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I had a problem with the camera view, it should be from behind the team you're playing as by default.

More problems were the gameplay; rucking, kicking system, the character graphics; they were heaps bulky and cartoony looking and the animation; running. It was truely a forgettable ***le, as much as I liked it to be the opposite but most Rugby games always end up not meetiing our expectations and even mine which are pretty low. All I want is a game like Jonah Lomu, better graphics and good gameplay and by good I mean Pro Evolution Soccer good, or Madden good.
i would like to see animations like in madden 2004, especially the side-step, stiff arm, and the one where the runner puts his head down to charge into a defender.
Better Animations
1. No half breaks, only to be caught and ending up 5m back.
2. Try saving tackles.
I'd like to see the forwards be a bit more involved. Like when you get to a ruck or maul situation, if the opposition aint there you can start driving it up the field. This would cause the opposition to call in defenders from the backline and fringes to the ruck/maul situation and then free up space out wide. If they dont join the ruck/maul you simply keep driving up field.
Been playing the game to death over the last few days and a few more ideas have sprung to mind:

1- If the attacking back line was deeper (Standing at a steeper angle) if would give them more time to do something with the ball and possibly cut out the forward passes.

2- If your player runs across field the AI should automatically make another player run in the opposite direction so you can perform a switch.

3- Make the opposition speed relevant to gamers speed (e.g. I just had Brian O Driscoll clear through by about 10mtrs, yet some flaming Argentinian nobody caught me!) So basically I can run flat out for 20mtrs whereas the AI can run 40mtrs flat out.

4 - I reckon if you had a L2 or R2 command to enable the player to drop the shoulder and try to bump off the oncoming tackler it would make the forwards more involved.
One of the things I liked about JLR was the ability to pass the ball to a player, change control to the recipient BEFORE the ball arrived, and then attack onto the ball in whichever direction I chose. Or if mistimed, missing the ball completely and having it bounce around causing chaos. That is fun.
Totally agree.

It almost alllows you to run off the ball! So instead of just running across field and trying to beat the player on the outside, you could sort of cut back in and beat the defence that way!
Originally posted by The Kiddie@Jul 17 2004, 01:21 AM
3- Make the opposition speed relevant to gamers speed (e.g. I just had Brian O Driscoll clear through by about 10mtrs, yet some flaming Argentinian nobody caught me!) So basically I can run flat out for 20mtrs whereas the AI can run 40mtrs flat out.
Yeah i hate that. its so frustrating

Sometimes I create a 2 man over lap and the computer winger manages to catch up with my outside player after I have drawn him in and the passed to the next man.
Originally posted by umosay@May 22 2004, 03:26 PM
-If the player you're controlling comes within say a 2.5m (or more) of a loose ball the AI should take over and run directly for the ball. I've played many game of 2 player where they would grubber through and then I'd end up running in small circles around the ball.
This I disagree with.

I despise games where the computer takes over anything I do. Free will, man, FREE WILL!

Get rid of nasty circling -- absolutely, that's annoying. They should just make it a bit tighter when near a lose ball.
Quick rucks, like r2001 where the first person their can just pick and go, whatever team.
The ability to form a strategy. Like, press select and then have the option of calling forwards in to start a maul, make the backs stand flat/deep, call more forwards into ruck for a pick and go.
Use the right anolouge stick for on the fly strategy.
Flick it towards the opposition to bring the fullback into the line.
Flick it left or right to spread numbers that way (used in defence also)
if you could time it right you could put in a chip kick for the fullback flying up.
Also like to see a good way of giving short crash balls off the ruck and 5/8 to suck in defence.

Anyone who has played Ratchet and Clank might be familiar wirth the quick select menu for weapons.

it could be used well in rugby, say you hold down triangle (or any button) and a small menu pops up and you can go left right up or down from four moves you select to be there before the game. you should be able to change what moves come up in the quick select menu at half time...

So you select secondfive crash, centre ctash, loop then miss pass, and two dummy cuts then wide. If these moves aren't working then at half time choose some new ones...

perhaps with the moves they should edit the lines the cpu controlled players run rather than controlling the move by itself (rugby 2004) so you are more in control and it would be much more enjoyable.


Take a leaf out of PES3's book for this dept, as it has great editing options. Make a face editor with different eyes mouths etc rather than selecting a face (madden, SJRL...)

Also have different kit templates like PES with variable colours. there is probably no need for flag editor unless you don't get the licenses in which case it would be great.

You should also be able to change colours of different players boots, just a little feature but seeing every player with the same boots is annoying.


Whilst the current passing is good, the running and tackling need serious work. Momentum is a big thing in rugby and i think it needs to be implemented into this game.With a big guy When running into a tackle you should be able to drive the opposition back a few steps before going down. Scrap the holding up tackles in favour of the offending team controlling the mauls, presing a certain combination of buttons (or just one button) should make a player turn and set for the maul. This would remove the annoyance of having a runaway and being suddenly stopped with a holdup tackle from behind.
Strong players need to be able to bump of tacklers like SJRL, the current break tackles where the players stop completely then break free are stupid.

