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And then the cream of the crop. CNN going for gold:

Trump being right by fluke is little more than a broken clock being right twice a day.

He had absolutely no basis to his decision whatsoever.

But little pesky facts like that don't appeal to the shitforbrains trumpers. A bad decision that works out through blind luck is still a bad decision.
I don't think you really believe that... You know what you're doing.

But keep being 'surprised' why the left is losing.

Did Trump know 3-4 weeks ago that ventilators were doing more harm than good? If so, why did he not spread that knowledge instead of peddling anti-malaria drugs that he has investments in?

Again, being right by fluke is nothing more than luck.
The guy is a billionaire, he'd have investments in just about every sector.

A New York Times story highlighting President Trump's "small personal financial interest" in a French pharmaceutical company that sells the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine went viral Tuesday, as pundits and activists ignored the fact that Trump's holdings likely amount to less than $1,000 and that the company does not sell the drug in the U.S.


According to Trump's 2019 financial records, he owns between $1,000 and $15,000 in the Dodge & Cox fund, which owns approximately a 3 percent stake in Sanofi. If all three of his family trusts hold the full $15,000 in Dodge & Cox — $45,000 in total — then a 3 percent share amounts to $1,350. If, alternatively, each trust has invested the minimum $1,000 — for a total of $3,000 — the 3 percent stake is worth $90.

But don't let those inconvenient "pesky facts" get in the way of another orange man bad story.
This isn't a right v left thing... It's obvious that both sides in the States hadn't the foggiest which is why the virus is absolutely ******* them sideways.

This, particularly inane, debate started with Cuomo asking for a large number of ventilators and apparently not needing them because NY was past the peak, well they had their record number of deaths yesterday and one of their highest rises in cases, so theres no correct answer on that yet. What is true is that no other state will need as many as NY because of population and population densities and the virus hitting them later giving them time to prepare, so NY having a large reserve while they're in the thick of it makes sense.

What is undeniably the fault of the man at the top is that he has weakened an already unbelievably **** healthcare system and disbanded the pandemic response team, which is why no one in the country had/has a ******* clue what's going on. Considering this sort of outbreak is known to have been more and more likely to happen with overpopulation both of those are, to quote the semi-literate halfwit who the buck stops with, were "very horrendous" decisions.

"Liberals" don't need to be right for the Right to be wrong.
This isn't a right v left thing...
You're taking what I was saying out of context.

I was clearly referring to Amigo's (who is clearly firmly on the left) unwillingness to acknowledge when Trump is right about something. This was a perfect test case because Trump was overwhelming right this time and if he gave in, other parts of the USA would be stuffed.
To Amigo, it has to be a fluke, a random act in the chaos, because he is irredeemably evil and incompetent. This is very typical of the rest of the amigos on the 'left' and the media which puts a megaphone on it, hence why the terms "Trump Derangement Syndrome" and "Orange Man Bad" are mainstream now.

My comment had nothing to do with how politicians/governments on the left or right are succeeding at combatting the virus.

It shouldn't be a right vs left thing but unfortunately that's exactly what the Democrats and media have turned it into in the States. And what people on this forum are lapping up no questions asked.

It's not even close to this nonsensical in Australia, thank god. Literally nobody is making it a political thing and I'm proud of the way Australia has tackled this. It's very encouraging and the way I prefer.

This, particularly inane, debate started with Cuomo asking for a large number of ventilators and apparently not needing them because NY was past the peak, well they had their record number of deaths yesterday and one of their highest rises in cases, so theres no correct answer on that yet. What is true is that no other state will need as many as NY because of population and population densities and the virus hitting them later giving them time to prepare, so NY having a large reserve while they're in the thick of it makes sense.

Cuomo was clearly wrong, astounding wrong, of that there is no doubt. His advisory team should be pulled over the coals about how they stuffed him. Honestly I don't envy his position. Nobody really knows what will happen next and the country who has the most data on the virus, China, is dodgy as.

But the media, and Cuomo, decided to make the ventilators a very public topic. @TRF_Olyy, and he 6 devoted back patters who gave his post a like, didn't think it was an inane topic at the time. Nah everybody was having a good old time bashing the most important president in the world. In fact on people here reckon Cuomo is so competent at handling the situation he should be at least the new vice president. How delusional can you get! Until he was spectacularly wrong about one of the most important things so far in handling the pandemic. He went to say in a jab to President Trump about the amount of ventilators:

"Everybody's entitled to their own opinion, but I don't operate here on opinion, I operate on facts and on data and on numbers and on projections," Cuomo said when asked about Trump's comments the previous night.

