I don't think a few pictures is going to make up for how much of a failure this game is
Can we PLEASE delete useless posts like this?
Or can we please ban him?
I don't think a few pictures is going to make up for how much of a failure this game is
So what u are saying is that if I feel ripped off by a game that was built up to be amazing and it was 08 in HD and i feel ****** off about waiting 4 years for another 08 I should be banned???? How is this a useless post when it is clearly valid u stupid thickCan we PLEASE delete useless posts like this?Or can we please ban him?
So what u are saying is that if I feel ripped off by a game that was built up to be amazing and it was 08 in HD and i feel ****** off about waiting 4 years for another 08 I should be banned???? How is this a useless post when it is clearly valid u stupid thick
So what u are saying is that if I feel ripped off by a game that was built up to be amazing and it was 08 in HD and i feel ****** off about waiting 4 years for another 08 I should be banned???? How is this a useless post when it is clearly valid u stupid thick
So what u are saying is that if I feel ripped off by a game that was built up to be amazing and it was 08 in HD and i feel ****** off about waiting 4 years for another 08 I should be banned???? How is this a useless post when it is clearly valid u stupid thick
Can we PLEASE delete useless posts like this?Or can we please ban him?
An opinion of how bad a game is is valid, considering the majority of the people on the forum are complaining about it. I don't think you and 2 other people count as a 'countless number of people'. Did you lose count after 2??????Ok then explain why your post should be considered a valid and contructive post? It's simply not. It's not another 08, myslef and countless others have tried to explain this, but if people like you cba to listen, fair enough, don;t buy the bloody game! No need to keep going on about how you don't like the game.
I'M pretty sure an immature child who has a Passion for rugby (oh yeh I don't curse which is a lot better than what other kids my age would do) is much better than a man going through a mid life crisis knowing he never did anything with their life so they sit at thief computer screen talking about games. Your a role modelNo, you are an immature child and should be banned.
An opinion of how bad a game is is valid, considering the majority of the people on the forum are complaining about it. I don't think you and 2 other people count as a 'countless number of people'. Did you lose count after 2??????
I'M pretty sure an immature child who has a Passion for rugby (oh yeh I don't curse which is a lot better than what other kids my age would do) is much better than a man going through a mid life crisis knowing he never did anything with their life so they sit at thief computer screen talking about games. Your a role model
Can we PLEASE delete useless posts like this?Or can we please ban him?
I tried to insult u by saying only 3 people agree with u, u able to understand sarcasm????? Sorry that was a bad question, u never leave ur house so u wudnt know much about face to face interaction.Jesus christ, it's a phrase, there's plenty of people saying that it is not exactly the same as 08, plenty more than 2 or 3 of us. Granted, it has it's similarities, because it was based on the same engine, but with a lot of the tweaks and suggestions we asked for. For example, the rucks, they've improved by 100 times. I literally cannot go back to 06/08 because the old rucking system is so bad compared to the new one. AAnd no it is not valid, as a valid post about your dislike on he game would contain contructive criticisims, simply saying it's a failure when you haven;t played the full game is completely unfounded and not contructive at all! Also you keep trying to de-rail threads with things like that, it's annoying.Stop with the random mud-slinging? Half the things you say as insults barely make sense!
I tried to insult u by saying only 3 people agree with u, u able to understand sarcasm????? Sorry that was a bad question, u never leave ur house so u wudnt know much about face to face interaction.
Calling for bans of people who express their opinion? Maybe before letting users sign up they need to answer yes to 'Will you say only nice things about the game?'.
Calling for bans of people who express their opinion? Maybe before letting users sign up they need to answer yes to 'Will you say only nice things about the game?'. The TRF mods calling people a 5 year old is pathetic, more so than the comment that preceded it.
The rucks aren't 100 times better, there is simply an upper limit for button mashing, which is a good system, but its a bit better, not a lot better.
Anyways, the screens look good! Do they translate to in game experience? Probably not. Unless the cutscenes of the backs of heads was the exception in the demo, not the rule
Calling for bans of people who express their opinion? Maybe before letting users sign up they need to answer yes to 'Will you say only nice things about the game?'.
I don't think a few pictures is going to make up for how much of a failure this game is
The game isn't everyones cup of tea, but it is playable and an improvement, if only a small one in my eyes. I'm a little disappointed they haven't done more to the gameplay/engine, but i'm sure i'll get over it.
It's not the best game i've ever played by far, but it's not terrible either. To people who criticise the RWC11 and it having no other competitions to play, then have a look at another massive selling game, South Africa 2010 and tell me how many other licensed competitions you have in that. Clue is in the ***le.
It is simple. If you don't like the game, don't buy it. And you can't blame HB for the price tag either, as i'm certain it's the game stores who will buy the game at purchase stock price, and then sell it on at £40+ retail price in their shop.
The arguments coming out against this game are pathetic.
And as for people banging on about Rugby Challenge.. well, lets see.. no demo, just a gameplay trailer, no release date, but it does have great looking screenshots and a host of licensing and other amazing stuff not seen in a rugby game before.
This kind of reminds me of the new release of CoD vs battlefield debate. Both games are great, but theres always plenty of fanboys who haven't played both games to actually warrant a comment.
And why do people keep putting this **** on every thread about any subject, and taking the whole thread off-topic?
On-topic, i'll say the Canada and Argentina licences are very important. It'd be nice if they could have the entire game licensed. If i recall, look at the original trailer, and notice Romania vs Scotland i think it was. They are licensed as well, the kit is almost identical. Teams like Georgia, Tonga etc have very plain kits, so generic red shirt/white shorts will look fine.
Fiji looked similar too, all they have is the tribal markings on the shirt trims. I think Russia and Japan will be fine as well, as they are both CCC, and it seems CCC kits are licensed so far or the generic kits have a resemblance.
The new Argy kit is very similar to 1996's. I made it for R08 if i recall.
So what u are saying is that if I feel ripped off by a game that was built up to be amazing and it was 08 in HD and i feel ****** off about waiting 4 years for another 08 I should be banned???? How is this a useless post when it is clearly valid u stupid thick
Yeah I do feel some people are being a little harsh. This isn't being proclaimed the ultimate rugby experience or a quantum leap forwards, none of that, it's just a very fun upgrade of Rugby '08, with some flaws knocked out, some not dealt with well enough and a World Cup license.
If Rugby Challenge does work out to be the better game I have to admit I'll be happy, because being better than Rugby World Cup 2011 would be awesome and I'll gladly have me some of that awesome.![]()