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Top 14 Day 6

you must have a very complicated life, i'm lost please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you must have a very complicated life, i'm lost please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what ?? Oh...dear, I wrote that ? Well you're right about my life, but I think I had an issue at the time with the fact that you wrote Stade Fr*****s in such an unholy, utterly standard fashion...you know on these boards, it can have a certain effect...over some. And haha, that's one strange bit I left at the end there...don't remember writing that up, haha... :s
hope you get better soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and how about Stadious Frangipanious!!!!!!
hope you get better soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and how about Stadious Frangipanious!!!!!!

thank you and yes that...*sigh*...that's quite better. It's better now...But you know gazitone, our threads, these boards...how to explain, ah, I'll just let Sir Edgar Allan Poe guide me through here as he said: "I Have Become Insane With Long Horrible Bouts Of Sanity"...it was just very frightening to see it written that way, I guess I just...panicked...too much information at once, too vivid...Anyways, it's gone now...

So your little Montypellierionni made the said Stade Frangipanious very upset the other day apparently:

Parisians didn't appreciate Nagusa's conv. To celebrate his 100th cap for MP, he took the kick (and made it), which made the Parisians' bellies grind as they didn't digest that move properly. Julien Tomas said "he's a Fijian, so he's in la-la land. He didn't think anything of it, but it did affect us after the game". Coach Quesada called it a lack of respect after the game.
Anyways, not a fascinating discussion to hold, just letting you know your MPians have made a booboo. Parisse even said they'd "remember this for the home game" :p
IT'S ON !!!!!!!!!
Absolute bull sh**, never heard anything so pathetic from the whinging parisians, it was Quesada who started it all, i witnessed the whole thing!!! after match interviews etc, Jimmy thought it was a bit of fun for his 100th game for the club that is it end of story!!!!.....Jimmy never ment any harm to anyone and certainly no disrespect to the Parisians they just went completely over the TOP!!! I spoke to Julian Tomas as he came out of the changing room and he was perfect never even mentioned it, a lot of fuss about nothing, they were well beaten and it got to their little pink (rose) noses. To rub salt into their poor little wounds and pink noses we will beat them at their place as well then they can really have something to bleat about !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poor little sh***
ohhhh, gaaaaaston !!!! Please !!! There are children reading !!!.....FOR FOOKS SAKE !!!!!!
And yes, vexed, the Stadistes made it a point to focus on something otherwise insignificant. It was a little bit disrespectful, imagine being a team that's lost largely and some guy all smiles kicks in the conv., straight up your alley...that sort of lightness can be a little bit vexing, I can understand that. Adds insult to injury, and yes it pours salt into the poor little pours as you said...wait, no: it pours salt into the poor wounds. Mmm...
and what's this...Dr.gaston making predicktions into the far future already ! This is a first I believe...with that many exclamation marks for your last sentence, I must take it you mean business !! I'LL TAKE YOU TO YOUR WORD FOR IT, REMEMBER THIS THREAD, TOP 14 DAY 6 !!! :p

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