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Argentinian Rugby

Its me but i dont give a damn about this year RC. I just want to have all the players healthy for the RWC.

the other nations also give a damm that's why the abs are fielding a b team. I was thinking that maybe we should bet to this championship if we field a good team and miraculously we beat NZ we could go all the way.
so if you have to choose wining the rc and then doing so so at the rwc. or let the rc go field b teams now and then aim to the rwc and say do relatively good.. semis (we ain't gonna win it anyway).
I would go for the championship cos a win over nz and a championship ***le would mean more than lets say get to semis at the wc again.
Currie Cup dying
Time to give it some life

Allow Jaguares XV to play WP Bulls Lions Sharks Free State etc

Latin flair & skill in South Africa teach teams some lessons

They crushed Boland today who made the semi final of the SS Rugby Challenge


That is a very pompous remark to make. SARU could just have said no to the ARU and then there would be no platform for the Argentinian team to play and gain experience.

SARU did the right thing in letting them start from the bottom and work their way up. You can't expect to want everything and not give something back in return. Our generosity only goes so far.

Plus the first division is where most semi-professional SA players start their careers who doesn't get a big contract with the big 8/9 unions. Most of these guys have a normal work during the week and train in the evenings and play on weekends.

Plus what will SARU do if the ARU decides to pull their team out of the agreement? They get stuck with having a weaker team (probably) now being in line to get promoted to the first division and then they get slaughtered during the next Currie Cup premier division campaign.
los jaguares contrataron un nuevo pilar Joel scalvI 1m90 144 kg... si 144 kg alguien lo vio jugar? debe ser derecho..linda bola de carne que falta nos hace algo así en el scrum.
los jaguares contrataron un nuevo pilar Joel scalvI 1m90 144 kg... si 144 kg alguien lo vio jugar? debe ser derecho..linda bola de carne que falta nos hace algo así en el scrum.


Above website seems to confirm he will leave Agen at the end of the year and

sign a 3 year contract with the Jaguares

Never heard of the guy

Guess he adds depth to the team with Garcia Botta leaving for Halequins
144kg is that correct? How many minutes he can play at SR speed? I´ ll give him the benefit of the doubt but i dont think he will match the mobility we need.
Full time
Jaguares XV 78 - 12 Border Bulldogs

The Jags needs soon the promotion to the Premier Division. The First Division isn't for them.
144kg is that correct? How many minutes he can play at SR speed? I´ ll give him the benefit of the doubt but i dont think he will match the mobility we need.
lo de los kg lo leí en más de un lugar. bordoy lo entreno en Europa y es pedido de el. la verdad ni lo conocía. habrá que ver como se adapta pero tenerlo en el banco cuando estas yendo para atrás en el fijo puede ser interesante. tiene 25 años
Full time
Jaguares XV 78 - 12 Border Bulldogs

The Jags needs soon the promotion to the Premier Division. The First Division isn't for them.
igual que se hagan de abajo y demuestren de punta a punta que están para subir. me parece correcto, si no, es injusto para los saffas que encima que nos dan el lugar los pones directo en 1ra.. por sobre los equipos locales.
Tengo la pija al plato de los AB. Siempre meten las manos en todas la bochas. Un segundo, para alentizar el juego y dejan justo antes del penal, jamas le cobran nada, ahora lo hacemos nosotros o fiji y es penal.
me gusta que las malas palabras en español no las censura, es una herramienta
quien es el boludo que insultó a la currie cup? encima que nos dejan entrar y nos tratan bien como si fueran personas los pibes... sinceramente que esa no es la forma. Afuera los fanboys en inglés pero ya, nos dejan mal.
Yo creo que la WC es la que tiene más pedigree: si hacemos un gran RC y quedamos primeros/ segundos le van a poner asterisco por ser año de mundial; si hacemos semifinales de nuevo en la WC quiero ver las siguientes declaraciones de Eddie Jones haciéndonos de menos, quiero ver los siguientes post "no sé que esperaban de ARG" y las mil microcachetadas que hay que comerse en este foro. Ya me dieron gana de bajarlos de los playoff del mundial viendo los comentarios del hilo del partido; encima son perdedores.

