Worlds best player (Messi) vs worlds best team (Germany)...90 times out of 100 the team wins.
Amazingly the Argies had the best chances, while Germany dominated possession (around 70%). The best team won so justice was served. Full credit to the Argies for making a far better game of it than I expected. Higuain has never been good enough so his miss one on one was standard for him, while Palacios (and his ridiculous hairdo) is garbage. Terrible terrible decision to bring him on. Argies had to defend for large periods and Mascherano in oarticular was immense..probably my man of the match.
Regards the Argie talking about respect..and Rugby, as somehow being superior. :lol: Total sham. Rugby players curse and swear like theres no tomorrow. Every Rugby doc I've seen is riddled with expletives. On the field punch ups and eye gouging gallore. The 99 call is still celebrated to this day. Martin Johnson took part in probably the most disrespectful moment ive ever seen on a field at Landsdowne rd in 2003. The man was a c555 of the supreme order that day (great player my all time XV). All this yes sir garbage to the ref is just that.
I will go deeper and look at tainted sport, on earth, can compete with Rugby Union. While football in Robben Island represented freedom, the white mans Rugby represented oppression. While football had no racial or class barriers, Rugby as an elitist activity had every barrier going. While football spread around the world organically and was voluntarily adopted, Rugby (like cricket) was via imperialism.
The Argie knows I can forgive his ignorance.