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Antisocial, societal issues thread

Guests who over-stay their welcome.

We've Ali's cousin over from France. Which means 5 adults and a child sharing a 2 bedroom house.
None of the guests lifting a finger to help.
Not a single offer to help cook*, or wash up, though for the 2nd week, they did start using the kettle without asking Ali or I to make them a drink.
TV is basically never switched off; but I'm not sure anyone knew what it was showing at any moment in time.

I'm insomniac, and always wake up around 3.00-3.30 in the morning. I cope by getting up and doing stuff for an hour, then going back to bed, and I can usually get another hour or 2 of sleep. I can't do that with guests sleeping in the living room. Usually, I've gone to work in the morning before being able to use the living room for anything at all.
They've left the house twice - once to go shopping in Cheltenham, and once to go to the supermarket to get food they thought we should have had already (kids food, + some we did have, we just expected an entire round of brie to last more than 1 day. Apparently, brie is a thing they just eat whilst deciding if they want to eat anything between meals or not).

This is the 3rd time this year they've been to stay for a fortnight, with different combinations of 4 guests (this being the first with a child).
They arrived 2 weeks ago, and leave at some point this weekend - though there's chat that 1 will return home, and we'll have to take the other 3 to the airport NEXT weekend. We don't own a car, so will have to rent.

* exception being the 2 year old's meals - we weren't expected to do those - just tidy away and wash up afterwards.

ETA: Sorry, apparently, I really needed to offload onto someone!
That's an impudent behaviour. Next time they want to visit you, tell them you'll have an urgency and will have to go to another city/country for work or something else .
Last time we were in guests, we cleaned and washed everything, brought gifts and food etc. Can't even imagine myself behaving like your cousin and his family
Guests who over-stay their welcome.
They're going in the morning.

Ali is as unhappy as I am about how long they've stayed, how disruptive they've been and how glittle they've helped (or appreciated).

But they're Ali's family, so it's her call on whether to allow it again or set firmer ground rules.
I'm happy to play the bad guy, but it's her decision.
Every generation had these morons, what's changed is how widely they can display their idiocy.
This is going to sound like "you're getting old" but I do actually think this short video craze is pretty bad. Kids concentration levels are understandable bad, but these seem to encourage it.
This is going to sound like "you're getting old" but I do actually think this short video craze is pretty bad. Kids concentration levels are understandable bad, but these seem to encourage it.
I'm getting old but not so old that I've forgotten my generation were getting the same flak. How long did it take "Millennial" to stop being used to mean entitled idiots with no knowledge who were just a waste and who were going to result in the collapse of civilization? We were the first generation really of the digital age. People were still pejoratively making out Millennials were basically teenagers until probably up to Covid, despite us all being in work at that age with the oldest Millennials also having families.

What's got worse is social media assisting in the vast dissemination of crass stupidity. It's not just limited to the young though, just look at all the stupid **** the older people do (like destroying peace and stability, that's still firmly in the boomers court).
I'm getting old but not so old that I've forgotten my generation were getting the same flak. How long did it take "Millennial" to stop being used to mean entitled idiots with no knowledge who were just a waste and who were going to result in the collapse of civilization? We were the first generation really of the digital age. People were still pejoratively making out Millennials were basically teenagers until probably up to Covid, despite us all being in work at that age with the oldest Millennials also having families.

What's got worse is social media assisting in the vast dissemination of crass stupidity. It's not just limited to the young though, just look at all the stupid **** the older people do (like destroying peace and stability, that's still firmly in the boomers court).
*looks at the current state of things*


Joking of course 😁
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Probably the same for every generation. My grandparents probably thought the Mods and Rockers were going to be the end of civilisation as we know it.
Goes back way further.
The ancient Greeks, Romans, medieval and Renaissance ... All have plenty of records of older generations calling the youth lazy, entitled, disrespectful, and degenerate.
Almost certainly goes back as far as humanity does, just without surviving written record.


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