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Game of Thrones Discussion [SPOILERS]

I think it has been well established that it's going to be Tyrion...
Would Tyrion be willing after the desvestation he saw last week he didn't seem particularly happy about it.

Just noted (because its been many seasons since it happened) Jamie has just found out Tyrion didn't kill Joffrey despite Tyrion claiming to him he had.
Dany, JS and Jamie = the three dragons.

Doubt it i just want to see something good happen to Jamie, he started off as a **** but he has clearly developed as a character beyond that.
I think it has been well established that it's going to be Tyrion...

Yep, but the why is the big thing. Tyrion, JS and Daeny's mothers all died when they had given birth to them. Tyrion dreaming about dragons and also releasing them when Daeny was captured, and Viscerion and Rhaegal didn't scoff him up as a scoobie snack.

But how is he a Targeryan? Mother is Joanna Lannister, but will it be revealed that she had an affair with the mad King and why Tywin hated him even more and said "you are no son of mine" when Tyrion killed him.
I do like the idea of Tyrion being half Targaryan, can't help but feel like if Tywin even had half an inkling that was the case then he would have made Tyrion disappear or die in the night or something.
Would Tyrion be willing after the desvestation he saw last week he didn't seem particularly happy about it.

Just noted (because its been many seasons since it happened) Jamie has just found out Tyrion didn't kill Joffrey despite Tyrion claiming to him he had.
Probably wouldn't me willing vs the Lannister army but I doubt he'd have any problems vs the White Walkers
I do like the idea of Tyrion being half Targaryan, can't help but feel like if Tywin even had half an inkling that was the case then he would have made Tyrion disappear or die in the night or something.

But he did try and get rid of him - to the Night's watch, put him on trial for Joffrey's death even though he probably knew he didn't do it. He just could never be sure Tyrion wasn't his.
30yrs on,
He's always hated him because he was a dwarf and because Jaime joined the kingsguard and gave up his claims to the Lannister legacy, and then he turned into a drunken womanizer bringing shame on the family name etc.
If he'd wanted him dead he could've just smothered him as a child
30yrs on,
He's always hated him because he was a dwarf and because Jaime joined the kingsguard and gave up his claims to the Lannister legacy, and then he turned into a drunken womanizer bringing shame on the family name etc.
If he'd wanted him dead he could've just smothered him as a child

Yep, all the above but also because Joanna Lannister died giving birth to Tyrion. They mention in one of the episodes that a part of Tywin died when she died and she was the only one who could make him smile i.e. She was the only woman he ever loved. His wife dying and Tyrion being a walking reminder of it, as well as being a dwarf haven't help one bit in Tywin loving Tyrion.

Cersei also hates Tyrion and blaming him for killing and depriving her of her mother. Jamie is the only one who loves Tyrion and knows he was not to blame because he was just a baby.

I think Tywin didn't kill Tyrion as child is more likely because of the doubt that he could be his, but was not 100% sure he wasn't.
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Yep, but the why is the big thing. Tyrion, JS and Daeny's mothers all died when they had given birth to them. Tyrion dreaming about dragons and also releasing them when Daeny was captured, and Viscerion and Rhaegal didn't scoff him up as a scoobie snack.

But how is he a Targeryan? Mother is Joanna Lannister, but will it be revealed that she had an affair with the mad King and why Tywin hated him even more and said "you are no son of mine" when Tyrion killed him.

It's mentioned that the mad king was infatuated with her and Tywin's line was the he could not prove he wasn't his child.

There's probably a chance all the kids are Targeryan. Jamie and Cerei certainly do a lot of Targaryen things.
Yeh I reckon they are all his kids TBH.

Certainly think Tyrion is, too many bread crumbs that have been laid in the books IMO. (Could be misdirection though)
Wow..... The Tywin ultimate cuck theory is appearing. I was thinking the theory fell down because the Lannister genes are so dominant in all of the characters (see that book Ned used in S1 to realise Joffrey was a *******) and then why would the kids all be beautiful blonde if neither parent was a Lannister, but it turns out Tywin's wife was his first cousin and also a Lannister so...... yeah more casual incest from GRRM there. Dude weirds me out.
Wow..... The Tywin ultimate cuck theory is appearing. I was thinking the theory fell down because the Lannister genes are so dominant in all of the characters (see that book Ned used in S1 to realise Joffrey was a *******) and then why would the kids all be beautiful blonde if neither parent was a Lannister, but it turns out Tywin's wife was his first cousin and also a Lannister so...... yeah more casual incest from GRRM there. Dude weirds me out.

No different to real life and The royal families of Europe. Queen Victoria and Albert were also first cousins. The incestuousness and not spreading the genes was one of the of the main reasons of Hemophelia affected the male side in the European royal families, as it was mutation of the gene passed on through two of Queen V's daughters.
No different to real life and The royal families of Europe. Queen Victoria and Albert were also first cousins. The incestuousness and not spreading the genes was one of the of the main reasons of Hemophelia affected the male side in the European royal families, as it was mutation of the gene passed on through two of Queen V's daughters.
So you're telling me that @Tigs Man is technically a prince and that's why he has so many toes and his family tree looks more like a thorn bush or have I got this mixed up?
Gendry and Jon bromance is just what I need in my life.

Got a semi watching the episode 6 trailer.