sorry for english
maybe it's just a saying in Italian, I tried to translate it into English. I'm sorry
However, I tried to say that the greatest games are so good because the programmers do not leave out anything, not even the smallest details.
"SORRY FOR MY ENGLISH." Maybe that is the problem, because have you to read in ENGLISH all the things added to the game. If not please take the time and please do, and oh (SORRY FOR MY ENGLISH TO, because I am originally from Argentina
To get back on target with the main topic CHANGES FROM RUGBY 08, oh and sorry again for the caps, but some people I guess miss the ***le.
Changes from o8 (ACA esta Mr Sozo)
1. quick ball from the ruck, can change the game play greatly(quick ball does not mean A speedy Gonzales ball!!!)
2. better graphics
3. Smoother animations with better feel to the control, does not seem so animated.
4 RUCKING TACTICS (have you read all the potential changes that can be done in game on the fly(fly is not growing wings and flying around the pitch calling tactics,) Now this can really change the gameplay completely!!!!!
5. Better quick ball for when the ball goes out, confirmed by trf staff
6 new, rucking system, you can over do it or under do it, quite different from previous system, risk vs reward system.
7 secured rucks, (so you can finally concentrate on set plays, and not get ball turned over while making selection

this alone changes the gameplay quite a bit ( a secured ruck does not mean a padlock on the ball!!!)
8. Effective open play quick ball after penalty.
9. Super man tackles seemed to be toned down
10. Smother running set plays, do not seem so robotic, confirmed by a few reviews
11. offloads, (there is more opurtunity for this) AJ has said they have been improved
12. defensive( strafe button) could change completely how defense if played, particularly goal line defense
13. forward play, you now have full control of the forwards, they don't automaticaly shoot forward and get tackled, you can manually change directions. (This will change forward play significantly.
14. grubber kick improved you have a quick grubber added, this will change kicking and tactics some what, if you can do a quick grubber to your teamates. (quick grubber is not "a quick meal"!!!)
15. chip kick, was not in previous games (chipped kick is not a player with a missing toe kicking!!!!)
16. killing the ball feature(does not mean to murder ball)/ Not 100% on this one (AJ can confirm) but I thought it has been changed so that not always will the offense get the call.
17. Improved AI, has already been confirmed by several people who have played the game.
Well these are some the things I can think of (off the top of my head

) What a small list right?? Right??

Yes I to would of like some changes in the mauls, lineouts, and scrums, but all in all if you are quite fair, I think they have made a considerable amount of additions, to the game. I think alot of people just ("love to say it is just like 08") without really thinking what they are saying. Think please before you make a comment!!!
This game has much more changes then many of the fifa's, pes games or for any sports game for that matter. Give the game not a chance, but at least a weeks chance so you can really see and experiment with the changes made,(they are giving us a demo for this) and then if you do not like it, then say "I don't like it" and not because it is like 08, but because simply you just don't like it.
Cheers and Salud