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England v France,23/02/13

Lawes occasionally plays at 6 for the club, some people think that's his best position.

Personally I still believe he's best as an enforcer with 4 on his back.

Strangely, Lawes in a interview with SkySports said he actually prefers playing at 6 as he has "more of the ball and opportunity for tackling and getting stuck in"
An excuse is not a fabrication e.g Some AB supporters claimed that the AB were at a disadvantage when playing England since they had food poisoning. This is potentially a correct and valid reason but still an excuse for the AB's defeat at the hands of England. Although some excuses are fabrications, this does not mean all excuses are. Just so you know England will win by 10 points or more this Saturday. :D

oh not just AB supporters, I dunno WHAT was going on, but obviously either tremendous fatigue or yeh, an actual virus. It's not like it was England's pressure that was making them bad, they were bad on their own, intrinsically. Missing tackles the whoooooooole match, Carter missing easy penalties, not just one...obviously smt was very wrong that day, and England fans say this is an excuse, I say it's the other way around. England fans ought to admit it and come totally clean about it, as strong as England was (regardless) that day, smt was so obviously wrong with NZ...
So again:
either a fabrication, a concoction: NZ just happened to play a bad match but were fine and are looking for an excuse.
Or, it's a fact yes, they were physically weakened considerably by smt...

And all I was saying really was I'm not making excuses before even the match, like I've said 10million times. If it's a fresh, well trained for as long as other teams France squad, they lose by 30, no problem. All I ask for (all anybody asks for) is a fair match with two teams at the height of their current possible prime. Then it's faaaaair and squaaaaaaare...

I dunno what to answer you with about the 10pt England victory you claim...it could easily be France by 10, I'm not gonna start bragging because it's gonna hurt when the result comes and we're horribly wrong !!!...
Strangely, Lawes in a interview with SkySports said he actually prefers playing at 6 as he has "more of the ball and opportunity for tackling and getting stuck in"

The idea of Courntey Laws getting 'stuck in' in my direction would, if I was French, be terrifying.

England by 3-7 points, France will start well but fade.
The idea of Courntey Laws getting 'stuck in' in my direction would, if I was French, be terrifying.
the thing that worries me is he said people know my tackling and big hits, are kind of my trademark -people keep telling/reminding me" and French are going to bring it and were [i'm] ready.

I hope he doesn't turn into just concentrating in making hits and forgets his role as a 6 and in the team. He worries me when he keeps talking about his physical attributes and thats the reason he in the team etc etc.

Reminds me of bakkies botha, he was fantastic until he started letting the "enforcer" tag get to his head and all he did was to hurt the opposite teams players and his game suffered as he just went after the opposite team players and forgetting his role as a Lock/team.
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I hope he doesn't turn into just concentrating in making hits and forgets his role as a 6 and in the team. He worries me when he keeps talking about his physical attributes and thats the reason he in the team etc etc.

From what I've seen he is to offensive tackling what Pocock et al. are to turnovers...
He doesn't just dive at every player he sees, he's very good at seeing when it's on and taking the opportunity, he also understands how to use his awkward frame very effectively so he absolutely smashes people, but does it legally.

I hear a lot of poeple talking about him as if he spends all of his time on the pitch in a rage and that he has discipline issues, when to me he's always seemed very calm and focused.
You'll notice if you go through his stats that Lawes has never been done for throwing punches etc. I've only ever seen him do 2 "bad" tackles for that matter, the 1st being the committed-but-late hit against Argentina in the World Cup and the second was last week when he never wrapped the arms on Goode (when in fairness, he hit Goode that hard he may well have bounced before he could wrap the arms).

He's as hard as nails as a player, but I don't think there's justification for concern about him being a dirty player.
He's as hard as nails as a player, but I don't think there's justification for concern about him being a dirty player.

your right his displinary record is actually very good. He has good judgement. NO way is he a dirty player in the Bakkie botha mould (after he went crazy and the enforcer tag got to his head)
Yeah, good I'm not the only one, I see him get a lot of stick on teh interwebz.

Lol at poeple drawing poor discipline from hard tackling.
agree ratapprencite. I watched him for Northampton and he is not dirty player at all. Its his TIMING and line speed that makes his tackles perfectly legit (and its not his problem when he makes contact its very hard hit).

I hope the Northampton boys (hartley and lawes) have good discipline as they do give away penalties.
Anyone else a little (just a little) concerned about Domingo coming back in?
I bet Parra left a brown patch on his seat when he saw Courtney named.
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Surpised he didnt get motion sickness from all the rolling around. But booming hit.
Did you close your eyes throughout the last match ? Like no offense meant; but he was making all the big tackles the entire game ! And he doesn't have 80min ?? Where d'you get that from ?!

And what more do you want ? Clerc's back with his 34 tries under his belt, Fofana at center; Domingo as it should have been all the way, the all Toulouse backrow (Nyanga in, Ouedraogo out, as it always should've been); Michalak sitting it out with Machenaud as punishment for the first 2....etc....
everything in order, or almost. We're like 90% the team we should be.
the only significant change is fofana at center. I've nothing against this team, but it's not a major deal.
some people re just saying that with a team like last week we would lose by 30 whereas with this one we will win by 10. i don't think the changes are worth such a change of spirits to be honest.

Anyone else a little (just a little) concerned about Domingo coming back in?

I bet Parra left a brown patch on his seat when he saw Courtney named.

Surpised he didnt get motion sickness from all the rolling around. But booming hit.

did parra injure himself and out for a few games?

Englishmen and their anti-French rants.:rolleyes::p
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