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[2015 RWC] Pool D: Italy vs. Canada (26/09/2015)

That's a terrible holding on call, Moonlight was cleared out but pulled the Italian by the jersey, not the ball, and somehow won the penalty?

..and that wasn't in touch.
Two terrible calls within a minute or so!
They really dont want canada to win!
If one of referees were Poite... But no words about neither Jackson, nor Clancy :D Yet.
so big mistake from canada to take the 3 points instead of insisting on the line
Flicked it over to hope see the Canadans win, what an awful last 5 minutes.
Tough loss as a Canadian. Not only do we have to contend with our own bizarre coaching decisions (Moonlight played a full 80) but also inept referees and touch judges.

They should have gone for the try too. Sometimes you need to nut up, recognize the enormity of the situation and go for it.
Canada, very well played, earned respect if not the win.

One thing I didn't like was not engaging in the maul. Rugby is richer for the maul, it creates space for the backs and I view not engaging as an underhand cowardly tactic, a tacit admission that you're unable or unwilling to defend it, akin to not engaging in a scrum because the opposition are better at it.

Congratulations to Italy, did what was needed in the end.
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