Implying Trump operates on his opinion alone.
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What is undeniably the fault of the man at the top is that he has weakened an already unbelievably **** healthcare system and disbanded the pandemic response team, which is why no one in the country had/has a ******* clue what's going on. Considering this sort of outbreak is known to have been more and more likely to happen with overpopulation both of those are, to quote the semi-literate halfwit who the buck stops with, were "very horrendous" decisions.
Honestly, how many times does this need to happen before you realise the mainstream media doesn't care about the truth anymore regarding Trump. I've bolded the important bits.

No, the White House didn't 'dissolve' its pandemic response office. I was there.

Tim Morrison is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and former senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense on the National Security Council.

President Trump gets his share of criticism — some warranted, much not. But recently the president's critics have chosen curious ground to question his response to the coronavirus outbreak since it began spreading from Wuhan, China, in December.

It has been alleged by multiple officials of the Obama administration, including in The Post, that the president and his then-national security adviser, John Bolton, "dissolved the office" at the White House in charge of pandemic preparedness. Because I led the very directorate assigned that mission, the counterproliferation and biodefense office, for a year and then handed it off to another official who still holds the post, I know the charge is specious.

Now, I'm not naive. This is Washington. It's an election year. Officials out of power want back into power after November. But the middle of a worldwide health emergency is not the time to be making tendentious accusations.

When I joined the National Security Council staff in 2018, I inherited a strong and skilled staff in the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate. This team of national experts together drafted the National Biodefense Strategy of 2018 and an accompanying national security presidential memorandum to implement it; an executive order to modernize influenza vaccines; and coordinated the United States' response to the Ebola epidemic in Congo, which was ultimately defeated in 2020.

It is true that the Trump administration has seen fit to shrink the NSC staff. But the bloat that occurred under the previous administration clearly needed a correction. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, congressional oversight committees and members of the Obama administration itself all agreed the NSC was too large and too operationally focused (a departure from its traditional role coordinating executive branch activity). As The Post reported in 2015, from the Clinton administration to the Obama administration's second term, the NSC's staff "had quadrupled in size, to nearly 400 people." That is why Trump began streamlining the NSC staff in 2017.

One such move at the NSC was to create the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which was the result of consolidating three directorates into one, given the obvious overlap between arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense. It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented. If anything, the combined directorate was stronger because related expertise could be commingled.

The reduction of force in the NSC has continued since I departed the White House. But it has left the biodefense staff unaffected — perhaps a recognition of the importance of that mission to the president, who, after all, in 2018 issued a presidential memorandum to finally create real accountability in the federal government's expansive biodefense system.

The NSC is really the only place in government where there is a staff that ensures the commander in chief gets all the options he needs to make a decision, and then makes sure that decision is actually implemented. I worry that further reductions at the NSC could impair its capabilities, but the current staffing level is fully up to the job.


Sounds like the semi-literate halfwit probably made the USA's pandemic response team more streamlined and efficient, and ironically the biodefense team was not touched at all.

So who's lying here about what happened to the team? Who is gaining from a perception that things are in shambles? Who benefits?

"Liberals" don't need to be right for the Right to be wrong.
No people are wrong all the time, doesn't matter who they are. But "liberals" in the context of Trump don't care about who is right and who is wrong, or the motive, they just care about scoring points against their sworn enemy. He humiliated them and their pals so they have a score to settle. But seemingly unbeknownst to them they're scoring own goal, after own goal. Because they don't let up even in a time of crisis and NEVER admit if they were wrong about him. And the worst is that nobody seems calls each other out about it. Just move onto the next thing.

I pointed out to @TRF_Olyy that his ever popular post was wrong and I get a lame response about my source being dodgy. No further discussion needed there. Too inconvenient to actually care about what is the truth. He got his pat on the back for his service to operation 'Orange Man Bad'.

Just as I've shown that a large portion of the premise of your post is wrong too because the "disbanding" of the pandemic response team was completely misrepresented. But of course none of your back patters checked on what you said either.
Please provide a reference about how he "weakened" the health care system and how this affected the USA's response to the pandemic.
I have a feeling there's a misinformation in that one too. It's so predictable
It shouldn't be a right vs left thing but unfortunately that's exactly what the Democrats and media have turned it into in the States. And what people on this forum are lapping up no questions asked.

