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What games are you playing?

my new MacBook has the specs to play iRacing with bootcamp. Absolutely love that I get to play it but the only issue is that I have to use a windows operating system. I don't know how PC gaming has lasted this long.
Finally got in to Stardew Valley, after getting it on Switch (had it on PC and android for a while but never really had the attention span at the time for such a slow moving/casual game)
Enjoying it a lot as something to chip away at while watching TV
I was addicted to Stardew Valley on my Switch for ages. But I burnt myself out and went on to Graveyard Keeper

Haven't touched my Switch since getting the PS5 though.

Enjoy hunting and playing poker in Red Dead Redemption 2 too much
Dang. Still saving or just can't be bothered with stock trackers?
Decent places only seem to come in stock right before payday, haha

Ideally I want to order through amazon cause they have just the PS5, and next day delivery - rather than somewhere like game which only have bundles (so £200 more and with a load of tat I don't want, like a Fifa t shirt, or a cheap headset) and always have long delivery times (seen 1-2 weeks on some places)
Amazon had some stock in this morning...I get paid next monday

Realistically I could've got one at some point but I've been biding my time until there's enough games out to justify it - Elden Ring might be the one to tip the scales
i dont think it does, i think it is only time in game ;) i didn't do all the chest in skelige.....just couldn;t be bother sailing around and by that point in the story i had better gear and more money than i was going to find in chests

have you done the DLC's too? Blood and wine is like a whole nother game

qwent? do you play? thats the only outstanding quest i have
Apologies for the weird bump, but I demand validation! Just finished a play through on Blood and Broken Bones. 176 hours later, I have done every single quest (including Gwent ones) and cleared every single question mark, monster's nest, bandit camp, etc. I still have 13 achievements left to pick up, plus 9 secret achievements. I'll probably dive back in to this save to pick up, but will need another play through to pick up others (e.g. siding with the wrong person in the Woodland Spirit quest).

I'm now off for some mindless fragging in a copy of Doom 2016 I picked up in a CD Keys sale. I don't think I'll fancy another play through for a long while, but when I do, I'll be putting on my big boy pants and tacking a crack at Death March. I've read it's insane, but I'm more confident now I have an X Box controller to play use. I like the idea that it will force me to explore parts of the game that I didn't really bother with previously through lack of necessity, like potions, oils, deconcoctions and glyphs / runes.
Apologies for the weird bump, but I demand validation! Just finished a play through on Blood and Broken Bones. 176 hours later, I have done every single quest (including Gwent ones) and cleared every single question mark, monster's nest, bandit camp, etc. I still have 13 achievements left to pick up, plus 9 secret achievements. I'll probably dive back in to this save to pick up, but will need another play through to pick up others (e.g. siding with the wrong person in the Woodland Spirit quest).

I'm now off for some mindless fragging in a copy of Doom 2016 I picked up in a CD Keys sale. I don't think I'll fancy another play through for a long while, but when I do, I'll be putting on my big boy pants and tacking a crack at Death March. I've read it's insane, but I'm more confident now I have an X Box controller to play use. I like the idea that it will force me to explore parts of the game that I didn't really bother with previously through lack of necessity, like potions, oils, deconcoctions and glyphs / runes.
damn, gwent and skelige chests?...was it worth it?
Elden Ring arrived early and it's pretty, incredibly satisfying to play and is basically everything I want in a game. Kind of annoying that the 6N is on this weekend.
damn, gwent and skelige chests?...was it worth it?
Sort of, there's a bit of satisfaction from a grind well ground, plus it would have bugged me to leave a job mostly done, but not finished. The Gwent achievement wasn't too bad, I'd played everyone I could as and when I had the opportunity, so didn't have that many cards missing. To finish it up, I used a guide to visit all the played in Skilige and was lucky that they were the players who drop random cards who I had yet to play. Somehow I didn't enjoy Skilige as much as other places, so I had a lot more content there left to finish up than in other places.

In terms of being anything useful for the game itself, it was worthless. I was already wearing a Grandmaster set of Ursine armour, so everything I found got sold for money that I have little use for. The money might be handy for a couple of other armour achievements that I've yet to pick up though.
Sort of, there's a bit of satisfaction from a grind well ground, plus it would have bugged me to leave a job mostly done, but not finished. The Gwent achievement wasn't too bad, I'd played everyone I could as and when I had the opportunity, so didn't have that many cards missing. To finish it up, I used a guide to visit all the played in Skilige and was lucky that they were the players who drop random cards who I had yet to play. Somehow I didn't enjoy Skilige as much as other places, so I had a lot more content there left to finish up than in other places.

