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best Simpsons moment?

homer crushes twinkie the kid to death
the keebler elf falls on his knees and goes "he was my liiiife!"

blood for cream! blood for cream!
i have to take this moment, to say goodbye to the simpsons on tv3, only new episondes from now on.

RIP simpsons - its been good
Do you mean they are only going to show new episodes, or you are only going to watch the new episodes?
Originally posted by .:kaftka:.@Mar 18 2005, 04:40 PM
Do you mean they are only going to show new episodes, or you are only going to watch the new episodes?
there only going to show new episodes on 7:30 wed, cambell live is on at 7 starting monday, but i saw on tv guide that on easter friday that there was going to be a easter special of the simpsons, at 7. so i dont think this is the last of simpsons repeats, but for now, i think its taking a back seat.
The new episodes aren't nearly as good as the older ones. They seem to have run out of ideas really. I wouldn't say they're crap, Bro' Town, now that's crap.
There's still been some quality new episodes, I loved the one where they tried to move the Isotopes to Albequerke and Homer went on hunger strike, that was a few seasons ago but still quite new, or the one when Homer went to camp with Mick Jagger, Elvis Costello, Lenny Kravitz.
Homer: "Hello, NASA...."
NASA: "How did you get this number?"
Homer: "SHUT UP!!"


Bart: "But Milhouse likes you..."
Lisa: "Milhouse likes vaseline on toast!"
The new ones aren't as funny - but it's hardly surprising they're running out of ideas.
what was the last episode you guys saw? we get the really new ones in america. *is smug*
The newest one I can think of was the one where Apu and Homer keep making the trip to Canada for the cheap drugs.
It is getting worse despite them nicking a pile of the ideas that worked from Futurama, it's on a downward slope.
That movie has 'supposedly' been in the works for many years. Haven't heard anything about it really though.

My guess is, it will be a flop. I hope they prove me wrong.
It could be as early as the Summer of 2006, I remember hearing something about it last year that they'd finish the current series and the next one and then there'd be a movie.
They should've made the movie in its prime.
This movie is basically a last ditch effort to go out in a bang.

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