Kiwi Londoner
I used to hate the French jersey, but since owning it, it has grown on me. Best looking kit at the moment, easily.
Has any one seen an New Zealand RWC away strip? Picking we will have to wear one against Scotland as normal and now possibly France as their shirt is so dark now.
Heres a picture of our old one I found on the net, although I though we always wore white.
The ABs shirt looks good, but really just the same as normal. Would be good if they could colour the silver fern side mesh panels a cool dark silver colour. But then they wouldnt be the all blacks I spose. Nice jersey - shame we cant do anything with it.
I will only buy the RWC cup one if we actually win the thing! As a compromise I bought a nice Adidas RWC Polo shirt to tide me over. At least they can change that a bit. The polo is made out of their climacool and climalite material and looks better than the pic, and is comfortable and light. The 25 quid price tag is not to bad either.
Funny thing is NZ jersey and polos etc are way more expensive in NZ! Commerative jersey in UK is 69 pound ($185) , and $250 in NZ! [/b]
You guys look like you're sponsored by Tampax, all white with that nasty red thing going from your pants up to your neck... Oh ****, I think I'm gonna puke. :vomit:All I know is that our is awful. We (England) look like cornettos. [/b]
I haven't been following this thread so I don't know if this has already been pointed out, but -
If New Zealand meet France in the Final, does that mean they won't be able to wear the traditional black jersey?
Why have France gone with a black jersey for? It seems odd to me.
Also, the new Australian and South African jerseys look shite.
I thought they were already great in their simplistic design.
Rugby jerseys without collars look retarded in my view.
In regards to the Australian one, its the worst Australian jersey since the lame Reebok design of 96/97. [/b]
I totally agree. The look gay.Well, I'm certainly not angry about it.
I just think it just looks really lame. [/b]