When is this going to get started?
I have some put a lot of thought into it. Taken on a lot of feedback and here goes the final competition format.
The way the comp will run:
A fixtures/results thread will be posted very soon.
Round Robin format - (Everyone plays each other twice)
For this first comp it'll 5 min games (as stability and lag can be a greater issue on longer games, this will be reviewed for any further comps)
You can use whatever teams you like but home side gets first pick (check draw for home & away)
After the 2 rounds of the comp, then there will be semi-finals and a final.
There is only the obligation to play one game a week, that should be more than enough to time to arrange fixtures with your drawn opponents via personal message.
The results of each game will be put into the fixtures/results thread.
The points format will be:
Win (4pts)
Draw or inability to connect and get a result (2pts)
Loss Within 7pts (1pt)
Four tries in a game (1pt)
Loss by 8 or more (0 pts)
The reason for overhauling the initial idea of a world cup is that people are too competitive to have a world cup and have some people using Romania, Namibia and Russia. The choice of three teams thing is such that people will often just choose whatever their best team is anyhow.
Why has this been moving so slowly? I've been involved in the squad editing threads, written blogs for the RWC 2011 page on FB, been trying to run four competitions from four different regions on here. There have been several other things going on, but I haven't made much headway of late.
Anyhow, we're nearly there guys. I'm sure you've all had a chance to upskill.