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Pres whats your take on WCW?

Oh! WCW, the NWO, Sting & BookerT. They were so close to pulling it off. But if the WWF was poorly managed by the iron fist of tyrant Vince Mcmahon, then WCW was abysmal in its management. In the end they ran out of money and guys like The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin were coming on stream for the WWE.

Apparently its some of the old WCW management at the heart of the TNA promotion but apparently the same mistakes are being made there too.
I actually think WCW was the best until The Rock, Mankind,Stone Cold made WWF/E popular again. WCW roster was unbelievable they had so much talent they didnt know what to do with it. Is it true Eric Bischoff is running TNA? If so TNA might as well kiss its own ass goodbye.
Theres the problem. The WCW management had the wrestling talent but they were just so rubbish at managing them, booking the fights and at storylines. The rumour is that good ol' Eric is at TNA.
Theres the problem. The WCW management had the wrestling talent but they were just so rubbish at managing them, booking the fights and at storylines. The rumour is that good ol' Eric is at TNA. [/b]

True, poor management and giving wrestlers creative control ultimately lead to WCWs demise. Halloween Havoc 98 (I think) has one of the best PPV lineups ever. Eric was a cancer to WCW sure he helped initially but near the end screwing things up. TNA shouldnt have Eric Bischoff! History repeats.
WCW was awful...People need to realise that.[/b]
Please, WCW was freaking great when it was in its heyday, the story lines were great! Stings story with the NWO was great, the Wolfpack split, when Luger finally beat Hogan and the players rushed out to celebrate, was all great stuff.
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WCW was awful...People need to realise that.[/b]
Please, WCW was freaking great when it was in its heyday, the story lines were great! Stings story with the NWO was great, the Wolfpack split, when Luger finally beat Hogan and the players rushed out to celebrate, was all great stuff.

The storylines were great? I must have been watching a different show. Sting never interested me as a character.
Lol thats because WCW was known for their in ring performances not the soap opera outside of the ring that WWE is cluttered with. WCW had the greatest wrestling roster of all time, a roster that had technically skilled wrestlers (minus Hogan and a few others) who didn't rely solely on image and personality *cough*Batista*cough*. For christs sake their mid cards were Rey Mysterio, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko etc! In Ring Performance>>>>>>Soap Opera
The storylines were great? I must have been watching a different show. Sting never interested me as a character.
Were you watching from when he made the switch from WCW golden boy to NWO and back? The mystery of it all and the underlying storyline was great, minimalistic but great nonetheless....it wasn't the same as WWE is now where you can watch one show and have all the storylines sorted, this had large arching storylines going for a couple of years in length, for example the Hollywood Hogan story line, that went for years where he would hold the ***le and screw others out of it, he didn't even wrestle for months, and when he finally did and did it fairly, as a viewer it was a true achievement. The Hulk Hogan turning to the NWO was a great storyline as well, as a wrestling fan Hogan turning bad was unthinkable...
Hogan turning heel was good and he did it pretty well too!

Noooo! William Regal failed a drugs test!!! He's been banned for two months!
Theres basically only Edge and Batista on Smackdown. Unless you want him facing off with Kane again..?
Wrestling pretty much sucks now anyway he could face off against that Irish midget for all I care.
I used to love pro-wrestling. God knows how many videos i had.

WWF was excellent in my opinion until Stone Cold left. So was WCW when it was stacked with half of the future WWF guys.

I used to prefer WWF for having a laugh, but WCW for better wrestling with more believeable gimmicks.

WWF was ridiculous from start to finish with it's lame-ass characters and soap operas, but WCW simply had nothing to keep you interested other than Sting, especially when they used to cut off the best fights just as someone does something to win the match.

I would divide WWF into 4 eras.. the golden oldies with Hulk Hogan (he has great in his prime) and the serious wrestlers like Bret Hert coming through. Too much pantomime and really shite moves, like the Hogan legdrop, but some classic characters and some decent stories, although it was usually the Hulkster liberating the US from evil.

The 2nd era was the best by far. It become more serious with guys like the Rockers, Hart Foundation, LoD and it needed to get away from shite like Demolition that was just too crap for words. All this pretend fighting suddenly turned into high octane feuds and better moves.

The 3rd era was when things started to get extremely violent. Chairs started to be used in every other match, and ladders, tables and all sorts. This was good for a few years with guys like razor ramon and Shawn Michaels having great dingdongs with ladder matches. That was the era i loved the most, as it still had the guys from 2nd era, like Bret.

At the end of the 3rd era you had all the Stone Cold's and that was cool, but came a bit too brutal and attitudy with more gangtype beatings and trash taliing on the mic and less actual wrestling.

The 4th era and current WWE is without doubt the shitest in history. There are no proper faces that dont have a gimmick or are instantly forgetable, they all suck and they have to keep guys like the Undertaker going on forever with no gimmicks. FFS Edge, has had to be promoted because of the lack of heels.

They have a new Samoan in Umaga, but to be honest he has nothing on Rikishi, or even the old wild samoans, headshrinkers etc.. he'd be more like Kamala, just a big oaf who is as samoan as george bush.

I have absolutely no interest in WWE, and to be honest you can tell exactly what is going to happen in certain fights. It's the same old shite just with more ***ties, ponces and general crap.

One guy is about to pin, and he gets beaten by a predictable crew of the other guys mates for a new or ensuing feud, or the ref is outcold, or the manager trips him and all that crap. Sure its always been like that, but it should have moved on by now..

Best things in WWF were the Royal Rumble and King of the Ring around 1995. Classic stuff. I could watch that every night, even though you know it's fake they didn't have too many high risk stunts, the wrestling was better and they all wore hilarious, but cool looking spandex.

Here is my list of my favourite characters that i have seen.

Hulk Hogan (in his prime)
Superfly Jimmy Snuka (yeehaw!)
Andre the Giant (Classic Character, although he was crap)
Randy Savage (not as Macho Man)
Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart as Hart Foundation
Marty Jannetty, Shawn Michaels as the Rockers
Legion Of Doom
Razor Ramon
Papa Shango
The Rock
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Bam Bam Bigelow
Booker T (From WWF)
Sting (From WWF)
D-Lo Brown
Diesel (Coolest character ever)
D-Von Dudley (i loved the table smashing thing)
Hacksaw Jim Duggan (why not)
***o Santana (Athletic)
Rikishi Fatu (Love this guy!)
Giant Gonzales (For the costume)
Goldberg (Great in WCW)
Gunn and Bart Gunn as Smoking Gunns
Chris Jericho
Ahmed Johnson (underrated)
Lex Luger (awesome character circa 1995)
Kevin Nash (WCW's version of Diesel, and is the same guy)
Diamond Dallas Page (Geat WCW character)
Papa Shango (never liked any other of his characters)
Rowdy Roddy Piper (Soo funny)
Razor Ramon (machismo)
Dustin Rhodes (Hated him as goldust though)
Jake "The Snake" Roberts (Classic character)
Ken Shamrock (Classic character)
(Psycho) Sid (Classic character, he had the best powerbomb ever)
Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat (like Jacky Chan but slimmer)
Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner as Steiner Brothers (Great tag team)
Tatanka (liked him before he was a really shite heel)
Scotty 2 Hotty (for entertainment factor of 'the worm')
Undertaker (tatty undertaker of old who just wouldnt lay down)
Vader (from WCW)
Savio Vega (For one King of the Ring)
Koko B. Ware (loved the parrot)
Yokozuna (Shame he died)
Zeus (Liked him as a heel to Hulkster, rather than the Ultimate F*ckwit)

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