In terms of being anything useful for the game itself, it was worthless. I was already wearing a Grandmaster set of Ursine armour, so everything I found got sold for money that I have little use for. The money might be handy for a couple of other armour achievements that I've yet to pick up though.
i think the issues for me were, i never really understood gwent...and no one i knew ever understood it either so was very hard to get into. and skilige it almost feels like a glitch, byt the time you get there your gear is way above anything you find and so the need to searching is gone, not like early when you often find stuff above your lvl you can grow into
Pardon my ignorance, but was there any skill in Gwent at all? Wasn't it just based on how good the cards you owned were?
Pardon my ignorance, but was there any skill in Gwent at all? Wasn't it just based on how good the cards you owned were?
There's some but Northern Kingdoms was broken against the AI especially the Blue Stripes Commando's and the like it was pretty easy to utterly humiliate opponents decks because getting multipiers got silly in terms of power. Like all TCG's its about working out the meta and then once found using it successfully. Sometimes it required some anticipatation about cards the AI had.

But the game is deliberately broken for Witcher3 because they don't want players spending hours in a side game and want them to feel like they are successfull so with a few cards Geralt is unbeatable but the serious players in thw rodl in reality would have just as powerful decks.

Gwent the online TCG took the format modified it quite a fair bit to try to create a more balanced approach.
Elden Ring looks interesting but I think I'm probably too **** at video games to really play it.
Elden Ring looks interesting but I think I'm probably too **** at video games to really play it.
I've tried both Bloodborne and Demon's Souls. Also Returnal which doesn't have a difficulty setting. Decided higher level difficulty as standard is not for me at all, dying all the time doesn't feel like progression and I just find it frustrating. Hades I've sunk hours into but then it was designed to get progressively harder whilst giving you the tools to get further but also dying still progresses sub plots.

I have completed games on hardest difficulty, Ghost of Tsushima and all the Batman Arkham games, but usually after I've played them on 'normal' difficulty first. I think I prefer a challenge after I've seen everything I don't like it gating progress on the first run.
i think the issues for me were, i never really understood gwent...and no one i knew ever understood it either so was very hard to get into. and skilige it almost feels like a glitch, byt the time you get there your gear is way above anything you find and so the need to searching is gone, not like early when you often find stuff above your lvl you can grow into
I'd played a bit of Hearthstone while I was messing around with a new tablet, so was familiar with this kind of card game and am an avid card player IRL (mostly euchre these days, lots of poker and some cribbage in the past) so have decent "card sense". IIRC the game itself doesn't provide a lot of tuition, but once you understand the basic concept, you get better through experience and trial and error. If you're interested in getting your head around it, you could do worse than to download Hearthstone and play it for a few hours, I think it walks you through things better. You might find that the desktop / android Gwent game does this too, I've yet to download it. There's brobably beginner's guides online too.

Pardon my ignorance, but was there any skill in Gwent at all? Wasn't it just based on how good the cards you owned were?
Obviously the stronger the cards you own, the stronger deck you can build and in turn the greater the probability you get dealt a strong hand. I suspect that the deck that you select is as important as the way you play your cards. Whether this is a true skill or not depends on whether you do it yourself or pinch someone else's ideals online. Selecting a deck that gives you a good chance of being dealt a deck with synergy between the individual cards definately improves your chances. There's also a good dose of luck in the 10 cards that you are dealt, but there's skill in which (if any) you chose to swap and luck in what card it's replaced with. I have no doubt that there is skill playing the hand that you end up with though. The skill comes from reading your opponent's hand, baiting cards out of your opponent's deck, gaining maximum advantage for you defensive cards and playing your offensive cards to maximise their advantage.

TBH, most card games have a significant dose of luck, better players are the ones who identify small edges and take advantage of them, so will come out on top in the long run.
Anyone played the new (well, 2019) COD: Modern Warfare?
Just seen it's half price off on the PS Store (Sony cashing in on the story being about Russia invading a fictional Eastern Bloc country), might pick it up when I get home from work

From what I remember of reviews it's a return to having a solid campaign - I'm not a big fan of COD multiplayer (much prefer battlefield) so that's what's drawing me in
Anyone played the new (well, 2019) COD: Modern Warfare?
Just seen it's half price off on the PS Store (Sony cashing in on the story being about Russia invading a fictional Eastern Bloc country), might pick it up when I get home from work

From what I remember of reviews it's a return to having a solid campaign - I'm not a big fan of COD multiplayer (much prefer battlefield) so that's what's drawing me in
This is the most ridiculous console game I've ever come across:

90+ GB download
Go to start it
Sorry you've got to download the campaign separately, another 20gb
Download, go to start
Sorry you've got to download another 17GB to link the campaign to the multiplayer part

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