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Originally posted by SAIRE@Feb 8 2005, 05:03 AM
This may have been brought up already but anyway.

Do you think re the licences that WCR2 could do what PES have done and get licences for say rugby tech or addidas ect and use those names or as I have just noticed EA have failed to get the right to the club tournaments maybe they could snap these up.

Also a good idea again from the great PES is to have the opion in edit name to also edit what the commenttor says.

OH and if you can make this game as PES I don't care!
I say give the user/gamer full editing abilities, so if there is no licenses we can try and re-create the content as best we can (and as much as we like)...

... putting commentary options for non-licensed teams into the game would also be pretty handy - fair enuff if the developers can't actually display the correct names due to license infringments, just add an editor and record plenty of random places/words that you might associate with rugby teams... surely they can't stop you from doing that... city names are used outside of rugby so there shoul be no real issue with that

as long as you gave the fans the option to edit/create our own stuff (in some depth) I think it would stop alot of the disgruntled views that appear on these forums ... and aside from all that, some good, lasting gameplay please!
Think alot of the ideas are great!!!would make the game even better than it is already. Just repeating some of what you have been saying
Don't know if its just me but the fullback in the original game never gets involved in the attacking line, think this should be changed and some nice simple set plays like the number eight picking of the scum then passing to the scum half.
Think that offloads should happen more often.
Think that you should be able to be able to move players from one position to another on the pitch e.g. swap the fullback and wing.
Think you should be able to pick your own squad before matches so you can choose a more defensive or attacking mlayer for postions etc.
If WRC2 manages to hit the store shelves (which I presume in the fullness of time it will - but you can never be too sure)...
I'm sure we all know to expect an increase in the games playability and decrease in button bashing... whether this makes the game more simulation or if it retains its arcade roots remains to be seen/told.

As we know that that aspect of the game will be changed/improved - What do folk think are the most realistic chance/options for the competitions that will be available to play? (aside from the currently existing comps in WCR). The idea here is to provide players with extra options and also extended longevity...

I'm talking about things like domestic leagues, proper tours etc, etc... or even the ability to create your own tournament (the much promised but undelivered idea from EA's Rugby2005!).
So the floor is open... hit me

EDIT: I know there has been alot mentioned previously in this thread... but I'm talking realistic aims here, not necessarily everybodies local league...
1. make the running game and graphics as good as Madden/ESPN NFL2K, viz, effective shoulder charges, hand off's and side steps which are easily accessible.

2. Needs GREATLY improved body dynamics - needs to be much more momentum based, unlike the current WCR where you can run full pelt into a stationery defender who just stops you dead in a "bear hug".

3. End to all button tapping - it doesn't work. This particularly sucks with scrums. I've NEVER won a scrum in WCR.

4. Improved, fully customisable views. The "from behind" view will always work best with rugby/American football.

5. Place kicking - need to have greater control, the Madden games have a great kicking system where you have to time it very well aswell as control direction.

6. Club teams - could easily get around the licence problems by allowing you to customise team names and kits. Also, need the creat-a-team and create-a-player options, as do most current sports games.

7. The contolrs need revamping in general. Suggestions (based on x box controller) - Y=choulder charge(drive tackle), A=sprint, L/R trigger = side step L/R, B=spin, X=hand off, Right thumbstick used to pass/punt/dg, black = chip/bomb, white=grubber

WCR not bad as a first attempt, in 2-3 years I hope that our rugby games will be as good as the current NFL games. We do need to support developers by buying the games though, if there is no market for rugby games then software companies will not invest in developing and improving them.

Sure, WCR was a great game. Just a few minor technical flaws that held it back from being an all around excellent game. Some of this stuff has already been over in this thread.

1) Tackles

I think that the tackling system needs to be overhauled.

- Big hits shouldnt be so easy to do as it makes the game too one-sided. There should only be a slight chance of the ball being knocked out, instead of a 100% chance of it happening. When it does, there should at least be a knock on awarded, as the ball was propelled forward. Also, the scrumhalf shouldnt be able to knock the ball clean out of the no. 8s hands.

- Less "stand up tackling". Currently in the international game, the emphasis is on getting the ball to ground and getting quick possession to thr backline. In WCR, there was too many tackles that forced you into a maul, a process that slowed down a normally fast game.

- Offloads need to be more easy to do, keeping the flow of the game going.

