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I've started playing Minish Cap on the GBA
i found my old 3DS a while back just finished MM (100%) and OoT (main story), one or two things to go back a tidy up....**** those games are fun
I've owned a large chunk of the Assassin's Creed games and never finished any after Revelations so that's what I'm up to now. Amazing to think AC3 is 10 years old now. Pity the protagonist of 3 was such a dull character compared to the antagonist and the game had some nice ideas but bloody hell it is glitchy and buggy. Had a mission where it starts, did a little speech and then insta failed because the camera forgot to focus on a person I was supposed to chase so I was looking around wondering what I was supposed to do. Also a mission where you need to tackle someone but can't shove any people as an optional as you chase them. Problem is, tackling is so buggy you end up shoving the person you are tackling anyway. In many missions I just ignore the optional stuff because of how buggy it is. All the tree running stuff? Screw that.

Looking more forward to finishing Black flag, which I know I enjoyed more than 3. Then it's Freedom Cry, Rogue, Unity, Syndicate, Origins and Odyssey...
I kinda did the same during lockdown, but skipped out the smaller ones so did Black Flag --> Origins --> Odyssey --> Valhalla (started a couple weeks ago)

I loved all of them, very much my kinda game
Finally finished 3, pretty underwhelming and you have 20 minutes of unskippable credits at the end! 20 minutes! What arsehole decided that was a good idea? Ended up closing the game through task manager
Finally finished 3, pretty underwhelming and you have 20 minutes of unskippable credits at the end! 20 minutes! What arsehole decided that was a good idea? Ended up closing the game through task manager
I bought Gran Turismo 7 last month and the opening cutscene is unskippable and 8 minutes long - it also plays everytime you open the game unless you disable it, which is hidden away in a settings menu
Finally finished 3, pretty underwhelming and you have 20 minutes of unskippable credits at the end! 20 minutes! What arsehole decided that was a good idea? Ended up closing the game through task manager
I played through Origins recently... That's the Greek one innit?

Finished the story and was like, Oh, is that it?

Was going to do the side quests of all the mercenaries but was 20 levels below some of them so I'm not sure how much grinding that would take, but certainly not worth the effort.
Just started Black Flag now, god it's night and day already compared to 3. They did such a good job between the 2. I didn't notice it so much the first time as I had a big gap between playing them but this time round it is really noticeable going straight from 3 to 4.
my only problems with Black flag (as the only AC game ive played....the jumps in time, and not between past and future, like you finish a misson and its months or maybe even years later found it a little hard to follow the overall story so very much had to just concentrate on the missions in hand
I really didn't like AC3 at all, from the bugs and poor mission design through to the bigotry, American "saviours" and the illogical and strange choice of making a first nations character side with them (overwhelming majority of tribes sided with the British during the war), etc.

AC4- Black Flag, on the other hand is probably my favourite Assassin's Creed game for many reasons; I love it on a personal level because it's one of the few times you hear Welsh and Westcountry accents and they aren't the butt of jokes or really stupid farmer NPCs and the like, but fully fledged characters with smarts and guile. I honestly cannot name much media, games or otherwise, that offers a similar level of positive representation for us.
Ubisoft in general there days seem to make bland repetitive, buggy games focussed more on micro transactions than gameplay.

Will be interesting how they pan out over the next few years as their sales haven't been great and I know their share prices dropped.

They have also butchered all the Tom Clancy franchises which really angers me.
I'd wait, I've watched some videos and it is a bug riddled mess.

I'm looking at getting a new SSD now, was looking between the 970 EVO plus and the 980 Pro.
I've watched those videos… I'm waiting.
I've also got minimum spec gfx card atm.
Finally finished 3, pretty underwhelming and you have 20 minutes of unskippable credits at the end! 20 minutes! What arsehole decided that was a good idea? Ended up closing the game through task manager
I think I've 100%'d everything up until 3, I'm still waiting for a decent price to come up on 3, which is expensive compared to the others now that it's been remastered.
The hint is in the name, what games are you currently spending way too much of your time on?

I've just rediscovered Age of Empires II, by far the best real-time strategy game ever. A load of Football Manager too.
I wanna play the new spiderman but I go an xbox. I know its sad
Does anyone with a Playstation have the subscription service Plus?

If so would you recommend it?

I'm thinking of Premium £99 per year as the catalogue of games looks good but I enjoy having physical copies, though the retro games is were I'd play the most.
I have the Xbox equivalent and I think it's well worth the money.

When you weigh up the price of games with how long it takes you to complete them I think this is better.

You can also try games with the knowledge that if it's crap you haven't lost anything.

Obviously better if you've got decent bandwidth.
I have the mid tier subscription (extra?) so it has the back catalogue as well as the monthly games
The playstation version isn't as good as the Xbox one but still very very worth it, I've played a lot of games I probably wouldn't have dropped the cash on that I ended up loving

Some really good collections on there too, lots of assassin's creeds, lots of far crys, lots of Yakuza games, ghost of Tsushima etc

The lower tier is still worth it as the "free" monthly games often has some bangers in there
I think you need to top tier one to have access to their bigger collection of PS3 games (not all of them, just more than the previous tier) and streaming games - I've never bothered with it as I'm not particularly interested in PS3 games and my internet isn't good enough to consistently stream PS4 games
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