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Oh definately, Cena's embarrassing "crowd-pleasing" chants to the crowd were also a factor in me disliking the program and eventually moving on. "DA CHAMP IZ HERE. CHEER ME J00 SUCKAS!"
Yeah, Cena tries to be way way way way way too smart for his own good.

They need to just get rid of the current crop and just let Carlito run the show.
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John Cena is so lame man seriously people boo him like hes a heel.
Shelton benjamin is on of the most athletic and technically sound wrestlers in the history of WWE. He deserves to be a top tier wrestler but I guess personality and image is more important than skill *cough*Batista*cough*

Off the top of my head the only decent wrestle currently in the WWE in terms of skill are:
Matt Hardy (going downhill imo)
Shelton Benjamin
Chris Jericho
Shawn Michaels (I hate him)
Triple HHH (Only got so far because he knocked up the bosses wife)

Wrestling is boring nowadays the Attitude Era was the best. Back when Stone Cold vs The Rock were slugging it out, Mankind was a human crash dummy, Hardy Boys were diving off the top of cages, Generation X was actually cool and didnt look like washed up hobos, The hart foundation existed, Kane and Undertaker were the strongest tag team to ever exist, Vince was the most evil prick to grace the ring, Woman actually knew how to wrestle, Shamrock was around etc I could go on forever. I think the WWE is trying to replicate that era too bad its never going to happen with the current state that wrestling is in. Plus Vince is an asshole in real life and treats his wrestlers like doo doo butterand because of him we'll probably never see some wrestlers return to WWE e.g The Rock, Brett Hart, RVD, Kurt Angle etc.
The Hart foundation was over a long time before the 'Attitude' era... [/b]

No they existed in 97 which was still considered the Attitude era. Im pretty sure the attitude era was roughly 1996-2000. They also had a little feud with Nation of Domination.
<div class='quotemain'> The Hart foundation was over a long time before the 'Attitude' era... [/b]

No they existed in 97 which was still considered the Attitude era. Im pretty sure the attitude era was roughly 1996-2000.
Did they still have the originals(like Neidhart or however you spell it) in it or just Bret Hart? When was Wrestlemania X? (Best event of all time btw)
<div class='quotemain'>
<div class='quotemain'> The Hart foundation was over a long time before the 'Attitude' era... [/b]

No they existed in 97 which was still considered the Attitude era. Im pretty sure the attitude era was roughly 1996-2000.
Did they still have the originals(like Neidhart or however you spell it) in it or just Bret Hart? When was Wrestlemania X? (Best event of all time btw) [/b][/quote]

Man I was a young ass kid back then and my memory is ****. I remember that Brett and Owen were def in and they would of had more members to compete with Nation of Domination. As for wrestlemania X it was March 20, 1994 according to wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WrestleMania_X
Well Wrestlemania X was when Bret Hart and Owen Hart had thier first big falling out....but the Hart Foundation ended a few years before that when Bret started going solo, according to Wiki it first split in 1991 and any reformation after that wasn't really the Hart foundation like it was at its peak...basically like how the NWO that entered when WCW and WWE merged isn't the same as the original NWO in WCW...just an attempt to bring back the memories of old and add legitimacy...
Well according to wikipedia they came back in 97 and pretty much had all the same members (one or two were diffrent/missing) which means I was RIGHT. Plus they were a force to be reckoned with. When NWO went over to WWE they were a bunch of nobodys and got killed off by Vince.
Well according to wikipedia they came back in 97 and pretty much had all the same members (one or two were diffrent/missing) which means I was RIGHT. Plus they were a force to be reckoned with. When NWO went over to WWE they were a bunch of nobodys and got killed off by Vince.[/b]
So, it had the same member six years on, it doesn't mean it is going to be as good as it was back in 91. Back in 91 they were equal and there wasn't any huge stars, by 97 Bret was already a legend of wrestling, Owen was a class heel, and the others almost dropped off the map...it is like saying is HBK and Marty Jannetty reformed 'The Rockers' it'd be exactly the same....not true...
<div class='quotemain'>
Well according to wikipedia they came back in 97 and pretty much had all the same members (one or two were diffrent/missing) which means I was RIGHT. Plus they were a force to be reckoned with. When NWO went over to WWE they were a bunch of nobodys and got killed off by Vince.[/b]
So, it had the same member six years on, it doesn't mean it is going to be as good as it was back in 91. Back in 91 they were equal and there wasn't any huge stars, by 97 Bret was already a legend of wrestling, Owen was a class heel, and the others almost dropped off the map...it is like saying is HBK and Marty Jannetty reformed 'The Rockers' it'd be exactly the same....not true... [/b][/quote]

Yeah but if their popularity wasnt as great as 91 it was damn near close. Define 'good' I dont see why they were any less good in 97 just because Owen and Brett outshined the rest. Your right about the Rockers though still Hart foundation still made a good comeback imo.
TNA is pretty good in how they're pushing the female wrestling angle and having girls like Awesome Kong gives it such a fantastic early 1990s flavour :lol:

And at least Gail Kim didn't have her head shaved bald. Come to think of it, a Gail Kim vs Mickie James match would be awesome...
The only female wrestler that was interesting to watch was Chyna because she actually knew how to wrestle. Pres whats your take on WCW?
I liked Chyna because she was able to fight the male wrestlers. Just remember the matches against Chris Jericho. Today you have these "Divas". Girls with big breasts jumping around like rabbits.
I only watch the occasional match of the Undertakers. Can't stand Cena he was good when first starting as a heel and rapping about his opponent now he just plain sucks.

The most technically skilled like Shelton Benjamin, Chris Jericho & many others are never used to their full potential.

As for women wrestlers good god don't count Maria as one. She's a big boobed Diva plain and simple. The only ones that can actually wrestle have either left or aren't booked probably eg. Mickie James, Gail Kim, Molly Holly & Victoria. It is good to see Candice learn a few new moves because I thought she would just be another big boobed diva as well.
I loved pro wrestling in the 90's... I'm afraid the new generation just doesn't entertain me, as stupid as it was looking back on it I really loved the over the top cartoon character types that used to be around back then much more than the real people with real names image they evolved into.

I also find it amusing that once wrestling is mentioned the nay-sayers assume you have to be under the age of 10 to enjoy it ;) lol

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