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What TV Show's are you watching/looking forward to?

Andor is great easially the best Disney Star Wars show and so far second best show of the year for me....actually maybe third. Its toss up between it and Strange New Worlds with Sandman being the best.

I really don't understand anyone and I've met perfectly normal people rather than Internet trolls who don't like Andor. One I was just best man at his wedding and he loved Obi-Wan but usually we're pretty in synch.
ive chatted with one person that said he could take or leave it, essentially boiled down to not enough (jedi, lightsabers, tie fighters/xwings...)....basically the the really cliche star wars stuff...but couldn't really argue any other points once we established it was a long season, i think its 12 episodes (which is weird to think that is considered a long season now days) and so its going to have ebs and flows of action...and it actually builds suspense...and its actually really good to see what happening in the rest of the universe....understand what the deal was for all those "red shirts" (cross franchine ref intended) that we see getting gunned down in the back group behind two dudes fighting with swords

the only things i am/have had to work on....not a fan of prequels as ultimately you know what happens to people....and thinking i might not watch the last few eps and binge them all
So I've not actually watched the sopranos, the wire or succession (the top 3). But if they are better than the amazing band of brothers, Chernobyl and others then maybe I'll give one a try.
Loved generation kill by the way.
If you loved Generation Kill I can't see you not liking the Wire or anything by David Simon. The Sopranos has maybe aged a bit better (debatable) and is funnier than the Wire but the Wire is just genius TV in my humble opinion.

You've got good taste as Chernobyl was outstanding and one of the best things I've seen on TV in a while.
I enjoyed Generation Kill a lot too, before I watched it I saw a lot of people frame it as Band of Brothers but for the Iraq war, but that does it a disservice as they're two very different shows and going in expecting one thing and getting another can put some people off

The Wire is excellent - took me a little bit to get into it as it's quite dated now, but it really is superb television

I still need to watch Sopranos - it's not on any streaming platform I have and I'm too lazy to download it

I've been rewatching Homeland recently - noticed that the whole lot is on Netflix and I've not seen the latest/final season, but couldn't remember anything from the preceding two seasons so thought I'd watch it all again. Got about 1.5seasons left to go.
Season 2 is ok, and Season 3 is...average, but I really love the rest of it, great cast and great storylines
I'll try the wire then. Thank you all
You might start the first season and think this looks dated as **** but persist with it. If you still really don't like it after 5 or 6 episodes then it might not be for you but as I say, if you like the gritty realism of Generation Kill you should like the Wire as they're done in the same style albeit different subject matters.
Try first season of the "True detective". It's maybe calm and a bit boring in the middle,but the end is something! But I liked very much only the first season. Definitely recommend it
I second this. Shame the subsequent seasons weren't that good. The first one was amazing, though.

The Sopranos reigns supreme.
Given how big a deal it was at the time, it's nuts how far down the list GoT ranks. In part, others on the list were before the ubiquity of social media, but you've got to lay the rest at the door of the late seasons.
Cheers both, I've watched the first two seasons of true detective and did enjoy them both but couldn't find the third on any viewing platform without paying for some reason.

Also I started the old man on Disney plus. Only on the first episode and it's ok so far although that was a week ago and I've not watched any more yet.
Just going through the list random musings

Been trying to watch Veep for years

Silicon Valley is the only show especially early years that actually reflects what its like to work in tech.

Watchman is outstanding and really shows up how Snyder somehow missed the mark by using the comic book a s storyboard with a completely original story.

Band of Brothers is excellent but does loose its way a little in the lower middle.

Boardwark Empire exactly the same issues and The Soprano's for me I just get tired in TV shows of bad people doing bad things works great in a film, TV it just gets tiresome.

Mare of Eastown - Perfectly serviceable thriller shouldn't be that high.

Game of Thrones - Loved it but its quality does decrease as it goes on

Chernobyl - One of the best miniseries ever produced I rewatched the entire thing on a flight back from Singapore.

