NZRU = Greedy precious windbags.
Nothing to see here.
absolutely right about the nothing to see here part - no substance to your post, just more posts about how greedy the NZRU is with nothing to back it up.
... after reading ALL of the previous posts, plus ALL of the articles related to this thread, I seriously doubt that many are going to read this anyway (due to the fact that I have posted articles, and repeatedly explained Steve Tew, the NZRU, and the Players association's position), but, here goes anyway ... the NZRU, the ARU, and probably some other major unions, plus a number of smaller unions (such as pacific island nations) cannot sustain participation in future world cups without outside help from the IRB under the current IRB financial model ... the NZRU did have money in cash reserves, and that's what's allowed them to continue through the Global financial crisis ... that money is gone.
Yes, changing of /lessening of restrictions on sponsorships etc are going to benefit the NZRU, as well as the ARU, SARU, RFU, ... Samoan union, Fijian union, Tongan union (in short, all unions will benefit)
... If people are too lazy to read the articles properly, or too pigheaded to try to understand them properly, well I guess i'm just wasting my time here
Why cant they meet in the middle?...IRB continues funding the unions and at the same time the unions have their independent sponsors..or is this too hard
That's probably what will happen ONCE the IRB finally sit down to discuss the issue, and they actually do something about it.