We may never know. Also, it'll be interesting to see what injuries occur as the tournament progresses.Anywho the point of the thread was highlight just how many decent Internationals will NOT be at the World Cup, will this devalue the tournament ? Or is it just one of the factors that comes into play for a tournament that only happens once every 4 years ?
everytime someone kicks onto kirchner he starts side stepping and dodging who knows what and then runs into the player who was standing 20metres in front of him anyway! retard...
Because there's enough quotas already that isn't kak!
Never been a huge Kirchner fan, I've seen him play well but I've seen him get sin binned more & I've sometimes watched games & not known he was even on the pitch. From what I've seen of Januarie he could be on the list, but from what every1 seems to be saying he's obviously not that consistent ! lol
1. Thomas Domingo
2. Matthew Rees
3. Carl Hayman
4. Andries Bekker
5. Jeremy Thion
6. Liam Messam
7. Martyn Williams
8. Sebastien Chabal
9. Dwayne Peel
10. Aaron Cruden
11. Hosea Gear
12. Gavin Henson
13. Yannick Jauzion
14. Sitivini Sivivatu
15. Juan Martin Hernandez