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SuperLiga Americana de Rugby (SLAR)

there is not much rugby in Panama. Colombia had a team and coundlt maintained it, the argentine union ended paying for its second year, the last one before the end. It ended being a second argentine team. I dont think its the moment to add countries with barely any rugby. Only brazil makes sense, its a big market, and it has enough people to get a somewhat competitive team (still being last). As for the rest, stay with the ones with tradition in the southern cone, get chile and uruguay consistenly on T2 and the world cups, add more argie teams, maybe a second uruguayan and chilean on the mid future, and leave one in Paraguay and Brazil for a long time.

I dont think we'll gain much from adding a random lets say peruvian team, to get full of more argentine players, get more in Argentina were people go to the stadium and you can grow an audiance
Are they doing something? their level went really down in the last couple of years comparing to the americas rugby championship. Tournament I would love to see come back, now that everyone has professional players. For 2020 they were even going to have a second tier tournament and a promotion/relegation system. A way to include some not so developed teams like colombia, or the injustly left out paraguay, when the tournament started. But well covid killed everything, and it seems that south america isnt totally recovered. As an example Argentina had 3 professional teams in 2019 (with hugely different quality standards) ceibos (SLAR) Jaguares XV (curry cup) and Jaguares (Super Rugby).

Now, what I was coming to say. A 2024 season has been announced. Same 7 franchises same countries (the argie teams are unnamed, so cities, names and all that are not confirmed yet. The others are). Argentina 2 professional teams 2024, 5 years later. I keep saying, we'll need at least 4 professional teams, if not much more. And all the players spread all over the other countries.

After that, our only pathway for a T1 league is growing the fanbase of the league but making club fan give a **** about the tournament, and having a stable and gorwing economy to allow the union, and the provincial unions, to stopped depending on word rugby money, and being able to pay better salaries. Not a simple path in my argentine citizen living in argentina opinion. If we dont have that, we are condemned to a development for the south american T2s, and for us to expand the pool of future eligible players for the pumas.

I am no expert on Brazlian rugby but what I do know is domestically they have in the past few years introduced competitions that mean pretty much every geographic area of Brazil is now covered. So if there are impressive physical specimens out there they are giving themselves half a chance of finding them.
dont know if anyone is following the tournament, but this must be the best season since it started. Selknam just tie with dogos, 5 competitve teams with unknown results going in with matches between these teams.

And then, Cobras and raptors, who are probably only gonna win against eachother. (even so cobras beat peñarol on the first match)
well, new argie team, on tucuman, finally. https://www.lagaceta.com.ar/nota/am...era-sede-franquicia-super-rugby-americas.html

There were "talks" about adding two this year, since there is an agreement between the Rosario, Santa Fe, and Entre Rios unions (and money from the rosario city goverment pledge to the project), for a team based in Rosario (3rd city by population). But they left it to 2026 to have "more time to iron out the administrative requirements". But I'll believe it when I see it.

4 franchises + all the other argentine players is kind of good enough for a deeper pool of pro players. Would love to see some competition the second half of the year. For the future I think it would be amazing to have one in mendoza, and one in mar del plata. But 6 teams, seems like a wet dream

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