Seriously? You're going to put all the blame for this being politicised on the Democrats? You mention "orange man bad" and "trump derangement syndrome" but generally anyone who uses those terms is even worse in refusing to recognise any of the multitude of things Trump has done wrong. Trump has been politicising everything since day 1 and things like closing down the pandemic response unit are ENTIRELY his doing and his alone. Nothing the Democrats have done even comes close to politicising this in the way Trump has. Hell that stupid fucker openly said that the Vice president should not have conversations with state governors who were not suitably grateful, these same governors Trump had been slagging off. Also why the **** is his son overseeing the distribution of medical supplies when he is wholly unfit for the task? How is that anything but nepotism? Add to high daughter having a privileged role too.

How about his constant war on the press and complete refusal to be accountable for anything? Remember this is the guy who said "I take no responsibility for anything"? Let me guess, you excused that? Do try to explain how that works with this: https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/398887965302091776?lang=en Did you know he has just replaced his press secretary without them ever briefing the press once in just over half a year? That is unprecedented and don't give us some bullshit about how horrible the press are. Obama still gave briefings to Fox news and the like even when they were being the biggest bunch of shits the media has ever produced.

You are in no position to go on about trump derangement syndrome or orange man bad if you have turned a blind eye to all the **** trump has done. Also if you were one of the dribblers chanting lock her up or peddling the Obama birther or Obama is a Muslim crap.
The Stay At Home Order has been extended another two weeks here in California, until May 15th. Governor Gavin Newsom has been very proactive. We were the first state to issue a Stay At Home Order and the others have followed. Had he listened to Trump things would be MUCH worse here. So kudos to our Governor for being a leader during this crisis, unlike Trump. Orange Man is still and probably always will be Bad.
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@Steve-o— tell me one thing why then did Trump delay testing of Americans when the first Co-Vid 19 case occurred in south Korea and USA on roughly the same date around 22 January? Look at their curves both testing and death rates per capita? Is this Media again not wanting to believe in the truth? The fact is Trump and America had warning to to start mass testing/isolate the early cases or start putting the mechanisms in place way back by end of January, including in February to accept WHO test kits instead of turning it down for their own, which turned out to be faulty. He lost vital time - around 6 weeks doing nothing apart from pointing to shutting down flights from China - conveniently leaving out that this didn't apply to American nationals returning from there and spreading the Virus. Or Europe until March, when a number of Europeans from the 26 countries, and then subsequently UK/Ireland were still entering the USA. The virus was already in the USA during the crucial period between end of January and when he ordered these shut downs. And then playing down the virus as a "Democratic Hoax" and they were in "great shape" and "it would soon disappear like a Miracle". These aren't media falsehoods, but his own words.

He only finally got the gist that this would be serious and affect his re-election chances when Fauci and Birx showed him the charts showing if they continue to do nothing around 2.2m Americans would die. Also seeing the chaos in the hospital in Queens NYC near where he used to live.

A full Pandemic office at the White House and a POTUS who listened and not one who was so worried about the Stock market and his own re-election, and had the sense that if he did not, then the economy would go to pot anyway. He created his administration to cater for him and often those have to tip toe around him not to upset him and give him news when he is ready to hear it. He is RESPONSIBLE for that.

But yep, just keep clutching at straws and how the media keep portraying this "Trump Derangement Syndrome" and "Orange Man Bad" are mainstream now and ranting at the inconsistencies/hypocrisies.
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Honestly, how many times does this need to happen before you realise the mainstream media doesn't care about the truth anymore regarding Trump. I've bolded the important bits.


Sounds like the semi-literate halfwit probably made the USA's pandemic response team more streamlined and efficient, and ironically the biodefense team was not touched at all.

So who's lying here about what happened to the team? Who is gaining from a perception that things are in shambles? Who benefits?

No people are wrong all the time, doesn't matter who they are. But "liberals" in the context of Trump don't care about who is right and who is wrong, or the motive, they just care about scoring points against their sworn enemy. He humiliated them and their pals so they have a score to settle. But seemingly unbeknownst to them they're scoring own goal, after own goal. Because they don't let up even in a time of crisis and NEVER admit if they were wrong about him. And the worst is that nobody seems calls each other out about it. Just move onto the next thing.

