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What games are you playing?

Just finishing the Mass Effect trilogy. Really can't decide what to play next. My five options are below, as they are what's left of my back catalogue.

1) The Last Of Us. (Started the first part, but never moved on) Got the bug again after seeing the free first episode of the show on YouTube.
2) God of War. Just never got around to it.
3) Cyperpunk 2077 (stopped playing awhile back waiting for newer patches)
4) Witcher 3 remaster. Sunk 100's of hours into it before. Not sure I can handle the same again. Still my fave game.
5) Jedi Fallen Order. (It's been gathering dust forever in a draw)
The last of us and god of war are two of my all time favourite games and I think they are two of the best games ever made. So I'd definitely recommend both of them.
PilotWings was the best N64 game.
I would have been top 10 on the SNES for me. I set it up on RetroPie a few years back and didn't last 5 minutes, it has NOT aged well.
2) God of War. Just never got around to it.
I'm just coming to the end of my first (of a few I suspect) playthrough. I'd highly recommend it. At first, I found the semi-linear, not very open world a bit hard to get used to, but once I did loved it. The problem-solving element seemed like a blast from the past for me, maybe there are other current games like this, but I haven't run into one since I re-nerded during the pandemic.
4) Witcher 3 remaster. Sunk 100's of hours into it before. Not sure I can handle the same again. Still my fave game.
I'd forgotten I'd downloaded it, I don't think I even bothered loading it when I heard about all the problems on PC. I know what you mean about the same again, I'm a completionist and did every last thing on the map last time, I know I'll feel compelled to do it again, but will hate myself if I do. I've always had it in mind to 100% the achievements, so at some point, I'm going to have to Death March it. Can't get too excited about the prospect though.
Gonna give Goldeneye a go later but never had an N64 as a nipper so I've never really been into it - as above: it's aged awfully. Some games really hold up over time, even FPS games, but Goldeneye is driven purely by nostalgia
Agreed. My theory is that it was pretty much the first console FPS and certainly the first big release, so it got attention from lots of gamers and was their first FPS experience. Having been through Wolfenstein, Doom and a few more on PC by the time I touched this, the Star Fox graphics and weird little control stick made it seem like a backwards step to me. That said, I didn't play it much, maybe I would have got into it if I had.
5) Jedi Fallen Order. (It's been gathering dust forever in a draw)
Do this one to set you up for the sequel. It's not in The Last of Us classic territory but it is a very good game on many levels. Well worth playing now before sinking into one of the GOATs.

Personally I've been grinding the crap out of Overwatch 2 (just got nearly every role to Master) followed by downtime with the likes of High on Life, Guardians of the Galaxy, Infernax and Tunic. Fancy a fromlike or similar next so may do The Surge 2 or Hellpoint, I am open to suggestions so if anyone has any LMK!
It looks horribly outdated. But sure for those who played it on N64 will bring back fond memories.

When are they going to bring out Switch 4K/1080p?
im not sure it will ever happen, from what ive heard the vast majority of people still used the switch as a handheld so would you see the difference? (honestly dont know) there is the OLED version which i didn't get at first but after playing a couple of visually dark games i can now see the difference, they were almost unplayable in handheld so had to play on my TV

the graphics do look dated, thats why i thought they may have released the wii version instead as slightly better. in saying all this, i played KotOR I and II last year and the story made them playable, quickly got past the graphics

legend of zelda mm GIF

youve actually nailed it on the head, Majora mask is such a good game! mad story but the fact almost every single NPC has a full three day arc....almost every single one has some story of story or side quest, there is almost no one thats just walking around for no reason, played it on the 3DS last year....so good
im not sure it will ever happen, from what ive heard the vast majority of people still used the switch as a handheld so would you see the difference? (honestly dont know) there is the OLED version which i didn't get at first but after playing a couple of visually dark games i can now see the difference, they were almost unplayable in handheld so had to play on my TV

the graphics do look dated, thats why i thought they may have released the wii version instead as slightly better. in saying all this, i played KotOR I and II last year and the story made them playable, quickly got past the graphics
Yeh I doubt it as well. Just not Nintendo's way keeping up power wise. And to be fair their first party games don't really need the higher resolution and it'll save battery power on handheld mode. Has the OLED model got HDR?
Nintendo Direct tonight @10PM UK time.

