Actually the IBM Gecko in the game cube only had a bigger number being somewhere around 400mhz. The PS2 Emotion Engine may instead have been a 300mhz, but it was essentially a 64-bit dual-core so it weighs in at a once-impressive 600mhz. That's why it was a ***** to code.
The PS2 also wins on all important RAM ram with 32MB over the GCs pathetic 24mb.
As for sales, 20 million copies of GTA San Andreas is impressive for a AAA ***le, not 1 million units worldwide (for exclusive games featuring the 2nd best recodnised games icon behind Sonic) on the highest selling machine. How do games like FIFA do on Nintendos family orintation centre? Crap, that's how.
Hense the same reason why Rugby League 3 will bomb and HB have enough sense to concentrate on the 360 and PS3.
The Wii is not a real games machine. It's a cheep and nasty gimmick specifically aimed at appealing to housewives, people who watch "you've been framed" and Northerns who've only just discovered electricity.