I pointed out to @TRF_Olyy that his ever popular post was wrong and I get a lame response about my source being dodgy. No further discussion needed there. Too inconvenient to actually care about what is the truth. He got his pat on the back for his service to operation 'Orange Man Bad'.

Just as I've shown that a large portion of the premise of your post is wrong too because the "disbanding" of the pandemic response team was completely misrepresented. But of course none of your back patters checked on what you said either.
Please provide a reference about how he "weakened" the health care system and how this affected the USA's response to the pandemic.
I have a feeling there's a misinformation in that one too. It's so predictable

No need for the inverted commas it was literally disbanded:

The Global Health Security and Biodefense unit — responsible for pandemic preparedness — was established in 2015 by Barack Obama's National Security Advisor, Susan Rice ( here ). The unit resided under the National Security Council (NSC) — a forum of White House personnel that advises the president on national security and foreign policy matters.

In May 2018, the team was disbanded and its head Timothy Ziemer, top White House official in the NSC for leading U.S. response against a pandemic, left the Trump administration, the Washington Post reported ( here ). Some members of the global health and security team were merged into other units within the NSC, the article said.

That Washington post piece is an opinion piece.

Same paper, different opinion:

In an op-ed for the Washington Post, Beth Cameron, former Senior Director for Global Health Security and Biodefense in the NSC, wrote, "When President Trump took office in 2017, the White House's National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense survived the transition intact.

"Its mission was the same as when I was asked to lead the office, established after the Ebola epidemic of 2014: to do everything possible within the vast powers and resources of the U.S. government to prepare for the next disease outbreak and prevent it from becoming an epidemic or pandemic. One year later, I was mystified when the White House dissolved the office, leaving the country less prepared for pandemics like covid-19"

If you're relying on any American media though you've already lost. Taking it totally away from politics, the NY Times ran about three pieces claiming Conor McGregor was under investigation for sexual assault in Ireland, this story was never ran in Ireland because bit would have exposed every paper to massive defamation suits, our Police Service never announced who they were investigating over the crime. (No fan of McGregor and it was probably him but the NY Times were reporting rumours as fact) point being, American media doesn't need to report facts.

What we can look at is results and actions, and the States have handled this as poorly as anyone and had more time to prepare than most, if not all, of Europe. They continued to belittle the coronavirus even until they were past the point of no return, and now the areas hit the hardest don't have anywhere near the infrastructure required to deal with it. These aren't the results of a nation with a focused pandemic team.

As for the inverted commas over Trump weakening the healthcare system, I don't think it's worth the debate, if you don't believe it now you never will. That's fine, you couldn't convince me the other way either.

And for the record, I call him semi-literate because he doesn't speak correctly. "Very Horrendous" is bad grammar, his twitter is full of grammatical mistakes, bigly/big league was dumb whatever you think he was saying.
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I was clearly referring to Amigo's (who is clearly firmly on the left) unwillingness to acknowledge when Trump is right about something. This was a perfect test case because Trump was overwhelming right this time and if he gave in, other parts of the USA would be stuffed.
To Amigo, it has to be a fluke, a random act in the chaos, because he is irredeemably evil and incompetent.

He is incompetent - and his argument was based on hospitals supposedly having "1 or 2" ventilators - therefore they don't need "30,000".

So according to Donald:
(1) hospitals have 1 or 2 ventilators. Do they? Really? Where? It would be a very impoverished hospital with 1 or 2 ventilators.
(2) New York must only have one hospital.

If the Donald had any information - even if it were woefully mis-interpreted - that suggested they didn't need those figures, he'd have had it straight onto twitter or in a press release... we know because that is what he does any other time - 38 million people live in Seoul which incidentally is 38 metres above sea level.


The guy is a f88king idiot and if you can't see that, then your in the same bracket.
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Trump has now retweeted a post calling for Dr Fauci to be fired, but let me guess that's just "orange man bad" isn't it and not Trump being a ******* self-centred **** who can't stand the fact that Fauci dared criticise how he handled the crisis?
Trump has now retweeted a post calling for Dr Fauci to be fired, but let me guess that's just "orange man bad" isn't it and not Trump being a ******* self-centred **** who can't stand the fact that Fauci dared criticise how he handled the crisis?

F'ing disgrace isn't it. Especially as Fauci and Birx are the only ones that appear to be getting through to him from a medical/public health point of view. Trump would hang out his own Grandmother if she stole the limelight from him.

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