Excited for it totally, especially as they are focusing on stuff coming in the first half of 2023 - Tears of the Kingdom definitely will be mentioned.

Add to that Nintendo say they want to sell more Switches this year, so I think 2023 / early 2024 is gonna be massive.

gameplay trailer....seems to get to use a truck...a balloon and some sort of hover platform....
Start nee job tomorrow. Staying in a hotel for a week until i can move into my new place. Brought my ps5 and will download harry potter after six nations.
I'm gonna try and delay getting it until after I've finished Spiderman: MM and AC: Valhalla, cause I know I'll never go back to them once I start HP, but we'll see how long I can hold out
I'm holding off on Harry Potter until reviews come out. Could be a bit of a flop or a tech nightmare (No mans sky, AC Unity etc). Top of my wishlist though.
I mean AAA game gonna sell and there enough people not aware of what She Who Must Not Be Named current political activism (it is nasty, it is targeted and nothing justifies it, doesn't mean people should do it in return).

I was and many others still are was possibly willing to overlook it under the many creatives idea in that whilst she'll get money that she wasn't really involved (one assumes she rubber stamped it).

I balked out when they decided a group which has rightly been criticised for anti-semitic tropes in her work was the anatagonists
"Antagonists featured in the game include Ranrok, the leader of the Goblin Rebellion"

Ultimately with Jedi Survivor, Resi 4, Persona 3/4 I have plenty to fill my time so missing out one game makes little difference.
Sometimes people who create great things suck. I make enough ethical consumption decisions that i will be able to sleep at night playing a game of a universe that defined my childhood.
Absolutely your choice and I don't judge people who make that decision. I don't particularly like the people who do judge others on something like this. There's a difference between informing people and letting them make their own decisions and telling people what to do.

I've never been that wedded to HP and admit so easy choice for me. And I note most people actively calling for the boycott are older.
kind of luckly us switch users have to wait a while longer...and have already pre ordered Zelda so Hogwarts will wait until after ive finished that

all reports ive see are its amazing, only weird things i read, no quiddich, lots of big games have a game inside a game and that seemed like an obvious one...and only 26 spells (i think) where something like Elden Rings has like 100...surprising things but not bad
As someone who doesn't like story games i like it. The spells are a bit odd as you have to use a menu to assign which ones you want to use. Some of the dueling is a bit hard as someone who only plays racing games. I don't blame them for not including quidditch cause I would probably complain about the gameplay and how the scoring wasn't realistic cause I'm a total knob. There is flying at some point though.

The story so far is good and there is one absolutely jaw dropping scene. I really struggled through the first hour just cause I struggle with games but now I have no issue sitting down and getting into it.

I have some issues with the floo network however. I do enjoy the freedom that you have to roam and make different decisions.
kind of luckly us switch users have to wait a while longer...and have already pre ordered Zelda so Hogwarts will wait until after ive finished that

all reports ive see are its amazing, only weird things i read, no quiddich, lots of big games have a game inside a game and that seemed like an obvious one...and only 26 spells (i think) where something like Elden Rings has like 100...surprising things but not bad
The new additions to Switch Online will keep you entertained until Tears of the Kingdom.

I've started playing Minish Cap on the GBA
Anyone played HiFi Rush? I was not that bothered about the surprise announcement and release, although happy for those that were, but now I've played the starting sections I have really fallen for it. This is a classic example of videos not capturing how it feels to play, and it feels really damn good. Also playing with Japanese audio which may help vs dub (plenty of options, including accessibility. Great to see) Aiming to hopefully finish HiFi Rush before Atomic Heart releases on the 21st.

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