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2024 Paris Olympics Sevens

I'm happy and a bit surprised that the USA 🦅 Sevens squad has made it to the quarter finals. First they tied France, who they were projected to lose too. Then they lost to Fiji which was expected, and I thought that would damper their hopes. But they recovered and beat Uruguay the next day and will now move on.
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I cannot express how disappointed i am. We had everything, absolutely everything to win this.

- 3 outstanding players (Isgro, Moneta and Gonzalez).
- a squad with depth (the rest of the squad was very strong too. Nothing magical like those three but solid overall, both on offense and defense.)
- a very experienced coach who pretty much reinvented the way we played. In terms of kick offs and commitment to rucks i'd say most of the teams followed Arg's lead.
- We came from a big loss in Spain, against France, so we were eager to make a point.
- We tripped over against Australia (a game we'd win 9/10 times) but the cost of doing so was relatively low. I thought was actually a good thing. A slap in the face that would wake us up.
- Most of the big teams were past their peak or transitioning. RSA, Fiji and NZ were nowhere even close to what they used to be. They are good, no doubt but not even close to what they were say, 3 years ago. And i believed the teams on the rise (France and Ireland mainly) were good but not as good as we were. I sincerely believed we would beat any team if we were to play the best of 10. Maybe NZ could beat us, but i'd bet the house against the rest.
- Isgro was suspended but he could play as of the QF's, which is precisely where we needed him the most.
- The 3 outstanding players had all complementary qualities. Moneta is a speedster, probably the second fastest in the 7s circuit and, unlike, baker, he is a born and bread rugby player and has a good foot (kicking wise). Gonzalez is a wrecking ball, which gave a LOT of space to the rest, but specially to Moneta. This was exploited beautifully a gazillion times. And Isgro is a terrific all rounder who is strong, fast and smart. He always gains the ad line, is good with offloads, rarely misses a tackle against faster players (KEY!) and is incredibly good at the ruck.
And it's not only what these 3 could do. It's the space they created for the rest, how the relieved pressure. We had a mature team and arrived arguably at out peak.
- We were incredibly disciplined and everyone knew what they had to do. There was a plan, it was a solid one and execution was on point.

Coach said our team was tired and mentioned that Ireland, NZ and Arg (best 3 teams by a mile this year) lost their QFs. I find that hard to believe. I do not know what went wrong. I do know it's heartbreaking.
We'll get over it, course. But now it is time to mourn.
Btw, noblesse oblige, what happened to Ireland was incredible. I'd be fuming. I am not exaggerating when i clain that that mistake could have meant the difference between Ireland coming home with a gold medal vs empty handed.

I am watching Arg vs US and there is clearly something wrong with Moneta. He doesnt want the ball.
Btw, noblesse oblige, what happened to Ireland was incredible. I'd be fuming. I am not exaggerating when i clain that that mistake could have meant the difference between Ireland coming home with a gold medal vs empty handed.

I am watching Arg vs US and there is clearly something wrong with Moneta. He doesnt want the ball.
"we cannot check it" is absurd. I can see it plausibly being flat and in real time I don't blame any one but the fact they aren't allowed to go to TMO for a try deciding knock on is crazy.
Can't even watch the 5th place playoff on RTE. Discovery are owned by the same group giving out about Amazon and the NBA rights aren't they? Good enough for them.
HBO has most of the sports. 10 euros for a month of HBO+Olympics seems fair.
Rightful red, but the try shouldn't stand, due to the huge forwards passing in the build up
They have to commission a statue for Dupont now.
And to think my USA Eagles tied France and then lost to Fiji. Oh well, congrats to France on winning the gold. 🏅
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If I could choose a bronze medal going into the tournament or see what happens I'd have said take the medal we aren't in the race so happy the boys managed.

Would've liked to get one over France specifically but I expected it would be a bridge too far and was proved correct. Biggest disappointments were Arg in general (has been such an exciting side and Gonzales is my favorite 7s player even counting SA players) and the manner of Ireland's QF exit which is a bit a farce tbh.
If he continues as he is, Du Pont will almost certainly go down as one of the best players ever. He can just do everything.
Looks like 1 match, after the event, is all we'll be getting today from the BBC :(

No room on the evening schedule they just threw up.
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