Succession - I love it but worry its going to suffer from Soprano's and Boardwalk Empire issues eventually if they doesn't finish it a season or two.

The Wire - Just really struggled with season 1 and kinda gave up should give it another go.

The Soprano's - Massively overrated much like Breaking Bad which I know is not a popular opinion. Its mainissue of creating shows without an ending or a devlopment plan so it just follows a cycle of Tony does something bad, shows no remorse, looks like he might grow, does something bad repeat. I really enjoyed it but theres a reason I lost interest.
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Just going through the list random musings

Been trying to watch Veep for years

Silicon Valley is the only show especially early years that actually reflects what its like to work in tech.

Watchman is outstanding and really shows up how Snyder somehow missed the mark by using the comic book a s storyboard with a completely original story.

Band of Brothers is excellent but does loose its way a little in the lower middle.

Boardwark Empire exactly the same issues and The Soprano's for me I just get tired in TV shows of bad people doing bad things works great in a film, TV it just gets tiresome.

Mare of Eastown - Perfectly serviceable thriller shouldn't be that high.

Game of Thrones - Loved but its quality does decrease as it goes on

Chernobyl - One of the miniseries ever produced I rewatched the entire thing on a flight back from Singapore.

Succession - I love it but worry its going to suffer from Soprano's and Boardwalk Empire issues eventually if they doesn't finish it a season or two.

The Wire - Just really struggled with season 1 and kinda gave up should give it another go.

The Soprano's - Massively overrated much like Breaking Bad which I know is not a popular opinion. Its mainissue of creating shows without an ending or a devlopment plan so it just follows a cycle of Tony does something bad, shows no remorse, looks like he might grow, does something bad repeat. I really enjoyed it but theres a reason I lost interest.
I agree, and yet hate, this post in almost equal measure. Good work.
Episode 10....blimey that's television. As you say it's build up episodes 3, 6 and 10 have been brilliant but only because the ground work has led to build up to them.
ok, heres the question...do i watch 10 or do i avoid for a coulpe of weeks and watch the final 3 episodes ?
Just going through the list random musings

Been trying to watch Veep for years

Silicon Valley is the only show especially early years that actually reflects what its like to work in tech.

Watchman is outstanding and really shows up how Snyder somehow missed the mark by using the comic book a s storyboard with a completely original story.

Band of Brothers is excellent but does loose its way a little in the lower middle.

Boardwark Empire exactly the same issues and The Soprano's for me I just get tired in TV shows of bad people doing bad things works great in a film, TV it just gets tiresome.

Mare of Eastown - Perfectly serviceable thriller shouldn't be that high.

Game of Thrones - Loved it but its quality does decrease as it goes on

Chernobyl - One of the best miniseries ever produced I rewatched the entire thing on a flight back from Singapore.

Succession - I love it but worry its going to suffer from Soprano's and Boardwalk Empire issues eventually if they doesn't finish it a season or two.

The Wire - Just really struggled with season 1 and kinda gave up should give it another go.

The Soprano's - Massively overrated much like Breaking Bad which I know is not a popular opinion. Its mainissue of creating shows without an ending or a devlopment plan so it just follows a cycle of Tony does something bad, shows no remorse, looks like he might grow, does something bad repeat. I really enjoyed it but theres a reason I lost interest.

Disagree about Mare of Eastlown, the plot may be standard enough, but the character work is excellent. Every character is fully realised and a brilliant in depth character to my mind. Also the second last episode is one of the best episodes of TV I remember.
I'm about to binge watch the seventh and final season of SHETLAND. I love this show and will miss it the minute I'm done streaming.

bbc no GIF by britbox
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Did know where to stick this as could of gone in video games the voice of Batman has died.

Congratulations to actress Christina Applegate (Married With Children, Anchorman movies, etc.). She got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. I'm happy for her because she's suffered a lot in the past decade. First it was breast cancer which led to a double mastectomy and now she has multiple sclerosis.

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