This is the kind of thing I'm talking about. pearo here doesn't sound like he's entirely convinced that Rugby World Cup will be significantly better than '08 and that's his right (fair enough). He's still not slagging the game off though, just asking questions and seems sceptical about how much potential development there's been (no problem).I'm going to see about installing a policy of instant post deletion for anyone who makes a negative
and unconstructive comment for either game.Being negative is fine if you are constructive or explaining in a non-sarcastic way why you feel a little let down or aren't interested. The disrespectful slagging and fanboyism is going to stop or be deleted. I have a clear set of guidelines that I'm off to the staff room about.

Oh yes, pearo. In answer to your question, the experience appears to be significantly different to those who've played, not just TRF people either. The turnovers appear to be much more appropriately handled than before.