Thanks TRF_RC.
But I guess there is no accounting for Trolls, or for those that get their kicks from other's failure as opposed to their own triumphs.
By the way Fluke Artist I may as well say that although our opinions vary slightly on the mind-set that the AB's should take into a cup, most of the differences were based on your earlier less explained posts. I still totally respect your right to your view, I just believe we were debating the differences in details.
I can see both sides of this kind of debate as Charles seems to believe that if the AB's want to win this cup they need to be ready for anything and go in with the knowledge that there are many sides that can tip them up on their day. It hasn't always seemed that the AB's have done that. Aside from the actual game played against France in 2007, it also came out that there'd been a team discussion with several key players in the team talking about which strategies they'd need
when they play the semi. Anton Oliver was one of those key players involved in that discussion and it was suggested that there was an attitude of looking a game ahead.
I'm sure lessons have been learned, but the thing about lessons learned is that they are never the final lesson. Sides need to try and anticipate what
may happen when they meet their various opposition if possible and that comes from the realisation of the danger and potential of those teams. You simply can't expect to win.
This is where the difference in the arguments diverge, because it's perfectly reasonable for a fan to have the right to expect the AB's to win it. They have that right no matter how realistically it may bear out to be. The team and management however, should expect that they have the skill-set, the right players and the ability to win. They shouldn't anticipate and expect the right of the win or for it to come to them. They should be realistically aware of the
fact that if they are not able to handle everything that is thrown at them there is a real chance of losing.
I'm not saying the AB's should go out with a losing mentality or defensive fearful mentality, but something more like "we are the best team in the world currently, we
can win this
if we play as well as the best team in the world can".
Still, there are no guarantees in this tournament.