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(2022 Rugby Championship - Round 3) - South Africa v Australia (27/8/2022)

When you are trying to crack down on things in rugby that could result in permanent disability, it's not helpful in trying to get the message of how serious those things are across if you yellow card someone for an action that is incredibly unlikely to cause permanent damage of any kind (including eye damage). And he was trying to dislodge the ball so it wasn't even intentional, which the ref acknowledged. If it was intentional then you should card him using the don't be a dick rule, just like white should have been carded.
I can't believe we are actually arguing if someone slapping a player earns you the possibility of being YCarded.

I don't recall the exact quote so I'll paraphrase: "defenders' hands have no place being anywhere near the eye or the eye area". This was from around 2015 when an arg player accidentally passed his hand near (not in, near) a nzer in a ruck. Play continued, no danage whatsoever.
Still, the arg player got sanctioned post-game and couldn't play another game for the rest of the world cup. Because he accidentally passed his hand near the eye area.
And now you defend someone deliberately slapping a ball carrier? How's that for "eye or eye area"?

You know what's the best way to prevent someone from milking a situation like this? Not creating it in the first place.
I wouldn't for a second argue Faf shouldn't be carded if he did slap that little POS. I'd actually question if he actually made any contact and if it can in any way be seen as a slap? I've seen a slow-mo close-up that really makes me question if ANY contact was made but ja, sure, Faf took a chance. So there is that but how pathetic from White. Goodness me, I really hope this doesn't become a thing or I won't be watching the game much longer. I've seen similar from Folau and Sonny Bill. Thought it was pathetic then. Think the same now.
Definite yellow for Faf. Definite grounds for thinking we need to follow football with yellow cards for "simulation" (like Stuart Hogg). But Whites position will have been if he didn't milk it then a definite penalty would have been overlooked and if there was contact I can't really blame him for that.
I can't believe we are actually arguing if someone slapping a player earns you the possibility of being YCarded.

I don't recall the exact quote so I'll paraphrase: "defenders' hands have no place being anywhere near the eye or the eye area". This was from around 2015 when an arg player accidentally passed his hand near (not in, near) a nzer in a ruck. Play continued, no danage whatsoever.
Still, the arg player got sanctioned post-game and couldn't play another game for the rest of the world cup. Because he accidentally passed his hand near the eye area.
And now you defend someone deliberately slapping a ball carrier? How's that for "eye or eye area"?

You know what's the best way to prevent someone from milking a situation like this? Not creating it in the first place.
Ok, I can buy the argument that you shouldn't wave your hand around someone's eye. But I am very surprised you think he deliberately slapped him In The face; he was trying to slap at the ball.
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Yeah calling it a deliberate slap is a bit overboard IMO.

@Cruz_del_Sur Would you say your past experience where this happened:
"an arg player accidentally passed his hand near (not in, near) a nzer in a ruck. Play continued, no damage whatsoever.
Still, the arg player got sanctioned post-game and couldn't play another game for the rest of the world cup. Because he accidentally passed his hand near the eye area."

Does this event have an impact on your view toward such cases?

I will accept the yellow card, but I cant fathom an argument that contests that it was deliberate, which in turn would imply malicious intent.
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When you are trying to crack down on things in rugby that could result in permanent disability, it's not helpful in trying to get the message of how serious those things are across if you yellow card someone for an action that is incredibly unlikely to cause permanent damage of any kind (including eye damage). And he was trying to dislodge the ball so it wasn't even intentional, which the ref acknowledged. If it was intentional then you should card him using the don't be a dick rule, just like white should have been carded.
What a rubbish take.
I wouldn't for a second argue Faf shouldn't be carded if he did slap that little POS.
No bias at all there. None whatsoever.

I'd actually question if he actually made any contact and if it can in any way be seen as a slap?
Dude.... DUDE!!!
you are arguably one of my prefered posters here and the main reason is you come across as one of the most objective posters. Bar's low, i know, but still.

There is a video of this. If you don't think that's a slap then hopefully we can meet so i don't slap you.

But I am very surprised you think he deliberately slapped him In The face; he was trying to slap at the ball.
When you show me which part of the laws care for what the defender's intentions are in a situation like this i'll consider that argument. Till then...

Swing, open hand, hits the face. Period.
These are not far-stretched interpretations of mine. I hope we can agree those 3 things happened.
The dictionary defines the concatenation of those three events as a slap.
Again, players have been banned from playing several world cup games for less.

FOR THE RECORD, and to add insult to injury, his milking of the situation (sure) was poor at best. After the slap, he should have dropped to his knees (he did) AND grabbed his with both hands while dropping the ball. That's it. He would be an unquestionable victim of the situation as eyes are sacrosanct, and it is impossible for anyone to conclusively prove if there was the slightest touch of the cornea.

The YC would have been the same, we wouldn't have this ridiculous argument and Faf would be facing a disciplinary committee, probably getting away with it.

EDIT: that was out of order.
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Yeah calling it a deliberate slap is a bit overboard IMO.

Not even close to the ball.
Open hand.
Hits oponents face.

Allow me to introduce a friend oy mine. Merriam. Merriam Webster.

Don't really see what the debate is. De Klerk slapped him in the face. Did he intend to? I doubt it but was the result of him attempting to swipe at the ball him instead slapping White in the face? Yes. Barely any force, would have ruffled some moustache hairs but it was still a deliberate movement with his arm that resulted in contact with the face so a yellow.

It was on the low end and more severe stuff has been missed (Johnny Hill springs to mind recently) but the fact that one illegal act is missed doesn't mean that lesser illegal acts should therefore be ignored when caught. Also it's hardly like De Klerk is whiter than White himself, he's not exactly well behaved either so it's not like this is in any way out of character. He took a calculated risk and got it wrong. Nothing serious but still illegal, simple as that really.

White should have got a warning for his dramatics though.
Hope White plays on Saturday...heard that Rassie is importing Bakkies to sub for us......
Probably going to be an unpopular opinion but I have no issue with players drawing attention to a foul. Is White supposed to give up a valid advantage in a professional environment because of undefined rugby values? Nah
Probably going to be an unpopular opinion but I have no issue with players drawing attention to a foul. Is White supposed to give up a valid advantage in a professional environment because of undefined rugby values? Nah
IMO... It depends how it's done.
I little bit of a sea-gul to draw attention, or an "Is that really legal sir?" is fine.
Stopping playing in order to appeal (repeated sea-gulling), or faking an injury, milking a fall etc is a different matter.

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