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Game of Thrones

I am getting ****ing sick of people killing Sean Bean! Seriously guys, lay off!

I'm watching it tonight :(

I'm watching it tonight :(

This happened to me on the second episode so I've been waiting for this, made the mistake of reading some comments on youtube. STAY AWAY FROM YOUTUBE. Luckily that was the only spoiler for me but it was a bit of a whopper.

Incidentally have you seen this vid. Hilarious, his ****a ned dead.

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Avoided this until I saw it last night - Good end!

Only bad part is having to wait bloody ages for the next series :(
Luckily the first book arrived the other day so I've got that to tide me over
Avoided this until I saw it last night - Good end!

Only bad part is having to wait bloody ages for the next series :(
Luckily the first book arrived the other day so I've got that to tide me over

Try waiting 6 odd years for book 5 after the first 4 had you drooling. No, seriously you're going to love the books. Only fantasy I've read that I'd put up there with LOTR and the Hobbit. At least I heard that Dances with Dragons (book no 5 in the series) will be out before the end of the year.
Been reading the book for the last 2 weeks almost done and, it's well amazing best book I've read in a long time. It's the kinda book that you want to read all night just to find out the ending a very good book seriously read it.
Have the first book ordered from amazon (along with a nice one on string theory and quantum phyiscs - seriosuly it's not even funny how much I'm looking forward to getting stuck into them topics in college next year). Can't Wait! The word epic is indeed overused, but it described the television series in both quality and genre. Hopefully the novels can live up to the lofty expectations.
Right finished the first book last weekend, I spent the last few chapters hopping Bean wasn't dead:(. Watching the T.V version now, didn't like the first one but the others are very good they closely follow the books and the acting is very good from Sean Bean, Jon Snow (don't know his real name) and Jamie Lannister in particular.
My wife and I watched the series on HBO here in America. Won't be reading the books, as I'm not a big fiction reader. However, what a story. We're hooked. I have some very good friends who, inspired by the television series, have already read all the books (like within a 2 month period). Now waiting for nearly a year before season 2 comes on. Anticipation!!!
Getting the third book tomorrow. I thought it couldn't get more awesome after book one, but the Imp continues to kick ass in all directions. Bring on number 3!
Anyone else getting withdrawal symptoms? I can't wait for season 2 to come out but it's still a bloody long time. I need to start reading the fourth book but unfortunately I can't remember the end of the third book that well and everything that happened in it! Last time I read they we're going to lock up all the "sisters" because some dude killed the other dude at King's Landing... oh and Sam is on the way somewhere on a boat. Bloody hell I need to go re-read Storm of Swords.
April 2012 is when the new series is on TV, I believe

While that is far too long away for my liking, it's an impressive amount of time
Each episode was like a full on feature film, so it's impressive they can string together 6/8/10/however many in less than a year

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