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What games are you playing?

That's got to have one of the worst cases of voice acting in history. I actually changed it into Polish and put the sub-***les on to make it berable:p

Yeah, the voice acting is pretty bad, also there are a few awkward translations. Deus Ex the first one is the worst game I've ever played for voice acting though, and like the Witcher I still liked the game.

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Max Payne 3. Very good shooter that plays out like a blockbuster movie.

Never really paid much attention to it before - my brother was obsessed with it during the Alphas/Betas, but I bought it the other week and can't get enough atm :lol:
NOT diablo 3, because I do NOT have enough money :(
It's unpiratable, works like an MMORPG but it's single-player with co-op so basically it's a...


Mass Single Player Online Role Playing Game With Co-Op
It's unpiratable, works like an MMORPG but it's single-player with co-op so basically it's a...


Mass Single Player Online Role Playing Game With Co-Op
Said nothing about Piracy. Have you heard about steam? Pay with a credit card pay it later.
I wasn't a huge Diablo guy found them OK but nothing amazing, I'll wait until it comes down in price also.
Finally finished AC:Revelations last week. That series is getting more convoluted by the minute.

Gonna try and restart my Deus Ex: HR campaign after my save was stole last Xmas.
Trying to get some LA Noir in but i've been to busy lately but my hour or so was very good.
Trying to get some LA Noir in but i've been to busy lately but my hour or so was very good.

It is a very good game. I really enjoyed it. Havnt played it a second time yet as I'm unsure how different the playing experience will actually be.
What problem are you having in getting it installed?

LOL, plenty and most of which I wouldn't know how to explain.

First it stalled after 5% installation with it being unable to delete temporary files. I fixed that another prompt came up which goes away if I shut down all anti-virus and Windows firewall and run as administrator but i keep getting another error.

Honestly, if I can't get it working tonight I'm going to donate it or snap the DVD if I'm feeling greedy and frustrated.
LOL, plenty and most of which I wouldn't know how to explain. First it stalled after 5% installation with it being unable to delete temporary files. I fixed that another prompt came up which goes away if I shut down all anti-virus and Windows firewall and run as administrator but i keep getting another error.Honestly, if I can't get it working tonight I'm going to donate it or snap the DVD if I'm feeling greedy and frustrated.
Why don't you do a clean boot then install it?
Anyone playing Dragons Dogma? It looked really good and people seem to think its better than skyrim in a lot of ways? Anyone wich to comment, it's worth a look if you like RPGs
Trying to get some LA Noir in but i've been to busy lately but my hour or so was very good.

I loved this game, some people won't if it's not their kind of game, but I thought it was incredible.

I got the Wing Commander's going again since GOG had them on sale having a lot of fun, Mark Hamill looks like **** though(heavy drinking maybe?) and it was 15 years ago LOL, wonder how he looks now.
Bought MLB Baseball 2k11 for £2 the other day, hilarious as I know very little about the game so just dived in and it didnt go well. Lost 11-0 in the first game, got a couple of hits though.

Bought Ghost Recon Future Soldier earlier. Can't wait to get stuck in, loved Advance Warfighter 1&2 so hope its like that but better.
Love MLB 2k11! Took me a while to master the home runs. Now can just about get the double plays in also.

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