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A Political Thread pt. 2

It is absolutely mental how Brexit has cause a shortage all over Europe.

If only we could have know that Brexit would cause lorry driver shortages in France, Spain and Germany as well as the UK

It certainly hasn't helped the UK

It's not a nice job at the best of times. Reportedly 14,000 returned to Europe once Covid hit and didn't return because the wages in Europe and here are not that much different.

It's replacing this shortfall here in UK and big delays in having fill that gap that's the problem. Plus You have fewer Younger British workers wanting to do that job as well. Bojo's Brexit Govt. not wanting to give out Visas for these deemed "low skill" jobs.
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It is absolutely mental how Brexit has cause a shortage all over Europe.

If only we could have know that Brexit would cause lorry driver shortages in France, Spain and Germany as well as the UK
Yes, because there are empty shelves all over Europe...
Hang on, that's simply not true is it? For any country that isn't the UK.

Maybe it's a matter of degree?
IIRC, the UK is down by about 90,000 drivers, with about 15-20,000 being due to Covid.
Anyone know the numbers for the rest of Europe?

So much for Brexit not having an effect hey Tim?:rolleyes:
But that's okay, because they also don't have the staff to serve what beer does get delivered to them.
I'm off the beer and hard stuff, back on red wine(if and when I drink). More of a culture thing in the UK?
I'm off the beer and hard stuff, back on red wine(if and when I drink). More of a culture thing in the UK?
Depends what circles you run in, the general consumption is larger and how much as Ragey said.

I use to be exclusively an Ale snob but these days drink Gin as a primary tipple, some of the folks I know are Whiskey snobs. But yeah spoons is about cheap booze and getting drunk. I don't go willingly into them because Tim Martin is grade A tosser who threw his staff under a bus at the beginning of the pandemic.
Well Texas have passed one of the most draconian anti-abortion laws in recent history...

Regardless of how you feel about abortion, many aspects of this law fly in the face of basic legal working and establish a vigilante, retroactive and bounty led system that not only protects but even encourages mass harassment and frivolous lawsuits. The way the Republicans go on about rights whilst systematically stripping them away from everyone that isn't a white straight male is staggering.
Crazy what has happened in NYC. Can't be coincidence what with the floods in Europe, China. Something we just got to get used to? And only going to get worse.

What with the ever growing world population how to reduce the carbon footprint and sustain it? Starting with China, USA and India, Russia who produce 55% of the world's Carbon emissions. Good luck with that.

A big Tory promise from their manifesto to be broken.
It's BJ...
My main gripe is they aren't fixing the ridiculous you pay less on everything above a certain amount of earnings. They really need to abolish the over £967/week bracket......bet that would pay for this increase and more.... I would just abolish National Insurance anyway and just have straight income tax.

If you're employed

You pay Class 1 National Insurance contributions. The rates for most people for the 2021 to 2022 tax year are:
Your pay
Class 1 National Insurance rate
£184 to £967 a week (£797 to £4,189 a month)

Over £967 a week (£4,189 a month)

Honestly make me sick people that earn far more than me pay less tax per £1 they earn then I do.
Why did you think they'd use NI to raise the money rather than VAT or Income tax?

Because it lets them and their mates off from paying much more.

ETA: F*** me - BJ on telly, live just now, blamed Labour for the underfunding of social care!
Who are the true scroungers?

Should note I have zero issues with higher taxes I am quite happy to pay more for better services I don't use (and can afford it) but working lower income people shouldn't be the ones to take the brunt of the burden on thier % of the income they take home.

My main gripe is they aren't fixing the ridiculous you pay less on everything above a certain amount of earnings. They really need to abolish the over £967/week bracket......bet that would pay for this increase and more.... I would just abolish National Insurance anyway and just have straight income tax.

If you're employed

You pay Class 1 National Insurance contributions. The rates for most people for the 2021 to 2022 tax year are:
Your pay
Class 1 National Insurance rate
£184 to £967 a week (£797 to £4,189 a month)

Over £967 a week (£4,189 a month)

Honestly make me sick people that earn far more than me pay less tax per £1 they earn then I do.

And if self employed pay:

Class 2 NIC at £3.05 PW if earn over around £6.5k profits. These count towards state pensions entitlements. Cheapest way to get a qualifying year for state pension.

And class 4 NIC, which is basically income tax on profits, despite being called NIC is 9% and 2% broadly at the limits above.

A big one that is often missed are employers pay 13.8% class 1 secondary and class 1A on taxable benefits in kind. How that is going to increase, still need to see. Increases cost for businesses. Also There's also no upper limit unlike for employees.

Then there's also tax on share dividends to go up. Haven't read the detail on that yet. Currently that's 7.5%, 32.5% and 38.1% In excess of £2k. These should defo be upped as no NIC on these.

NIC on pensioners who work and their earnings, I read as well.

Bojo's Govt was always going to break their manifesto promise at some point. Doing it mid Parliament whilst they a 80 seat odd majority. But sooner or later a Government was going to do this.

But ****** me off that they Wouldn't want to break the triple lock on pensions to lose the pensioner's vote. Their state pensions are going to rocket next year based on the formula they devised.
Any of you employed out there make sure you enter into a proper salary sacrifice arrangement with you employer to contribute more into your pension. Done properly you can save the NIC for both employee and employers NIC.

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