En fin, yo no veo bien que quieren que le diga
Tal cual. No solo te van a poner asterisco si no que vas a avivar muchos giles. Para + de 1 seguimos siendo ese equipo que pierde todos los amistosos y sale 4to en RC. Quiero que sigan pensando eso.
Siempre nos fue mejor cuando nos subestimaron. Ir de punto nos sirve

Aca hay mas de uno que viene chamuyando pestes de nos cada vez que la tiene cortita y al pie. Nada obvio pero siempre algun palito cuando la tiene facil. Miren los comentarios despues que termino el primer tiempo.
Quiero que boqueen al dope, ganarles a los de la florcita y ver como reaccionan.
Como dice el gotan "vos deja nomas que algun chabon chamuye al cuete, y sacudile tu firulete".

A todo esto, me sorprendio para bien nuestro scrum. Ta bien que a ellos les faltaron los mejores pero le aguantamos el scrum a los ABs sin demasiados problemas. Muy contento.
That is a very pompous remark to make. SARU could just have said no to the ARU and then there would be no platform for the Argentinian team to play and gain experience.

SARU did the right thing in letting them start from the bottom and work their way up. You can't expect to want everything and not give something back in return. Our generosity only goes so far.

Plus the first division is where most semi-professional SA players start their careers who doesn't get a big contract with the big 8/9 unions. Most of these guys have a normal work during the week and train in the evenings and play on weekends.

Plus what will SARU do if the ARU decides to pull their team out of the agreement? They get stuck with having a weaker team (probably) now being in line to get promoted to the first division and then they get slaughtered during the next Currie Cup premier division campaign.

TRF my comments were harsh but true

WP and Sharks played a decent game in Durban last weekend
There might have been 5,000 fans in a 50,000 stadium How many
fans were in Loftus to see Bulls lose to Cheetahs

I commend SARU for their relationship with UAR They're an ally for each other
unlike the Aussies who're constantly moaning

You also added more reasons why Jaguares XV are far too good to be in
Currie Cup 1st Division You have Professionals playing against Amateurs
This will end up with the Pro team crushing the Amateur side
TRF my comments were harsh but true

For the oldest provincial tournament, it's not doing that badly. At least South Africa has a regional tournament...

WP and Sharks played a decent game in Durban last weekend
There might have been 5,000 fans in a 50,000 stadium How many
fans were in Loftus to see Bulls lose to Cheetahs

Probably not a lot. But then again, I guess most of those fans already bought tickets to watch the Springboks play the following day in Joburg.

I commend SARU for their relationship with UAR They're an ally for each other
unlike the Aussies who're constantly moaning

You also added more reasons why Jaguares XV are far too good to be in
Currie Cup 1st Division You have Professionals playing against Amateurs
This will end up with the Pro team crushing the Amateur side

It doesn't seem like we are disagreeing so much.

But you also have to understand that SARU didn't know what type of team Argentina would send when the agreement was made originally, so why would they run the risk of putting a non-SA team ahead of all the other SA teams in the first division, who have been loyal servants of SA Rugby, just to make room for the Jaguares XV.

To make negative remarks about SARU and the Currie Cup who has been nothing but welcoming and kind to the Jaguares, it's a little bit of a slap in the face to demand things now.
To make negative remarks about SARU and the Currie Cup who has been nothing but welcoming and kind to the Jaguares, it's a little bit of a slap in the face to demand things now.
Wowow. Hold it right there. Stop.
You've got it all wrong. That link you make between SARU being kind and then being slapped in the face is completely wrong.
Let's make this crystal clear: His views do not represent what UAR, Pumas nor Jaguares think and he is light years away from being even remotely close to representing what the fans think or feel.
So that slap in the face you feel comes from anyone but us.

We've come a long way and i think you know but just to make it loud and clear we are nothing but thankful to what SARU has done for us and the relationship UAR and SARU have built over decades. From using South America instead of Pumas to bypass IRFB at the time, to including the Pampas, to taking part of the RC, and later SR. SARU was there for us and we do not forget.
We compete against each other so there will always be a little bit of friction and the better we get the amount of friction will increase. We get that.
But we do not forget where we come from and who helped us along the way. We do not. We remember who smirked at us along the way and who took us in with open arms even at the expense of some of their own interests.

