad, and simulated the matches. What happened????? I WON EVERY BLOODY MATCH!!!! This SHOULD NOT have happened.

But the one thing that really made me not want to play it again is the control... or lack of it. Why oh why, is RL2 filled with features just bursting to be enjoyed, only to be let down by one of the worst control systems ever in a game. The more I play it, the worse it gets. Go on, try it. pick up the ball from dummy half and run around a player without stepping... you can't can you? All it seems to me is that you control who to pass to then they run pre-determined routes. After a few minutes you long for to just push a button to sprint instead of hammering away at the button for little, or no difference. Even if you DO make a line break, the defence is so lightening fast they catch you EVERY...SINGLE...TIME! I've had enough. Defending is worse still. Let's be honest everybody, the AI makes around 90% of the tackles for you, and if you ever build up momentum to put in a big hit, you just end up running past the ball carrier. And the knock ons.....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

I know that I'll not play this on PS2 again, and I only hope the PC version, when it does arrive in the uk, has tighter controls.

I'm really, really disappointed.
Locks i agree 100% with your post... i havent played much franchise but what i have its been 0-0 or 1-0... takes the fun away.

I have the PC version and the control system seems real bad aswell, it's worse than RL1 by miles! (Control system that is)
ak47, I followed your link to the other forums and didn't find Mario's post too bad (to the guy who had the dvd burner issue).

so I looked around again, and found this passage a bit more distressing/funny:

sidhe thread, halfway down

To follow it:

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>
warrior4life says:
i feel all these stadiums r a waste of time. i wish that sidhe would have spent more time on gameplay and improving the original stadiums. i have only unlocked the beach stadium, played 2 minutes then quit.

warrior4life gets quoted by ManlyMad who says:
yeah i agree, im not bad mouthing sidhe, but sometimes i wonder were there priorties lied in this game

Mario, then, only quotes ManlyMad's post and says:
Not everybody has the same priorities you do.[/b]

The context is still about gameplay!

I've never had any row with Mario -- never had cause too (still don't). And I can understand someone taking a lot of flak over their creation and being stressed and wanting to put on a tough front but what he says there . . . oops.
I think mario is meaning that the priorites of what is important in the game is different from person to person and not everyone will want the game manly mad wants. just like opinion on the game is open to inpteration so is what mario says here in regards to what he thinks manly mad means
Yeh, hes basically saying that gampeplay wasnt one of their priorities, and jeez it shows.

Well locksley, I dont know where your getting 1-0 or 0-0 (actuallyi know where the 1 comes from, drop goals are almost imposible to miss!)scores from, i play on legend, and the scores are always realistic. Other than that i hav to agree with what you are saying, initially, sticking with this game made it better for alot of us, but after even more extended play i find my patience wearing thin, im being jerked around by this game, and i literally hav little or no control over it.

Sadly the pc version is rampant with all the same problems, it just has better graphics.

Potential greatness lurks around every corner of this game, but the sloppy delivery ensures that it just falls short.

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