Offloading should be put in somehow, I think the JLR offloads were fantastic, go for that style over the SJRL style, but make it quite risky for a bad pass.

Speed differences are a big issue for me, and need to be added. Too often do the defending players catch such flyers as Rockothoko and howlett. the defending players in WCR are miles faster than the attackers, this should not be the case. Also the centers in WCR seem to be faster than anyone else. The sprinting has been covered by other posts and should work in a different way. Players should be able to sprint for the lenght of the feild, and not stop to a jog while on the run. after a player makes a huge run his speed should decrease, making the need for subs greater and the realism better. A good way to do this would be to have a condition stat which goes down after a huge run. For example Robinson starts the game nippy and fast as usual, at this stage his condition is at 100, but after a handful of long runs it goes down to say 59, and his runs are less dynamic and slower. This could also have an effect on injurys, perhaps when a player is below 50 he is much more likely to be injured then when he is in good condition. Players with better stamina should have there condition go down slower.


A Career mode is needed for longetivity. It should have options of how to start it, have the option of starting with all correct players in the team, and the option of starting with nobodys. This way realism freaks and fantasy lovers would be equally happy.

-First of all, scouting should be put in, perhaps you could hire a scout (pay more for better scout who picks up better finds) andsend him to look for players under a certain category. So I send my scout out to look for a centre with my three ticked options (which should be a few of the stats in the game:
You could select high class players (super 12, international players) Seocnd class players (npc zrich prem...) or development players (more on these later)

My scout returns with a few people with high stats for speed kicking and tackling. i look through the list he has brought me and if I want I can buy the player... This would be a good system for scouting. if you want you should be able to select scouting to be turne off and simply look for good players yourself.

-Team tactics could consist of things like I mentioned earlier (moves to put in the quick select menu) How the backs stand (deep or flat, wide or packed) and players to be specially marked (maybe you want tuquri to be marked because he is a danger man) These can be changed before evry game.

-Other teams should try and buy your players during the off season also, this way you could ask for more money for the transfer etc

-Weekly E-mail wrap ups would be cool, simply to put all info into one easy to read document. the email could contain your scouts findings, other teams results, proposed transfers and any injuries your player may have obtained.

All of those features would make a pretty decent career mode.


Sorry for such a large post, hope it was useful.
Good post hypnotised.
I haven't played Ratchet and Clank, but that on the fly idea sounds good, like lets say, speed slows right down to about 1/5th or 1/10th (I never was that great at fractions) of normal speed so you have to make your decision snappy.
And on the gameplay part. You could also incorporate a rag-doll physics sort of thing. Not a real rag-doll engine, but one that calculates sheer size and speed to incorporate momentum. Like hypnotised said; its really annoying just stopping dead in your tracks because someone caught you from behind.
eg. Chris Jack is sprinting for the line, only for gregan to reach out, on the 5m line, grab him round the shoulders and come to a complete stop.
I'm no physics expert, but surely Chris Jacks size would carry him over the line? Surely Gregan, having to run the same direction as Jack, will not have the momentum, let alone strength, to halt him dead still?
-lineouts are not varied enough, more luck than skill
-scrums are impossible to win with lower teams, or good teams for that matter
-kicking lengths are not varied, eg. props kick as good as backs, kicks should travel further and faster
-ability to take marks
-AI that misses a goal kick once in a while
-quick pick up from rucks
-longer advantage
-more penalties, for holding on or something
-fix the long wacky pass bug
-fix the rule where a late tackle from a kick ends up where the tackle was made, rather than where the ball lands from the kick
-taller pads on the goal posts

-a lift feature from kickoffs, where you can get your forwards to lift a player to rise and get the ball

-elastic tackles need to be fixed
-crowd aesthetics
-more realistic sidestep
-make the players look at the ball when recieving a pass or kick
It occured to me that EA won't have the licenses to the Zurich Prem and other European Cup teams as in R2004 they were made up, hence Paris instead of Stade Francais, and London Exiles instead of Irish. More teams, with as much accuracy as is possible, would be a big bonus.
Needs heaps more stadiums.
I know thats been said before but there needs to be lots of them and stadiums that are actually a home ground to someone. For example; when you use the NZ team totour Africa, Why the hell are you playing in Twickenham? or the French one?
I've just come back from the Middlesex sevens at the weekend!

What an event, surely Swordfish can include a Seven a side option!? - And yes I know it will be difficult, as they will have to create a whole new code, but must be worth the effort!!
I enjoyed the first game, but it really needs Offloads, a better kicking (General and Goal) and also something to add longevity to the game! (I.e Franchise Mode)
i just want better AI, none of this if their in my 22 they're gonna score! Too many times i have tried to do defend my 22 only to have my players run straight past the player with the ball, or not even go anywhere near them!
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