all of a sudden.............more b.o.l.l.o.ck.s!!!!!!!
Now then boys lets behave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, don't know if anybody saw it but Boujellal last piece of magic
is............. after the H Cup win and before the double which Toulon will do (sorry BE) he has said in an interview that this coming season's new signatures are done and dusted but the following season he wants to sign "The Quatre Fantastiques" which are the 4 best players in the world according to the God Boujellal, but he does not name them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! interesting n'est pas???????????????????,,
Well 2 days to go and Boujellal was guest of honour on Canals Grand Journal last night, with the weather girl Doriane Tillie dressed as Bernie la Bolt hilarious !!!!!!!!!!!!!( even down to the bald head incredible makeup) and "Big B" saying how good my Castrators were and that they were definetely favourites, this guy should have been a comedien and how poor he was in comparison to the"Fabres" regime that sponsor my Castrators
Dream on my friend myCastrators will loooooooooooooooose !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Boudjellal is continually going to say the opposite of what everybody says, just for the sake of it; and will exaggerate his words the more he's concerned with a topic. Like here, his team Toulon is in the final, it doesn't get bigger than that, so he's going overboard with outrageous notions that Castres are favorites. I wouldn't pay too much attention to what he'll be saying from now til after the weekend.
I find this scenario very interesting for the Top 14 final this year. Castres are reigning champs, and are up against Toulon again, and still are considered big-time underdogs (except by Boudjellal). It's kind of identical to last year, almost, if not for the slight nuance in that people had no idea Castres could beat Toulon in a final last year and that we now have that fact to work with...they did it last year when Toulon was even better; so this year they could do it again...
Dulin in an interview says he's not surprised at all by the fact that everybody's got Toulon to win it. Nobody talks about Castres, and he's okay with it. 'Just like last year', he says. He explains the main thing against Toulon is to not become a spectator of the match, and establish that Castres are here. Playing on auto-pilot just wouldn't do it against Toulon, and it's true, the C.O. will have to play out of their skins the entire 80 minutes, not a single moment of inattention could be afforded after-tomorrow.
I wonder if Toulon can be as dominant at the breakdown against Castres the same way they've been against basically everybody in the H Cup...
Seriously though, if Castres can win this, just wowwwwwwwwwwwww.....
I'm hoping for a massive game. So at the end it doesn't really matter who wins it