- Sidestepping more flexible.

- In WCR, the advantage lasted for one phase, highly agitating.

2) Rucks and Mauls

- Button bashing. It needs to be overhauled. The button bashing system sure did increase the pace of the game at times, but the novelty quickly wore off and in multiplayer, the winner of the rucks was the person who could bash the X button the fastest.

- The backs shouldnt be put into the rucks and mauls. One of my major gripes in the first game was the fact that most of the time the centres and often the fly-half were drawn into the rucks and mauls, leaving slow forwards to pass the ball to the wings, often denying tries due to their poor agility and passing skill.

- Falling apart. It wasent major, but whenever someone won a ruck, the whole thing fell into a mess of bodies, often meaning that the forwards can't get out for at least two phases, slowing down ball recycling and increasing the need to put backs into the rucks and mauls.

- Backline moves in loose play. This feature seems to have been incorporated into rugby 2005 well, and i think that it would open more corridors for WCR. However the option should be available to turn these off, to keep the simplicity there.

3) Lineouts

- Winning a lineout was a one in three chance in the first game, meaning that your lineout ball was not as safely won as it shouldve been. In WCR2, lineouts should come down to timed jumping and throwing distance, rather than a gamble. Also, taller players with more skill and experience should be able to beat smaller, less battle-hardy players to the ball mid-air.

- When the ball came down, the option to set up a maul and drive was not there - merely a chance encounter where you were held up and a maul started. This should be changed as this would provide a solid platform for the backs and increase the forwards usefulness in the game.

4) Scrums

- Again, like rucks and mauls, the button bashing system needs to be eradicted as pack size really didnt mean much.

- The hooker should at least have the hook the ball at the right time in order to win the scrum, making the game much more realistic.

- In WCR, when you won the scrum against the head, 9 times out of 10 the pass from the scrum half to the first reciever was forward, meaning that the scrumhalf would have to run the ball.

5) General Set Plays

- Backline moves. I know Swordfish Studios tried to keep the game simplistic, but the option to make moves happen with D-pad (on PS2) should be there. This would be a much simpler system to the menu method everytime a set piece occurs (like in rugby 2004) and would allow the game to flow.

6) Substitutions/Fatigue

- In the first game, the option to substitute players really wasent needed. Fatigue is a factor that should be introduced to make sure that players can be substituted - as this was just a novelty factor in the original.

- The running bar needs an overhaul too. The fact that player endurance is not varied depending on position on the field and body size was a let down. Backs bursts of pace only lasted a short amount of time

7) Creation

- Player creation really wasent touched on in the first game, and this should be addressed. The game would benefit from such a system.

- Player naming needs to be streamlined, as the need to change players names on your favourite teams was always there, however this was a difficult and long process.

8) Stadiums

- Only a handfull in the first game. I'm sure more fake stadiums would be appreciated. Even obtaining the rights to some of the more well-known stadiums would be a kick in the side to the EA franchise, because I'm tired of playing at Tiger Bay in WCR.

9) Unlockables

Would be nice. Sure, you got a few teams and 8 or 9 historical matches, but I really wanted more. What about the ability to unlock historic teams? Again, unlocking more stadiums would also be an incentive to play the game longer.

10) Trophies/Challenger

- A trophy cabinet to track competition wins would be good.

- Challenge tracking and profiles (like rugby 2004) would be a welcome addition. In WCR, there wasent enough incentive to keep playing.

11) Licensing

- More teams. Wales and England weren't enough. Yes Wales. It's hard to believe it was their official game too. I hardly noticed until i played them and say charvis playing.

- More stadiums. as mentioned.

- The Gilbert license was good, but i think that there should be more licenses for say, boots or jerseys. This would create more realism.

- Did anyone else think the team symbols were quite unrealistic and poor (eg. Australia had a kangaroo and a boomerang.)

12) Audio

- The Haka would be nice. Like in Rugby 2005.

- Sweet chariot was good - but a bit repetitive. If possible, more chants for more countries would be great.

- Commentary diversification. It got a bit shallow after a while. The commentators were great. But the problem was that the same things were played over and over and pieces of audio were put together quite clunkily.

13) Kicking

- More realism for goal kicking would be good. The wind resistance in the original was minimal when goal kicking. Also, the ability to slice to ball would be a welcome addition. Has anyone played the game Kicking Kings on the BBC website? If not check it out. Its an indication of what virtual goal kicking could be.

