thanks, but for some reason i dont have and never had a .ros folder there (except ozros.ros) I only have .tmt and .pro folders?
It would seem you are a very rare individual gallop who has actually been able to stand playing with the default roster, because that is the only way you would have no .ros folders in your directory.
Every time you make a change to the roster the game will ask you whether you want to save those changes and if you had it would have asked you to create a roster save.
Also you can have multiple different .ros folders you don't need to delete or remove them (though I do recommend backing them up) all you then need to do once you load up the game is go to the load menu select roster and then load my roster from there. To switch back to any roster you wanted just load that one up instead. Simple.
1 final thing to note is that the load system is as dumb as it gets and rather than load up the last roster you had loaded the game will load up .ros files depending on alphabetical order of all things, so by default when you start the game ass.ros would be loaded and you'd need to manually load ozros.ros.
Hope some of this helped rather than confused.
I have a prob - I.Toeava has T.Umaga's head and age, and T.Umaga (starred) has I.Toeava head and age.
Any help there Ozzy? [/b]
Hehe as mentioned before I swapped Toeava and Tana, to give the ABs more pep, unfortunately the star players have too much hardcoded stuff which causes a lot of problems. They have been swapped back for the next update, but you can do it yourself if you like using woosah's editor. [/b]
This is a face update for Shane Williams.
Just copy it into rugby 08 root directory
Download it here
Please let me know what you guys think
It would seem you are a very rare individual gallop who has actually been able to stand playing with the default roster, because that is the only way you would have no .ros folders in your directory.
Every time you make a change to the roster the game will ask you whether you want to save those changes and if you had it would have asked you to create a roster save.
Also you can have multiple different .ros folders you don't need to delete or remove them (though I do recommend backing them up) all you then need to do once you load up the game is go to the load menu select roster and then load my roster from there. To switch back to any roster you wanted just load that one up instead. Simple.
1 final thing to note is that the load system is as dumb as it gets and rather than load up the last roster you had loaded the game will load up .ros files depending on alphabetical order of all things, so by default when you start the game ass.ros would be loaded and you'd need to manually load ozros.ros.
Hope some of this helped rather than confused. [/b]
This is a face update for Shane Williams.
Just copy it into rugby 08 root directory
Download it here
Please let me know what you guys think [/b]