And the demands you mention, again, are not coming from us. We are happy to be part of the competition.
So no, we do not slap you on the face, and we wouldn't. And if we ever did, it'd be wrong and i will point it out if and when it happens.

I for one got mixed feelings about us competing in the currie cup's premier. Sure, I want us to compete and improve but i also understand there is a history to preserve.
Again, just happy to be part of it. The boys are giving it their absolute best and where we come from that's a sign of respect.

PS: we do have a regional tournament.
Wowow. Hold it right there. Stop.
You've got it all wrong. That link you make between SARU being kind and then being slapped in the face is completely wrong.
Let's make this crystal clear: His views do not represent what UAR, Pumas nor Jaguares think and he is light years away from being even remotely close to representing what the fans think or feel.
So that slap in the face you feel comes from anyone but us.

We've come a long way and i think you know but just to make it loud and clear we are nothing but thankful to what SARU has done for us and the relationship UAR and SARU have built over decades. From using South America instead of Pumas to bypass IRFB at the time, to including the Pampas, to taking part of the RC, and later SR. SARU was there for us and we do not forget.
We compete against each other so there will always be a little bit of friction and the better we get the amount of friction will increase. We get that.
But we do not forget where we come from and who helped us along the way. We do not. We remember who smirked at us along the way and who took us in with open arms even at the expense of some of their own interests.

And the demands you mention, again, are not coming from us. We are happy to be part of the competition.
So no, we do not slap you on the face, and we wouldn't. And if we ever did, it'd be wrong and i will point it out if and when it happens.

I for one got mixed feelings about us competing in the currie cup's premier. Sure, I want us to compete and improve but i also understand there is a history to preserve.
Again, just happy to be part of it. The boys are giving it their absolute best and where we come from that's a sign of respect.

PS: we do have a regional tournament.

Fair enough Cruz.

I just get the sense that some of your fellow Argie posters here are not seeing this the same way as you. And a few has talked about the premier division of the Currie Cup.

And I get the sense they are forgetting what happened to the Pampas XV. The Pampas XV was involved in the Vodacom Cup for 3 years. The first year they also had a great run and scored a lot of tries. The second year, they even made the finals and beaten the Blue Bulls XV to win the Trophy. Juan Imhoff was then picked as player of the tournament and was also the top try scorer.

The next year, they competed again. And the year after that, they withdrew. They weren't kicked out, or asked to leave the competition. They withdrew, their choice. Regardless of the reasoning.

Your compatriots need to understand that SARU is basically giving ARU a second chance, to see whether or not their inclusion in the system will be sustainable. The question is more, as to whether or not ARU would try and keep them in the system.
Three comments.
First, I think the one person you took the opinions from isnt even argentine, so i wouldn't extrapolate his views if i were you.

Second, about this part.
Your compatriots need to understand that SARU is basically giving ARU a second chance, to see whether or not their inclusion in the system will be sustainable. The question is more, as to whether or not ARU would try and keep them in the system.

I do not know, but i have a strong feeling the Pampas withdrawing had to do with Jaguares joining SR.
I am not sure, again, but i would be very, extremely surprised if this wasn't discussed at SANZAAR level. Worst case top SARU and UAR, like high up. 2015 was a WC year and 2016 we were joining SR.
In a way we were putting our future with one team and we probably didnt want to spread too thin.
Again, i'm speculating but i am comfortable with that educated guess.
I am 100% sure UAR never meant withdrawing to be a sign of disrespect and i am 99% sure SARU never took it as such, so i disagree with the second chance argument. We can disagree, that's fine too.

Third, I wish you understood spanish becase not that long ago
a) We all jumped on someone for even comparing the way we were treated by australians with the way south africans supported us
b) we commended RSA in how they handled having a non south african team topping the south african conference. And how that spoke volumes of you and your countrymen. We questioned how would we take it if, say, a uruguayan team would compete and win one of our national tournaments.

To sum it up, i understand why you went for the yugular, and i would have done the same, but you got it wrong. He does not represent what you thing he does.
For the oldest provincial tournament, it's not doing that badly. At least South Africa has a regional tournament...

Probably not a lot. But then again, I guess most of those fans already bought tickets to watch the Springboks play the following day in Joburg.