- Again, as with goal kicking wind resistance would be good, as the wind didnt really effect where the ball was going out. apart from that I thought the kicking system was good.

- Out on the full ruling. It was a bit clunky in the first game. At times, if I kicked the ball out on the full while clearing from behind my 5m line, play would be bought back there for some reason. This was vital as most of the time this meant good possession for the opposing team and a possible try

- Charge downs need to be harder to do. I could find myself charging down ball after ball if the need be.

14) Modes

- A fake Super 12 competition would be nice. The same goes for the European Cup.

- The names of the fake tournaments need to be a bit better. Three Nations was just a lame name.

- EA hasent bought the rights to the World Cup yet. Think of the potential. Same goes for the European clubs.

15) Misc.

- A nice opening movie would be good.

- Capture player animations for realistic graphics

- More player likeness

- Ability to save replays

- More than one referee would be nice. (That poor guys probably tired out from WCR)

- More camera angles. Two were useful. The others were there to make the game look good.

- Going to the video referee. Just a nice novelty. Turn it off if you want. Keeps the suspense going too.

*phew* As you can see, I was a big fan of the first game, and I think it would be great to see these features put in. BRING ON WCR2.
To make scrums more interesting:
- Push with analogue stick, the longer the push the greater its effectiveness, but if do it for too long the scrum will tire and retreat. So, you therefore have to find a good balance between timing the pushes and finding good duration of pushes similar to real games, when you hear teams shout 'heave' and they all push at the same time increasing the effectiveness of the scrum.
Originally posted by benchwarmer_chriswhitaker@Feb 26 2005, 04:33 PM

Sure, WCR was a great game. Just a few minor technical flaws that held it back from being an all around excellent game. Some of this stuff has already been over in this thread...

What a comment, benchwarmer!

I agree with all -- Swordfish should listen to your suggestions.

Anyway, I still appreciate the playability and flexibility of the game -- a sport videogame can't (and has not to) be an exact replica of the reality...
woo.... theres not much left to say is there? all great comments, if the game has only half of whats in here the games gonna rock. come on wcr2
dunno if all ready said prob has been but......give the A.I more of an idea about defending and preventing a grubber they run round it like the ball is on fire.
get rid of the 0 tackle. make a better system of tackling like in rugby 2005. eg just being able to run into them instead of pressing x. better punts which go further. liscened teams names. get rid of all thoses malls which happen if u run into someone. they drive me mad. make the scrum and ruck possible to win against 5 star teams. LESS BUTTON BASHING. set plays. i think the main thing is being ABLE TO SCORE WITH ANYONE. NOT ONLY YOUR WINGERS. for me that ( and button bashing and tackling ) is the most frustating part of the game.having to spread it wide every time just to gain any ground. the a.i defence needs to be improved greatly. the difference between forwards speed and the backs speeds it stupid, some forwards are just as quick as some backs. also it is obvouis players didnt have many indivisual stats. the just had kicking speed ( i think ) also touching on tackling again midget players can completly nail huge players this is stupid. lineouts are rubbish. the passing also needs to be improved greatly because of 2 things. 1 passes look fake. the curl and can travel half the width of the pitch. 2. the passing animations are poor. generally the animations are poor all round. THESE ARE A LOT OF THINGS BUT IF WRC 2 CAN GET THEM RIGHT IT COULD BE THE BEST RUGBY GAME EVER MADE. oh yea this is the main thing. scrap arcade play. im sure the majority of fans would want a more realistic game with better graphics. more stadiums. better moves ( perhaps with right anouloge ) like in rugby 2005. WHO CARES IF IT BORROWS RUGBY 2005'S IDEAS. IF IT CAN OVERALL BECOME A BETTER GAMING EXPERIENCE I WOULDNT MIND.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div>
scrap arcade play[/b]

The whole premise of WCR is that it offerd an alternative to the simulation heavy games out there.
You can add more depth to the game without losing the pick up and play strengths of the first game but I dont see any reason to completly change the whole idea of the way the game plays...its not just the hard-core rugby crowd that buys these games
i didnt completly mean to change it in to a simulation, still keep the pick up and play attributes just to have a few more realistic things in it.

How hard can it be to create a game with JLR gameplay, updated graphics and 100's of teams to choose from.
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