It doesn't seem like we are disagreeing so much.

But you also have to understand that SARU didn't know what type of team Argentina would send when the agreement was made originally, so why would they run the risk of putting a non-SA team ahead of all the other SA teams in the first division, who have been loyal servants of SA Rugby, just to make room for the Jaguares XV.

To make negative remarks about SARU and the Currie Cup who has been nothing but welcoming and kind to the Jaguares, it's a little bit of a slap in the face to demand things now.

yes it would be unfair to let the jags play the curry without going though the 1st division first. never mind if they trash some of the teams. its the way to go.
btw its just the 3rd game and we havent played the best teams. yes they trashed the bulldogs but they are the worst team of the comp also newcomers for what i read.
the fist game was won by little margin. so before talking too much lets see if they can keep it up. we should be thanking SA for leting us play, cut the crap.
Three comments.
First, I think the one person you took the opinions from isnt even argentine, so i wouldn't extrapolate his views if i were you.

Second, about this part.

I do not know, but i have a strong feeling the Pampas withdrawing had to do with Jaguares joining SR.
I am not sure, again, but i would be very, extremely surprised if this wasn't discussed at SANZAAR level. Worst case top SARU and UAR, like high up. 2015 was a WC year and 2016 we were joining SR.
In a way we were putting our future with one team and we probably didnt want to spread too thin.
Again, i'm speculating but i am comfortable with that educated guess.
I am 100% sure UAR never meant withdrawing to be a sign of disrespect and i am 99% sure SARU never took it as such, so i disagree with the second chance argument. We can disagree, that's fine too.

Third, I wish you understood spanish becase not that long ago
a) We all jumped on someone for even comparing the way we were treated by australians with the way south africans supported us
b) we commended RSA in how they handled having a non south african team topping the south african conference. And how that spoke volumes of you and your countrymen. We questioned how would we take it if, say, a uruguayan team would compete and win one of our national tournaments.

To sum it up, i understand why you went for the yugular, and i would have done the same, but you got it wrong. He does not represent what you thing he does.

I also wish I knew spanish.

Anyways, I understand what you are saying too, but it wasn't just a single poster making snide remarks.

As far as I know, the Pampas withdrew from the Vodacom Cup to make way for an Argentine team to play the Pacific Nations Cup.

I think what I'm trying to get at is that SA Rugby didn't cancel an agreement with ARU or the Pampas, nor did they force them out of the competition.

Sorry if I came across as insulting, I just want to clear the air that I find some of the remarks insulting towars SA Rugby and it's organisers. If you ever come to SA, you will see that we are great hosts and very welcoming.
I also wish I knew spanish.

Anyways, I understand what you are saying too, but it wasn't just a single poster making snide remarks.

As far as I know, the Pampas withdrew from the Vodacom Cup to make way for an Argentine team to play the Pacific Nations Cup.

I think what I'm trying to get at is that SA Rugby didn't cancel an agreement with ARU or the Pampas, nor did they force them out of the competition.

Sorry if I came across as insulting, I just want to clear the air that I find some of the remarks insulting towars SA Rugby and it's organisers. If you ever come to SA, you will see that we are great hosts and very welcoming.
yeah baby I'm coming! next month be my first time in SA. and the african continent in general. can't wait.
while reading your previous post I was remembering that the inclusion of pampas xv in the vodacom triggered in me, a new interest for rugby cos I been away from the sport for some time. then it was the RC and SR. it slowly built and I was even back to my club. wached some games and meet with some of my ol' team mates. .. and now my son is playing. just because he sees me watching the games he came and asked me to play.
this is what this help from SA means to the Arg rugby. MORE PLAYERS. more viewers. general grouth.
I mean although I played for 13 years I wasnt even seeing Los pumas play (there weren't too many games either ) now I find myself watching lions vs sharks 7 am!! before I gave a f u c k about super rugby didn't even knew the names of the teams.
this is good for everybody. I wonder how many new viewer where added to SR with the inclusion of the jaguares. not only in Arg. the social media are full of coments from Chile Paraguay brasil etc.
we are a soccer nation but people can enjoy other sports too. this means potencial 60 million viewers. + the rest of South America. who are developing too with the help of Argentina.

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